The Superhuman Product/Market Fit Engine
Template: Build your own PMF Engine

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Set up your survey

Get started by collecting data from your users.
The product/market fit engine is powered by user feedback with a lightweight survey. Here's a step-by-step guide to setting up your own version.

A. Create your survey

In our survey, we used 6 key questions. You might want to add more questions if you want to dig deeper on certain topics. We ran our survey with because it has great keyboard shortcuts, but you can use any good survey tool like .
We sent the survey only to users who had been using Superhuman for at least a few weeks, and who had sent a minimum number of emails. At the time, we had just 100-200 users to poll, but the survey also works at smaller scale. You start to get directionally correct results around 40 respondents — much fewer than most people think!
Coda Survey Form
How would you feel if you could no longer use Superhuman?
Please help us understand why you selected this answer?
What would you use if Superhuman were no longer available?
What is the main benefit you receive from using Superhuman?
What type of person do you think would benefit most from Superhuman?
How can we improve Superhuman for you?
Job Title
Submit Date
Responses won't be saved because this doc is in play modeSubmit

Use Coda form

From , and click on Options when you hover over the table
Click on More (with the 3 dots) and click on Form
Click on Layout to adjust the layout of the form if you wish. Click Publish when you’re ready to get an external link you can share and responses will automatically get sent to the .
Learn more:

Use Typeform survey

Create a account and create a survey with the questions above. For question #1, make sure to create . The remaining questions can be long text.
Import data into Coda
Click on Explore in the top-right, then Packs & Import, and find the to authenticate with your Typeform account
Once you’ve integrated with Typeform, you can drag-and-drop the Responses table from the Pack and sync responses from Typeform into the Responses table so it always stays up to date
If you prefer to copy/paste your survey responses, scroll down below to see the and manually edit the columns to match the questions you asked in the survey

Use Google Forms survey

Create a and add the questions above.
Import data into Coda
Copy and paste responses into the below, or:
Create a Zapier account and set up a Zap so that new . Make sure to select the table in Zapier.

B. Log your responses

You can use this section to collate your survey responses. The table below is currently filled with
actual responses from our first surveys in 2016-2017. (Any personal or identifying information has been removed.) You can use this table to explore a live data set and understand the method before applying it to your own product.
When you're ready to use your own data, hit this button to clear the table:
Clear Sample Data

Expand to see all responses

Submit Date
How would you feel if you could no longer use Superhuman?
Please help us understand why you selected this answer?
What would you use if Superhuman were no longer available?
What is the main benefit you receive from using Superhuman?
What type of person do you think would benefit most from Superhuman?
How can we improve Superhuman for you?
Job Title
Very disappointed
I'm at least 2x if not faster at processing email with superhuman. And the experience is far more pleasurable than any other email client I've used up to this point.
Back to Gmail web client. :-(
People who naturally gravitate towards hot-keys (keyboard shortcuts)
gripes: printing is sub-par; attachments such as word .docs can't be "previewed" without downloading first; some emails that are wider than the viewport force a horizontal scrollbar, without the ability to "widen" then screen — bummer. I switch between 4 email addresses throughout the day, and I do miss being able to customize the background for each account to quickly see which account i'm in.
Somewhat disappointed
Love the interface; it makes me want to go through my emails and get to inbox 0.
Gmail + Streak
Being incentivized to get to inbox 0
A company leader with a lot of inbound email. Superhuman makes it really easy to manage large volumes or email fast. Not sure if I'd recommend it to someone in an external-facing role like Sales or Support b/c there are more specialized email/automation tools for that.
If there was some way to make it closer to Calendar, because a lot of my email workflow is around scheduling meetings
Very disappointed
It's simplified the way I interact with email. Going back to Gmail would be HARD!
Given there'd be no comparable alternatives I'd likely revert back to Gmail
Speed, shortcuts, reminders which all give clarity to my work.
A busy one! I can only speak from personal experience but I'm a designer by trade yet run a design studio. Having Superhuman frees me up from the laborious act of email so i can spend more time at what I'm good at without the fear of not dealing with clients via email in a timely/efficient manner. In short I'd say Superhuman is for multi-tackers.
I'd love to see a mobile and PC version as I'm constantly hopping from multiple devices.
Co-founder, Creative Director
Very disappointed
I'm enjoying the speed of being able to easily do everything with shortcuts.
Gmail client.
focus and speed of going through emails.
people who receive north of 50 emails per day.
mobile client :)
Co-founder, Director of Product
Not disappointed
Super fast, no need for having my personal and professional Gmail tabs open, I don't think about read receipts anymore, snippets, etc.
Gmail + extensions
Keyboard shortcuts are super intuitive and searchable. This is the main backbone to me using all the other features
Anyone who spends at least 30 full minutes a day in email. (full)
As of right now, being able to do merge variables in snippets would be cool. Also, iOS app. :-)
Co-founder, Head of Engineering
Not disappointed
I'm getting through email dramatically faster. I'm also now really getting into a groove with shortcuts.
Probably try to go back to inbox app. And cry.
Anyone that sends or receives more than 5 important emails a day.
I'm still trying to get the hang of search. I'm guessing that I need to hit tab instead of enter to auto-complete. Maybe make that more clear?
Very disappointed
i finally feel able to keep up with email -- and I haven't felt this way in maybe 2 years? It's because I have a tool that's fast enough and intuitive enough for my workflow!
fuck. I don't even want to answer this or think about it - but maybe vanilla gmail / inbox?
Speed + action oriented design. It helps reinforce no distractions and a gtd oriented email approach.
Someone needs to be good at email (and on top of it on a daily basis) to achieve their goals (work/club/school).
