Concept and program for the selected route
Showing too little evidence that the concept developed suit the project's objectives
Satisfactory evidence/s that a suitable/ appropriate concept has been developed and can be identified.
Some major design issues identified.
Good evidence/s that a suitable/ appropriate concept has been developed properly shown. Some minor design issues identified.
Outstanding evidence/s that a suitable/ appropriate concept has been developed and well explained by the student. Very minor design issues identified.
Site Planning:
To develop proper site plan that shows proper respond to the site contect and as much as possible fulfill the planning guideline requirements
Showing too little evidence that the site planning, circulation and wayfinding have been properly developed and informative enough in explaining the design.
Satisfactory evidence/s that the site planning, circulation and wayfinding have been properly developed and informative enough in explaining the design. A few of design requirements are fulfilled yet major planning design issues identified.
Good evidence/s that site planning, circulation and wayfinding have been maturedly developed and informative in explaining the design. The design requirements are mostly fulfilled. Minor planning design issues identified.
Outstanding evidence/s that the site planning, circulation and wayfinding have been maturedly developed and outstandingly informative in explaining the design. Very minor planning design issues identified.
Floor Plans and Section:
To develop a set of floor plans that shows the layout of the buildings that shows integration between department, circulation, building services and structure.
Showing too little evidence that the floor plans and sections has been properly developed and informative enough in explaining the design.
Satisfactory evidence/s that the the floor plans and sections has been properly developed and informative enough in explaining the design. A few of design requirements are fulfilled yet major
design/drawing issues identified.
Good evidence/s that the floor plans and sections has been maturedly developed and informative in explaining the design. The design requirements are mostly fulfilled. Minor design/drawing issues identified.
Outstanding evidence/s that the floor plans and sections has been maturedly developed and outstandingly informative in explaining the design. Very minor design/drawing issues identified.
Callout floor plans for each accomodation type:
To develop callout floor plan for each accomodation types with space arrangement, openings and furnitures.
Showing too little evidence that the accomodation layouts has been design with proper care/consideration to the need of the users.
Satisfactory evidence/s that the accomodation layouts has been design with proper care/consideration to the need of the users. Some major design/drawing issues identified.
Good evidence/s that the accomodation layouts has been design with proper care/consideration to the need of the users. Some minor design/drawing issues identified.
Outstanding evidence/s that the accomodation layouts has been design with proper care/consideration to the need of the users. Very minor design/drawing issues identified.
3D Drawings and BIM
To utilise the BIM capabilities in design process and production
Showing too little evidence that BIM has been utilised in design process and communication drawings production.
Satisfactory evidence/s that hat BIM has been utilised in design process and communication drawings production. The digital model can be utilised in understanding and explaining about the design from a few design perspectives.
Good evidence/s that hat BIM has been utilised in design process and communication drawings production. The digital model has been well utilised in understanding and explaining about the design from various design perspectives.
Outstanding evidence/s that hat BIM has been utilised in design process and communication drawings production. The digital model has been fully utilised in understanding and explaining about the design from various design perspectives. The 3D drawing is very informative and outstandingly interesting.
Sectional Model (Physical):
To develop a typical construction system for the building with integration with the structure and services
Showing too little evidence that the integration criteria has been developed.
Satisfactory evidence/s that the integration criteria has been developed can be identified. Some major technical design issues identified.
Good evidence/s that the integration criteria has been developed shown. Some minor technical design issues identified.
Outstanding evidence/s that the integration criteria has been developed properly well explained by the student. Very minor technical design issues identified.