Welcome to the trip planner of your dreams!
This doc is going to:
Allow your friends to suggest ideas they have for your upcoming trip Allow the group to vote on what activities they'd like to do Allow everyone to select and post the information about their flight (one source of truth!) Categorize expenses and attach receipts so the group can divide costs Send trip reminders to your friends (via slack, gmail, text, etc) Message for trip organizers
To get started, choose your designated Trip Organizer. Trip Organizers are the point of contact for questions about where payments go, group tasks, and transportation details. There can be more than one, and you can select this option from the Travelers page to volunteer (if needed).
The Trip Organizer selection will add you as the primary point of contact for your trip. If someone has questions about group tasks, your name will be listed in Slack, Gmail, and Twilio (text) messages as point of contact.
At least one Trip Organizer should also be pretty adept in Coda. This doc is chock full of Coda packs, tables, views, and formulas to make it feel more like an app. If you’re up to the challenge, head on over to the page for instructions on how things work and how to connect your Pack accounts (or how to disable them, if you so desire).