I loath email on my phone and even if it's unstable + full of bugs ready to report - i'd love to try an iphone version whenever you can. Thanks:)
Very disappointed
I'm getting used to the awesome way it looks and works--super freaking fast and pleasant to the eye. I've been archiving and setting reminders like a boss.
I'd go back to gmail. I'd probably cobble together some extensions
Ability to set snoozes and send later. Let's me buy time or let emails come back to me when they make sense.
A professional who has to network with lots of people, or handle many support tickets, or who runs their own business.
I loath email on my phone and even if it's unstable + full of bugs ready to report - i'd love to try an iphone version whenever you can. Thanks:)
Founder, CMO, Content Strategist
Very disappointed
I've been able to completely rework the way I do email around Superhuman's features
I would be pretty disappointed. I've spent a lot of time learning how it works and adjusting my workflow to it
Speed and simplicity
Super-users and hyper productive people. Personally I feel that at scale the product may face significant user challenges because it could be quite difficult to onboard people in the fashion that you currently do.
A mobile app!! I'm still stuck on Newton for mobile and it's really really sad :( Mostly because I've become so accustomed to Superhuman, but also because read receipts don't carry over between the two (obviously, since they're different products) and so it becomes a chore to send an email because I have to remember which platform to check the read receipts on
CTO, Co-founder
Very disappointed
Airmail / nylas
NO BUGS! breakneck fast feedback
CEOs / sales / people whose jobs live and die by email
I already told Vivek about the long email thread reply problem. Also if Superhuman can make previewing attachments (ie seeing a modal popup by pressing the space bar) super easy, I would appreciate it very much
Co-founder, CEO
Very disappointed
A couple things that have been awesome: I've unsubscribed from more email lists than I ever have using any other tool. The ease of Cmd+K->Unsubscribe is great and I try it on almost every email. The visual interface makes me not hate staring at my inbox, it's pretty low cognitive load. I've begun changing my behavior to really take advantage of snoozing/reminders as opposed to just leaving things starred, feel like that helps me be more decisive in my workflow.
More intentionality around email workflow.
High volume emailer that is at least decent at building some kind of process.
Batch unsubscribe would be very awesome.
Co-founder, CTO
Somewhat disappointed
It works well
Google Inbox
Polished product
People who care about polish and keyboard shortcuts. PMs or nerdy designers
Visual design (figure & ground). Multiple emails inbox.
Very disappointed
Superhuman makes email feel less like email.
Saves time.
Email power users.
Better tools to help you scale the learning curve faster. Turn me into an expert power user faster.
Co-founder, CEO
Very disappointed
Superhuman is the most efficient email system I've used and I do a ton of email
Gmail's web app
Tons of great features that just lead to more streamlined ease of use and ultimately speed
Email power users
I'd like to see an email count for my other inbox. Being able to handle multiple accounts in the same client would also be helpful. Integration with salesforce would be amazing.
Founder, Managing Partner
Very disappointed
Slick design
better design and mailbox management
someone dedicated to 'inbox zero' philosophy
\- Copy/Paste Formatting (Bullet points from Word don't copy well). - Image resizing option when pasted into body of email (Gmail Example: Original, Best Fit, Small, Large) - Large attachments - how can we manage this long term?
Co-founder, CEO
Very disappointed
because the tech is dope!
time management
someone who is managing multiple projects at once
i'll keep thinking
Co-founder, T3 West
Very disappointed
After < 1 day of usage, it's already such a superior experience to Gmail.
Gmail web app.
The speed at which I'm able to get things done, esp. due to keyboard shortcuts.
1. Someone willing to pay for a better email experience 2. Someone who sends & receives a boatload of email
\- It was not obvious how to create bullets, but I tried an asterisk (like markdown) and it worked. That was definitely, "they made me think" moment. - I don't know how (or if I can) edit an email address or name that I paste into the send line.
Co-founder, CEO
Very disappointed
Just getting used to going real fast and not being distracted ... and I still feel I haven't seen half of it. Also, not having distractions on the screen is great. My behaviour is still starting to change, so this is preliminary.
Currently: zipping though my email. Future: yet to be seen
Executives (high email load, cognitive overload) and engineers / technical folks (used to keyboard shortcuts and using highly functioning efficient tools). Pricing may be different ;)
Make it rock-solid, keep it fast, keep cognitive load low, round out some functionality (drafts, etc).
CTO, Co-founder, Board Member
Very disappointed
SuperHuman's allowed me to be more efficient with my time, which would be a difficult thing to lose!
I would go back to native Gmail client as I'm confident the other contenders (mainly Airmail) have not improved since my last experience.
I can work through incoming email more quickly, sorting messages accordingly and streamlining my work process.
I've thought about this quite a bit over the past few weeks. I believe Superhuman is most useful to people that (a) have a lot of incoming email, (b) are highly proficient with keyboard shortcuts and (c) are motivated to improve personal productivity. Entrepreneurs are an obvious fit for the product. I could also see others that rely on speed (financiers, etc) taking early interest. I can see that trickling down to other members of their teams. I do have a bit of trouble identifying the natural progression from there...
The feedback loop has been great. I really appreciate the acknowledgement of new feedback and implementation of suggestions.
Very disappointed
Love it. The speed and ui allows me to get more done
Gmail or maybe back to airmail or who knows
Get more done and feels good
Busy professionals who also need context. Sales and execs and marketing and recruiting
Need links. Contacts integration like saving to contacts. Mobile
Founder, Managing Partner
Very disappointed
It has become ESSENTIAL as part of email. It is clean. Zen-like. Focused. Powerful.
