Converting the marks to a proper value according to the mark distribution
Getting the Total Marks
Converting the rest of the marks by checking the refrences cells
Vlookup for the Grade
Vlookup use and concepts
Adjusting the Marks
Additional ways to check the possibility to upgrade the mark if the difference is less than 2 marks
Convert to proper mark
Converting the marks to a proper value according to the mark distribution
Mail Merge
Create the Reference Excel Sheet’s Table
Create the excel sheet’s table with heading for the mail merge
Linking The Mail Merge Files
Linking the MsExcel file to the MsWord file and do the mail merge.
Create the Reference Excel Sheet’s Table
Create the excel sheet’s table with heading for the mail merge
Pivot Table
After some thought and consideration, I think pivot table is very important yet the concept need to be delivered in a separate class. Due to this the Pivot Table will be re-introduced in the next training Insyallah.
If you need to watch the pivot table part of the training, it is at 1:11:40 of this video: