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The appraisal cycle

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Will I also need to get feedback from partners?

The short answer is no. We thought long and hard about whether or not to include feedback from our partners in the appraisal system.
There’s a lot of mutual trust between us and the startups we partner with. However we’re also very cognisant that our partners have incentives other than the development of our team. For example a partner would clearly be disincentivised to promote a high performing team member as it would increase their monthly fee.
We’re also very clear that our objective is to deliver the same high standard every time, regardless of the differing attitudes from our partners. We never do less work for a contented partner or more work for a grumpy partner. We treat them all the same.
In certain occasions, eg when a team member has worked with only 2-3 peers, we may ask partner feedback to help paint a better view of the performance for the moderation.

Why is feedback from team members playing such an important role in the appraisal system?

What is most important for us is for people to value their own self-improvement.
360 feedback from the team helps people become more self-aware of both strengths and areas they can improve, as well as how others perceive them. This gives team members the opportunity to use this information towards their own personal growth.

Who is the moderation team? What do they review?

This will be Sam, Dan, Anuli and Jag.
The moderation team would discuss the feedback that team members have obtained and and whether, as a whole, the team member exceeds expectations at their current level. They will also look at the business need for promotions between roles (ie how may people the business can support within each role)

What if I’ve only worked with one other team member?

That’s also ok! Get feedback from that team member and have a think if there are other team members that you would have handed a partner over to, or that you’ve worked with in squads, etc - you can get feedback from them too!

What if I’ve worked with someone who will be leaving before the end of the next appraisal cycle at RORA?

We will be launching the next Leapsome cycle early so that you have a chance to request feedback from the team member before they leave.

What do I do if I’ve received a lot of feedback requests and I’m struggling to complete them all?

Chat to your peers

What happens if I am during my probation/ notice period?

If you are on your probation period, you will not be included in the appraisal cycle. This is because you will be following the . If your probation ends within 6 weeks of the quarterly appraisal, you will also not be included in the quarterly appraisal as this would likely duplicate existing feedback.
During your notice period, you can still collect feedback and provide feedback to others.

When can I participate in the quarterly appraisal cycle if I just passed probation?

For the first quarterly review after probation, we require 6 weeks between the end of the probation and the quarterly review kick-off date

If I successfully get handed over a partner from a team member who is on a different position on the skills ladder, will I get promoted?

No. Promotions cannot be made outside of the quaterly appraisal cycle.

How do I view previously submitted feedback?

Go to Leapsome → Reviews → Overview by employee. Then click on the boxes in the far right column next to each employee name.

What if I am worried about not having enough peers / enough feedback?

Reach out to the PeopleOps squad and let them know in advance. If the moderation team finds that the feedback is insufficient, they can reach out to one of your relevant partners as well.
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