Inbox or Spark for Mac Beta (if it's out)
Focus. Flow. Simplicity. Power.
Developers, hackers. Entrepreneurs. Startup folk. Creatives. Design enthusiasts.
Continuing to improve the email width legibility. Work more on full-screen focus mode. Continue to knock out edge-case bugs.
Very disappointed
It's part of my daily routine now.
Back to GMail
Saves me time.
Email power users that are keyboard shortcut ninjas.
Keep listening to my feedback as you've been doing.
Founder, CTO
Very disappointed
I've just switched over to Superhuman as my number 1 email on desktop!
Go back to gmail :-(
Speed with shortcuts and ease of use, email is actually more fun which is crazy to even type
I can relate mostly to CEOs who has to be one of the top beneficiaries
bulk updating and maybe biggest thing is sometimes searching for emails can be slow to load results. I'm going to test with different wifi to make sure, but seems like it can be slow to show results
Co-founder, CEO
Very disappointed
A few things: - Because I don't have my email constantly opened in a browser window, I'm better at avoiding being distracted by emails and tend to group my email sessions - It does feel as if I'm going faster through my emails - I shared that before but I also feel less rushed going through my emails - I now take the time to reply more thoughtful answers, longer emails
I guess I would have to sadly go back to Gmail
See above but focus and time management
Stressed out people
Calendar revamp or at least a more seamless way to go from my Superhuman email to my Google Calendar
Co-founder, President
Somewhat disappointed
I have thoroughly enjoyed using SuperHuman and truly appreciate its features. That being the case, I could still see myself switching back to Gmail if Superhuman was no longer available
Those who have to shuffle through tons of emails
Please finish the iOS app! Thank you :)
Founder, CEO, Lead Front End Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
Lots of promise, but still missing features that result in me having to run Superhuman + Inbox side by side still. Most important ones are reminders (as first-class objects, not email reminders) and mobile.
Speed and workflow management
Organized, high-bandwidth people
Mobile app, reminders, improve layout of inbox view (it's too wide)
Somewhat disappointed
just got used to a new way of reading and managing email
prob have to go back to airmail
productivity and tech oriented
show different accounts + desktop client
Somewhat disappointed
I switched off of Mixmax for SH and have been liking it so far. Still a few things missing (e.g. calendar scheduling, iOS) but I hear they're coming so doing things manually in the meantime.
Busy, busy people. Founders, VCs, professional/corporate services
Left a ton of feedback already but mainly the iOS app (which I hear some very exclusive people are already using... ahem), calendar scheduling, and two-column layout/mini-window for composing while reading emails.
Founder, Curator
Not disappointed
because it's still not indisposable. I still do not feel as organized and comfortable
quick to get rid of spammy emails
a person who gets 300+ emails a day
the ability to have important, pending emails that need to be front and center be in a Que of some sort..
Founder, CEO
Somewhat disappointed
I like what I see and am using, however, I still need to learn more of the functionality to say I can't live without. I want to keep using it and explore more and more, especially meeting invites, calendar invites and rich text features.
mix max
timing getting rid of emails that are irrelevant
a person with lots of emails
easy calendar invite, meeting invites
Not disappointed
Superhuman is very high-potential, but has not yet provided significant advantages or speed increases relative to my current gmail interface. Some of the feature implementations are a bit clunky (ex: Boomerang being an auto-generated email instead of a tag addition), some functionality requires using core Gmail (ex: filter creation), and some features are just missing (ex: send + archive, archive + return to inbox instead of advance). Also, any scheduling functionality requires a return to GCal, and since that's a bout 30% of my overall emails it makes navigation a bit difficult. Finally, the fact that I can't use both my work + personal email means that I'm using the Gmail interface anyway and can't fully migrate.
Standard Gmail + Gmail Offline. Or maybe Mailplane.
Speed, Offline
Unfortuantely, I think SH is best suited for non-power users of work email or perhaps personal email. Gmail (on web) has more power user features out of the box and is more customizable, and SH does not yet have any 'killer' features that give it an advantage (unless I missed some!).
I tend to send in feature requests as they come to me! One note based on my responses above. I've seen a lot of bugs in the attachment preview pane. I've stopped using the preview feature, and just download the docs + open natively now. Also, frankly, the price is way too high relative to the current quality of the product.
Co-founder, CEO
Somewhat disappointed
I really enjoy using it and I am much more productive on the desktop, but I find without mobile it’s breaking up my email workflow more than it is enhancing it at the moment
Gmail web on the desktop and iPhone
Productivity via reminders, speed (keyboard shortcuts)
People whose jobs require a lot of time on email
Mobile, and the ability to close the window and reopen it without it needing to effectively relaunch and reload
COO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
I'm still new to it. I love what I've seen so far. It won't be indispensable until: a) there is a mobile app and b) there is deeper calendar integration
I'd go back to gmail, though I think superhuman is much better.
All of the shortcuts have been great. Snooze and reminders have been excellent.
Any executive, any user with lots of email demands.
Mobile app, Calendar integration.
Somewhat disappointed
better than gmail but gmail still fine
anyone w high email volume
still doesn't sync all my emails completely sometimes (have to wait); also mobile UI isn't there yet
Founder, COO
Somewhat disappointed
Google Inbox's bundling is very helpful for my day-to-day life (travel specifically). No iOS app support.
Google Inbox (not Gmail)
Really fast interface is the main sell for me right now
People who spend a lot of time in email and are power users (I essentially don't use my mouse at all0
Feels like I've already emailed you a few times here ;) Mainly: bundle emails for travel / tickets / etc. + better workflow controls (I don't want archiving something to take me straight to the next email, just want it to take me back to the email list)
Somewhat disappointed
Still getting the hang of it
Probably inbox
Keyboard shortcuts focus and speed
Busy technical person
Faster searching
COO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
Trying to use it for all my email, but still feel a strong draw to go back to gmail. Its really hard to alter a flow I've been doing for 6+ years.
