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Becca Briggs' Virtual Book Club Doc
So, you’ve taken on the responsibility of being the moderator of a virtual book club! Don’t worry you’ll do great. This page is here to get you all the information you need to succeed. This Coda doc has been built to make this so easy!
The purpose of this doc is to bring people together virtually to discuss a chosen book. The goal is to have fun and keep people reading. Participation of club members is key to getting the most from the experience so encourage members to interact by adding books, voting, and interacting on the Discussion Pages so you don’t do all the talking. This might be new for many members so in your first couple meetings you can hold time in the beginning for everyone to get used to the format.
Books don’t need to be serious or with heavy themes. Discussion topics don’t need to be solely about the book either! Maybe you need updates on Wanda’s kitchen renovation or Ian’s trip to Mexico. Add whatever you like to create a fun relaxed atmosphere for the group so they keep coming back.

Packs Installed:

Packs integrate with other applications to facilitate different aspects of the book club like creating zoom links and populating book details. Below are all the Packs installed and what they do.
Gmail - Invite Members via the click of a button on the page
Google Calendar - Schedule a calendar event for the next meeting
Zoom - Create the zoom link for each new book chosen on the page
Book Lookup - This populates the Pages, Description, Cover Art, and provides a google link in the Big Table of Books when someone adds the Title and Author.

Where do you start?

Step 1: You need to invite people to join!

Go to the page and add names and emails of people you want to join. Anyone in the group can access this page so you can let members invite others as well. Click on the green button to send them an invite email and watch them roll in!

Step 2: Ask the group to add books!

Also on the page there is a pre-scripted email that you can send to the entire group to add books. This will be most useful in the beginning but if you ever see the book list getting low go ahead and click the gray button to send an email.

Step 3: Once the books are in, you need to hold a voting session to select the first book.

You can do this together in a first book club meeting or ask everyone to go
on their own time. Either is ok.

Step 4: Schedule your first book club meeting!

Go to the page and there should be 1 book listed - the first winner! Follow the instructions on the top of that page to get ready for the book club. From here you will create the discussion page, zoom link, and Google calendar invite. The Discussion Page template has been created for you so nothing you need to do there except click a button!

Step 5: Now, you should be set up to keep the book club moving along.

I recommend asking everyone to vote on the next book while y’all are all together at the end of the meeting. Reset the votes by clicking the orange button and give everyone a couple minutes to upvote their choice. Once everyone is done, toggle the winner to “Chosen” and it will appear in the page for you to begin the process of setting up the next meeting. The rinse and repeat!

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