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Becca Briggs' Virtual Book Club Doc

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Book Club Hub

Welcome to your Virtual Book Club Hub! This page will orient you to how this doc works so you can get the most out of your virtual book club experience. If you are a moderator setting up or running the administration of the book club go
for deeper understanding of the inner workings of the doc. Otherwise, read below for a quick tutorial on how to join in as a participant. Happy Reading!

Book clubs work best if everyone is contributing. If only one person chooses what the club reads then it’s a book-tatorship when it really should be a book-ocracy... (A Bring It On reference for my fellow millennials). And what makes a book-ocracy function is when everyone is empowered to submit books for consideration and then participate by voting for the next read - majority wins here!


Here’s how to get started

This book club is run on Coda. If you don’t have an account you can sign up for free.
Sign up for Coda
Add your top book pics to the Big Book List on this page:
Place your vote for what you want to read next on this page:
Your moderator will let you know when to do this.
As you read and prepare for the discussion go to this section: (each book will have one) and you can interact by:
Rating the book in the Pulse section from 1 to 5
Adding in discussion topics or questions to a running list called a 🐟Dory
Your moderator will communicate with you via email and create the zoom links, calendar invites and any reminders.
Your email address is stored on the page. If you need to make an update do so there and let your moderator know!

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