Native gmail.
Offline support and command+k
Heavy traveler and someone who optimizes for email optimization
I get signed out every day, labels don't collapse like in gmail, no unread counts for email, aesthetic is too nordic
Somewhat disappointed
Haven’t used it long enough to optimize my work flow. After years of gmail it’s hard to switch
Gmail web
Offline and command k
High traffic email
Somewhat disappointed
definitely has made me faster, better than gmail by far. still is in the "nice to have" not "need to have" Category but well worth $30/mo
gmail - maybe investigate other things?
sales/customer success, executives, founders - i.e folks with high email volume
already have submitted some (very minor) feedback. anothre thing - i find myself havig to go back into gmail to edit my filters - not sure if their API allows filters to be setup externally but that would be nice. Something like "smart filters" would be cool, e.g. "compute a search string based on the message i'm currently looking at and similar matches and filter all those out"
Founder, COO
Somewhat disappointed
I love the product in general but I'm still training myself on the workflow (changing habits from Inbox), and finding it a bit challenging to switch back and forth from mobile to desktop because I don't have the Superhuman mobile app (so my mobile inbox is full of snoozed messages)
faster email processing
Efficiency nuts
Mobile app. Also, let me get rid of some of the animations, because they slow me down (especially the 'archive' animation, which kills my flow). Fast >> animated!
Founder, CEO
Somewhat disappointed
Still trying to break the Gmail habit
Speed & shortcut (keyboard) learning
founder/early stage tech
app for my phone
Co-founder, SVP Growth, Innovation
Somewhat disappointed
I like the product. I think I can grow to love it just need more time with it
better focus then with gmail client. get through emails way quicker
pretty nerdy ones. some might think is plain but is exactly what i need
there is alot of space on the left when I am either replying or composing, a few times I had to exit draft then look for something get info from a old email then go back. since the left panel is pretty blank be good if i can search for things there so i dont need to exit draft
CTO, CPO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
In the couple of days I've begun to use it I am definitely blazing through more emails and am getting a sense of what email could be if it was was 'created' in 2017!
Speed, simplicity, great design, shortcuts, ease of reading / processing info in msgs
People who love excel shortcuts & in general early adopters of tech tools - Apple / iOS enthusiasts come to mind as well
really enjoy the shortcut prompts when i do something manually - keep those coming!
Founder Services Lead
Somewhat disappointed
Its a very fun and useful e-mail client. It would be a bummer, but its an email client.
Keyboard shortcuts
Someone who sends and receives a ton of emails
Its harder to search and reference old emails than it was on google -- I would love it if that feature was emphasized or if you could search using cntrl k. Also I think the read receipts are too hidden, it would be great if they were put near every email kind of like streak.
Co-founder, CEO
Somewhat disappointed
Fun and 20% better than Google Inbox but probably not yet worth $30/month for me. Currently way worse than Google Inbox since no functioning mobile experience.
Google Inbox
More fun, a bit faster
Someone who emails a lot
iOS app Make it easier to search: Needing to go Command+K, then Search is too slow. Price is too high
Founder, CEO
Somewhat disappointed
It makes me more efficient, but not yet mission critical
Gmail inbox
Speed, keyboard shortcuts, email open tracking
Sales and BD people
More reliable. More CRM-like features. Mobile
Co-founder, CEO
Somewhat disappointed
I've only used it for a couple weeks so while I think it is unambiguously better than Gmail right now, it's not yet indispensable. I do see the potential though!
Speed, not just website performance but more so since the product is very clean, its much easier and faster to focus on the right things and getting things done, which is generally to read and respond to emails.
Executives, salespeople, any client/provider business.
Replace Gmail on my phone
Co-founder, CEO
Somewhat disappointed
It's fast and makes it easier for me to focus on email and plow through it.
Google Inbox.
See Answer 2.
Someone with lots of email!
I use SaneBox and it's a little confusing to use it with Superhuman -- sometimes things are in my Inbox when they shouldn't be (and should instead be in a folder if they have the label applied)
Co-founder, CEO
Not disappointed
I have only been using it for one day so not completely attached yet. It's faster but wondering if there is a 'killer' feature or if that is simply speed.
people who want speed and are inbox zero
It's great so far. One note is the subtleness of the design. One primary color could help significantly.
Founder, CEO
Somewhat disappointed
It's a great experience! I love it, and feel much more productive (and stress-free!) when I use it. But I've also been using Apple Mail for so long that I think I'd fall back into the groove pretty quickly.
Apple Mail. :( One day they'll make it better, right?
Stress relief. Focus. All the distractions are gone and I can focus on one email at a time.
People with concentration issue.
I still haven't gotten accustomed to your threading paradigm. I kinda like that threads get grouped, but I'm still working through the anxiety around items i've deleted coming back.
Founder, CEO
Somewhat disappointed
I'm still getting comfortable with the product... change is hard :)
i see how this might make me faster at email
people who pay attention to detail and are frustrated by the lack of details in other mail products
I think small hacks to help me make the transition from gmail... i visually recognize my email tab by the favicon... make one that looks more like gmail :) with some red & white or maybe the "new" email count
Somewhat disappointed
Very happy so far!
