As with the quarterly progression, there are no longer Career Coaches in the probation process. Similarly to the quarterly progression as well, the moderation team will be moderating the feedback and sharing whether the team member is on track for their probation to end.
During probation (a new joiners’ first 3 months), feedback will be collected in Leapsome at two different points:
a first probation cycle launched after approx. 5 weeks in team a second probation cycle launched after approx. 9 weeks in the team The reason why we have two probation cycles is that the first one is helpful for the new team member to understand how they are doing and identify areas of strength/ areas of improvements - which is also why the comments are particularly valuable. The second probation cycle helps identify if the feedback has been taken onboard and confirm whether the team member is ready to pass their probation.
The first probation cycle
The first probation cycle will run automatically once a team member has been in the team for 5 weeks. Leapsome will ask new joiners to select the peers to collect feedback from - this should be circa 5 team members that they would be currently working with, or had handovers from - ideally from a mix of different levels (associate, manager, lead). The template for the peers to complete feedback is similar to the . In terms of timeline:
every Monday, Leapsome will check if a team member has reached 5 weeks in the team if so, the new joiner will be notified to add peers to collect feedback from - and will have 3 days to add those peers (ie by EOD Wednesday). nominated peers will have 2 weeks to provide feedback the PeopleOps team may add additional team members to give feedback within a week of the feedback being provided, the feedback will be reviewed by the moderation team and will let the new joiner know if they are on track for passing their probation The second probation cycle
The second probation cycle will run automatically once a team member has been in the team for 9 weeks.
The process is similar to the first probation cycle, apart from the fact that the peer providing feedback will not have to input comments. This is because they are likely to have already provided feedback a couple of weeks before with comments. Although the peers wouldn’t be able to input comments, we would still encourage the new joiner and the peer who provided feedback to have a conversation about the scores given.
In terms of timeline:
every Monday, Leapsome will check if a team member has reached 9 weeks in the team if so, the new joiner will be notified to add peers to collect feedback from - and will have 3 days to add those peers (ie by EOD Wednesday). nominated peers will have 2 weeks to provide feedback the PeopleOps team may add additional team members to give feedback the feedback will be reviewed by the moderation team and will let the new joiner know if they have passed their probation period - this will also be confirmed in writing FAQs:
Who should I select as my peers to get feedback from?
The peers to select should be circa 5 team members that you are currently working with, or had handovers from - ideally from a mix of different levels (associate, manager, lead). You might find that you are working with less team members than that (as some team members have bigger partner bookings), which is also fine 🙂
When can I participate in the quarterly appraisal cycle?
For the first quarterly review after probation, we require 6 weeks between the end of the probation and the quarterly review kick-off date
The skills ladder for FinOps Leads starts at Level 1 - what happens when I pass probation?
Because of the accelerated FinOps Manager pathway, the FinOps Lead Skills Ladder starts at Level 1. This means when you joined Quantico, you joined at Level 1, and once you pass probation, you will remain at Level 1.