Gmail browser client
So far the speed
Busy people
Integrate my calendar
Co-founder, CTO
Somewhat disappointed
The product is easy to use, intuitive and clean
Mac Mail
features mac mail doesn't have (read receipt/scheduling)
someone in business
would be AMAZING if there was a sidebar or something so I can see multiple accounts at once. One downside is having to tab across rather than see which inboxes have the most unread messages
Principal, Founder
Somewhat disappointed
I have been buying into the simplified shortcut driven email game.
those who strive for greater efficiency
Inbox counter, pop up email draft view, improved search functionality, breakup of email chain into individual email, split screenview (ala outlook style)... but I am sure that is all coming ;)
Somewhat disappointed
I very much like using Superhuman, but I could get by with other alternatives (e.g., Google Inbox) if it weren't there. It might be because there is no integrated desktop–mobile experience yet, so I am still stuck half-way between a great desktop experience and an average (apple mail) mobile experience.
Google Inbox
Overall, it is faster to process emails on desktop using Superhuman. This is mainly, for me, because of the shortcuts and also the important / other split (vs. Inbox, which is clunkier to use with the many different categories of emails)
Anyone who receives / needs to process a lot of email
Mobile (iOS) app please!
Somewhat disappointed
I just started using Superhuman, so I'm still used to the crappy Gmail web client. I anticipate moving to the "very disappointed" column in a few weeks
Back to Gmail
Offline access while on planes. Also superfast access when local
Heavy email triage-ers like myself. Founders and CEOs, other C-suite execs on G-suite.
I love the keyboard shortcut tooltips... also if Rahul's onboarding session was available online :)
CTO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
I like the snooze UX. Very cool and fast when using Superhuman Control. Also it's fast when switching threads via shortcuts J & K. However the load time is visibly slow when switching from Important to Other (or vice versa), when performing keyword searches, and when opening a new email that hasn't already been cached. Also the Reminders vs Snoozing UX is confusing.
Inbox (Gmail has gotten much slower in the past few months)
Speed, triaging emails, going through inbox
Someone that doesn't need very many email tools (okay using the basic add ons like read receipts, snoozing, templates, etc.) and that processes and deals with high volumes.
Improve speed. Remove bugs. Ship templates and mobile. Integrations
Somewhat disappointed
Off to a great start, but have also had some bugs and am getting used to the sw. I think ultimately, I'll love it.
Gmail and Spark
Great UX. Fast.
Power users
Inbox count would be helpful
Founder, Managing Partner
Not disappointed
So you can look at this for the perspective of what are the benefits over the previous platform that i use vs the pitfalls. Benefits of Superhuman: - The only real value add I feel is offline mode. The speed component is there but because everything is so minimalist and keyboard shortcut key selection its often negated. Pitfalls of Superhuman: - I hate when email programs mark stuff as read when you didn’t select to open it. Also the trick to just type u after and have that take you back to the inbox with the selected email go back to unread is not a solution because if it was already read from before it would then get marked as unread. I'm slowly getting over this one. - Using arrows instead of n and p. Huge disruption to speed. You can’t do that and stay in the keyboard position. I fine with it not being n and p but pick something our fingers can reach if you’re going to change shorts from accessible ones to making the feature worse. :) - When you send an email in a thread, after you send it the cursor is on the first email instead of the second. You then have to move it down to forward or take action on the most recent email. this wouldnt be as bad as it is but you messed up on the arrows / n p so now i have to move my had to go down. There is another issue here too but would take me too long to explain. - You have to type two letters to up a level instead of one. I think its ridiculous that you’ve changed the functionality of u. Also makes it worse that it performs a seemingly similar task but actually does something totally different. I'm training myself to get over this but I just dont feel is something worth retraining over! - Another pitfall is when composing emails you cant see your inbox in the BG. Which is often so key! This is another example of you removing a feature for the sake of being minimal, right? I have to keep gmail open in another tab to still work fast enough so that this Is not an issue. - Another pitfall: Its pretty annoying that I can only see dates and not times. Have to open and hover for a time #thatsucks #stopremovingfeaturesforthesakeoflookingpretty - There are other pitfalls, like lacking boomerang features, but i know that's coming. Still relevant to this point though as its a pitfall and you lose it right now when you switch. Overall there is so much that i'm missing from gmail that doesnt seem like its a pending feature that you're going to add. I'm fine with not having everything from gmail here, but then if you want to take away stuff the additional benefits should be there to compensate. Thats what i'm missing.
Offline mode.
Someone that is really into minimal design.
Answered in question 2.
Somewhat disappointed
It's really great for my morning inbox cleanup. It's really fast and easy. For the rest of the day it's easier to use Gmail because of gchat, calendar, number of pending emails on different buckets.
It's fast when I need to do kind of mechanical work and browse important emails.
executives, recruiters, sales people
Think more about integrations and toolkits that people usually use with their emails. e.g. chat, calendar, extensions, etc.
Co-founder, VP Product
Somewhat disappointed
I'm addicted to the speed and love the look.
I could go back to regular gmail on desktop and inbox on mobile if I had to.
Relaxing yet powerful e-mail flow.
Someone who gets a lot of e-mail and actually wants to go through it.
I'd like a way to know if there are pending ops (mail to be sent, for example).
Co-founder, CTO
Somewhat disappointed
I only recently started
Spark or Polymail
Speed and a good clean experience
Entrepreneur managing a lot of emails
Would really, really appreciate a Mac app + iOS app
Founder, COO
Somewhat disappointed
I'm enjoying using Superhuman *A LOT*, but it hasn't permeated my daily habits yet. I suppose it takes a long time to do that, since I've been using the same email tool for the last 15 years (!!). But anyway, as much as I enjoy it, my fallback is tolerable.
Back to Apple Mail.
Zen. Superhuman hides all the other distractions, and remind me that the trick to tackling email is one-at-a-time.
ADD folks. And people who are trying to be more productive.
Still just one thing: I treat my inbox as a task list. Sometimes I leave a single email in a thread because there is something I need to act on it. But the thread continues. Since Superhuman collapses threads into a single object, it isn't possible for me (or I can't figure out how) to identify which emails in a thread are still in my inbox, and which are fluff. Worse: since you put the latest email in a thread in my view, I've accidentally marked a thread as done, when there was an outstanding task in the thread that I forgot I left in my inbox.
Founder, CEO
Somewhat disappointed
There are certain cases that are not covered for me, and I have a feeling that I am missing something. In terms of my inbox, I feel confident and Superhuman provides really amazing experience. But I have some stuff to track that doesn't go to my inbox and I have to check some other buckets to not lose anything. Having the number of emails in each bucket would be really helpful.
It's really fast and easy to use
Executives and also advanced computer users that like interacting with the computer as fast as possible.
Would be great to have a mobile version. Also, handling the problem of monitoring other than inbox bucket would be awesome. The simplest solution would be having the number of unread emails next to each bucket.
Co-founder, VP Product
Somewhat disappointed
It has steam lined my primary email experience but still lacks important features that I need
Gmail web interface
Speed / simplicity / freedom from distraction
Better calendar integration , send later, insert appointment scheduling into body
Co-founder, CEO
Somewhat disappointed
1. I still end up using gmail everyday for the places where superhuman doesn't work (mostly calendar, displaying some html email incorrectly) 2. I'm still just getting use to using superhuman on a daily basis, probably need to use it for 30 days or so for it to become indispensable.
. gmail
Speed, hotkeys, better workflow because i go through my email quickly using hotkeys. Consistent visuals across all email.
Tech people because it's pretty sophisticated to use. I don't know how accessible/mass market the product is/will be.
I've had some issues with sending reliability.
Founder, CEO
Somewhat disappointed
Love kb shortcuts, snoozing and the overall UX. But would also grudgingly go back to Inbox if necessary.
Inbox by Gmail
A lot easier to get to Inbox Zero, plus a much nicer interface. The dark theme is actually a great feature for me.
Vim and Emacs users.
Already sent in lots of feedback. Will send more. Keep it up guys!
Founder, CEO
Somewhat disappointed
it's nice but hasn't felt like a groundbreaking improvement to my workflow so far
probably a placebo sense of urgency to be fast and productive when I churn through my inbox
managers, directors and vp level execs
better AI integration, suggesting actions on emails proactively and building in snippets into suggested replies and complex actions
CTO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
Product is not finished & some minor bugs makes me feel it is not a robust solutions yet
I work faster through my emails
Shortcuts are great but when I switch between two apps and start typing in the wrong app. I can trigger actions without noticing...
Co-founder, CEO
Somewhat disappointed
Although there are many useful features already usable in the software there are still many features/ functions missing; which would make me choose "very dissapointed"
its quick. really takes away the use of mouse , the more I use it the quicker I get.
a heavy keyboard user. not ordinary pc users. people that need to work and act fast. programmers definitely as they are living on keyboard.
have a native app for mac, ipad and ios. unify inboxes.
CIO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
There's definitely some very nice shortcuts, views and affordances that I've gotten used to with Superhuman that would be quite disappointing to give up if I had to go back to Gmail. It's just a much more enjoyable experience.
Gmail web
Faster, more focused, easier and just more enjoyable management of email.
People who are in their email all the time - sales people, entrepreneurs, investors, networkers, etc., or people who focus a lot on their productivity.
I've already shared specific feedback directly through the product, so I don't have a ton to add here outside of that :)
Head of Product, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
It's an incremental improvement upon my existing email workflow but it's not as if losing superhuman meant i couldn't email people anymore.
Mailspring and Inbox
peace of mind, flow
high touch communication professionals, delegaters
I'm not sure
Co-founder, Chief Design Officer
Very disappointed
I really feel in charge and funny enough I feel super human. I achieve inbox zero on some of my split folders consistently.
Gmail :-(
Fast triage. Reply-send super fast.
high achievers that want to control their email instead on being control by it.
Make it easier to split boxes for groups of people or organizations. I want to create a split for my top clients, so for example I would love to be able to split by or or etc.
General Manager
Very disappointed
Increases my productivity on email by a factor of at least 3-4x
Go back to Apple Mail probably :-( or look for a closer alternative
Speed of work
Anyone whose professional (or personal) life involves a lot of email
Better 'traceability' of what I've done. It would be useful to be able to see a high-level history of what I've done so that if I do something by accident (e.g. hitting a keyboard shortcut I didn't know) and I miss it at the time (so can't just hit Z) I can go back and trace my steps. Also, sometimes it doesn't register people with my domain as 'Team' so the Team inbox doesn't always work.
Investment Manager
Very disappointed
The keyboard shortcuts for everything make me so much more efficient. Some of the best touches: booking meetings and cal auto shows up and can change days (so clutch), tab to accept meetings, staying within message previews when archive (rather than go back to main inbox), snippets (though haven’t used a ton yet, it brings me so much joy when I can), the Cmd shift I to move to bcc (so clutch)
Gmail, and I would try to find extensions to try to get me close to what superhuman offers. And undoubtedly would be very disappointed.
Can action emails far quicker. Massive throughput increase.
Person who is highly needed by others (Product, BD, Sales). Many responses are consistent, and also booking meetings is frequent. Superhuman excels on both.
Does this sync with Salesforce? I actually have completely ignored that and my org would be pretty frustrated if it didn’t... Otherwise, offering attachment previews (like GMail does) would be a big benefit. A colleague who was considering using superhuman called that a huge miss.
Senior Partner Manager
Very disappointed
Superhuman helps me conquer my email a lot quicker.
The keyboard shortcuts allow me to save a lot of time.
Consultants, managers, and anyone who has a high email volume.
The interface seems like it's embedded in a browser still.
Junior Manager, Company Assistant
Very disappointed
Superhuman has allowed me to speed through my email in a way I haven't been able to before, and has motivated me to strive for inbox zero every day.
I'd probably go back to Spark on MacOS. Not sure on my phone, as I haven't been thrilled with anything there. I was just using Apple Mail, but not really satisfied with it.
As mentioned above, speed and motivation to get to inbox zero. Keyboard shortcuts are a godsend.
Anyone dealing with a lot of emails that's willing to learn keyboard shortcuts.
Product Marketing Manager
Very disappointed
It makes email so easy by prioritizing the most important emails so that I can tackle them and move on.
Fast email management
Anyone who spends more than an hour reading and responding to email.
Integrate with Google apps (specifically calendar and Drive – docs, sheets, etc.
Creative Manager
Very disappointed
I love how fast it is and it saves me lots of time.
Speed, enjoyment of email.
Speed. Keyboard shortcuts.
More easily see overview of accounts. Built proper web viewer - existing one has a number of issues.
Project Manager, Developer
Very disappointed
Really really impressed with Superhuman so far. Everything is fast and intuitive, and I feel like I'm so much more productive with my email.
No idea. All the options I checked out after Newton got shut down before I had Superhuman access were very disappointing.
Speed in processing my email.
People who have large amounts of email to process on a daily basis, or those who use lots of reminders.
Automatic switch to dark theme when OS X flips to dark mode.
Technical Program Manager
Very disappointed
I feel so much more productive and focused throughout the day using Superhuman.
Back to Gmail I suppose
Productivity. Hitting Inbox Zero makes me feel like I can focus on my actual tasks rather than looking at a full inbox thinking there's emails in there that need to be attended to.
Anyone who uses email everyday. But truly, office managers and executive assistants can extremely benefit from Superhuman.
Office Manager
Very disappointed
It’s made me more efficient in my day to day. I’m not letting emails sit. The remind feature on mobile is also super helpful as I travel just about every week.
Back to gmail
Shortcuts are super efficient. I also spend the majority of my workday in email and with it open as the main page on my screen, and the interface is just a beautiful experience. No clutter, and the softer tones are great.
Sales people, and execs that need to be able to hone in on what’s super important and needs to be prioritized
Had an issue today on a plane with no wifi. I kept trying to pull up email and it was just spinning — need the offline mode to work for me to function while traveling, so this was dissapointing
Sales Manager
Very disappointed
I have never had such a seamless and enjoyable email client before. It is truly lightning fast and enjoyable to go through your inbox
always being on top of my work
any person
Make the calendar more integrated as I stil do not have full insight into this through the superhuman interface. Only thing i can point at, at this juncture
Organizational Manager, Community Team
Very disappointed
I have become very accustomed to & reliant upon the intuitive shortcuts & organizational features.
Individuals with large e-mail volume; individuals that manage various accounts or contact lists; individuals that complain about e-mail
Integrations and delegation
Product Operations Manager
Very disappointed
I'm able to go through email so much faster. I'm not sure I could live without all the shortcuts
Not sure, it'd be hard to find something to go back to
Go through email much faster, desktop reminders, open receipts, fast search, snippets. The list goes on and on
Any professional who uses email a lot and is looking for a better experience.
I wish I could swipe left or right on the iOS app to move emails into folders. Also, it would be nice if emails would auto-label based on how I've moved/labeled previous emails. I realized I mostly move emails into folders, but I could switch to labels+marking as complete if the auto-labels were correct all the time. Because the web/Mac version is so great with all the shortcuts, the iOS app seems much slower as I go through email, although I imagine it's hard to get the iOS app on the same level as the desktop version in terms of productivity.
Manager, Managed Services
Very disappointed
I have never experienced such a fast email answering experience. Also, the offline and and mobile features are incredible.
Not sure. Mixmax is not an option anymore due to GDPR.
can answer emails with reminders from my phone
sales people
make sure you're GDPR compliant PLEASE
Partnerships Manager
Very disappointed
has really helped with my ability to get through all of my emails in a day / more efficient search system so I can stop filing individually
lots of time back from not having to go through email finely
entertainment professionals
ability to not group conversations (I know this seems counterintuitive but love seeing the individual emails as opposed to whole conversations)
Partner Manager, Creators, Publishers
Very disappointed
I have been using Superhuman only for a few days, but I already start seeing the impact on my productivity. I love the shortcuts!
Shortcuts, slick interface
EVERY knowledge worker
Please bring the iPhone version! Also sometimes, loading the App on mac takes some time but I'm sure it will get improved quickly. Thanks for working on this amazing product!
Marketing Manager, EMEA
Very disappointed
You are easy, you are good, you are clean and smart. Can’t go back anymore to newton.
Clean design. Smart functions like keyboard shortcuts. Fast.
People who have a lot of mails daily.
Maybe the design....
Sales Manager
Very disappointed
Reduce crashes
VP General Manager
Very disappointed
it makes me less stressed when working through my inbox. i feel empowered to slice through things and the ui doesn't give me anxiety
wework community managers
mobile!!! also native desktop notifications instead of chrome
Growth Project Manager
Very disappointed
Superhuman mysteriously helps me blow through email quickly. I enjoy the interface and the functionality offered is truly not found anywhere else.
Probably Airmail? I might try to use browser Gmail again and try to add plugins, though I could predict i'd quickly be frustrated.
Having SOMETHING to do with an email, regardless of the situation. Whether it's remind, reply, etc., I rarely feel like I need to leave an email in the inbox.
Someone who knows and cares about tech or is passionate about productivity or the busy professional who cares about design. I don't think someone who's just busy will care, it has to be a progressive individual who wants to find better ways to work.
Anything at this point is truly a random wish list. Calendar integration would be fantastic. Macros would be excellent and helpful. Other clever, insightful ways of helping people answer email better that distinguish you in the market.
Business Operations Manager
Very disappointed
I love the intuitive keyboard shortcuts, I have been working hard to use gmail shortcuts and superhuman is reinforcing that.
gmail, boringggggg
You are forcing me to reply to emails that I typically sit on.
busy people who feel underwater
search for me has not immediately brought back the results i was looking for
Partner Operations Manager
Very disappointed
It’s already made me faster - and has even pushed me to use shortcuts that exist on other platforms like gmail but I never perviously took advantage of. Changes the whole approach to email...
Gmail with boomerang and other add ons
Right now it’s the onboarding to show me all the shortcuts and features
Needs to be people who are always striving for more productivity, who understand that $30 for a few extra hours of work time is a bargain
Improve search functionality
National Manager Operational Excellence
Very disappointed
Superhuman has helped comb through many hundreds of emails in a matter of 2 weeks across 2 work email accounts and 1 personal email account.
The shortcut-centric approach to the experience.
I think that even light email users would benefit from the shortcut-centric nature of the product - it's addicting.
Engineering Manager
Very disappointed
The platform is miles ahead of other mail clients.
Anyone who uses emails heavily
It tends to freeze at times if it's been open for numerous hours. Also if threads have a lot of emails.
Senior Agent, Manager
Somewhat disappointed
It's a great piece of technology that makes me better at email, but sometimes it just feels like a skin on top of Gmail.
People who live inside Gmail professionally.
More integrations - specifically "Send to Slack"
Regional Sales Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I think I can adapt by drastically changing my approach in Gmail or using a competitor – but I like using Superhuman so far. Granted, currently I don't use the mobile version and still rely on Gmail on my (android) phone
Use Gmail or a competitor
Split inboxes in a way that's useful to me + a more performant interface than Gmail (sad but true)
Someone who gets a lot of junk emails and needs help staying organized
The ability to select all emails would be amazing. Also, more keyboard shortcuts (like seeing all labels)
Engineering Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I think shortcuts are great! ...but some integrations would be nice. Asana, Zoom, calendar, Evernote, Slack
2 level management
integrations. see before
Senior Investment Manager
Somewhat disappointed
It's good but I need to onboard more effectively
Efficiency / Clarity
Any job primarily driven through mail
A better way of learning. The emails for shortcuts are good but I forget them - I also see many cheat sheets online for shortcuts. There is probably a better way of creating a clear mental model for people. If you do X, this the main shortcuts for you. If you do Y, this is the main shortcuts for you.
Group Engineering Manager
Somewhat disappointed
It hasn't revolutionized my workflow (perhaps due to my own ignorance) but it has sped things up pleasantly.
Back to Gmail and the using more liberally the creation of groups in which to file emails
Getting to Inbox Zero everyday is helpful for me to psychologically "move on" from email content and get productive on other pressing matters more quickly and more often in a single day.
Execs with literally 100s of "important" emails hitting their inbox every day
I don't even actively pay attention to the differences between the iOS and desktop experience. I just run through emails and do email searches for past content as needed.
VP, Risk Analysis Senior Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I am still learning the speed - With simplicity comes the ability to hide from email (oops). Love it for focused email checking but I miss stuff every once in a while. And I still think it's pricey. But I am with you guys. ;)
I just finished reading Hacking Growth so it's funny taking this survey. :) I would go back to Polymail
Lightning speed. It's CRAZY fast!
Sales folks and those getting over 100 emails a day in their inbox.
I am not sure right now - Just learning and playing. More to learn!
Regional Sales Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I like it, it's not the end of the world without it :)
Busy/lots of emails
Suggest at least the name of the person I'm writing to when starting "Dear..." (like Gmail) When writing long emails that have formatting like lists and stuff it starts to move very slow. Not a hardware issue, I'm on a somewhat new Macbook pro. The speed issue is especially present after a punctuation mark like comma or period.
General Manager
Not disappointed
Apps don’t offer enough beyond what Gmail already does to justify price
Gmail apps
Someone who doesn’t have control of their inbox and manages dozens of concurrent conversations.
Rendering is buggy and inconsistent
Engineering Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I feel way more on top of my email, but if Superhuman wasn't an option I would go back to polymail or something that was kiiind of good but not as good.
Faster email browsing -> more time back in my life
Honestly anybody, it obviously works more if you're getting / sending tons of email, but there's no reason a casual emailer can't also use it
I want superhuman to be able to block other peoples trackers. I want to be able to get notified and have it more visible when others open my email
Technical Lead Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I'm starting to gain some efficiencies through using it - but it's very expensive so if I couldn't any more then I save a lot of money. Also there are still some kinks to work out - like copy/pasting bullets doesn't always work well (as an example).
Encourages me to learn keyboard shortcuts.
People who do a ton of external email work (Business development, sales), engineers who want more efficiency and structure in their emailing.
Bugfixing, auto gmail filtering
Senior Revenue Strategy Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I would go back to Gmail, which can mimic a lot of the same behaviors I was accomplishing with SH
Organization, inbox gamification, punctuality
Sales orgs, C Suite
National Sales Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I love that Superhuman forces me into the proper workflow and teaches good hygiene. But after learning the hygiene, I could utilize the Gmail interface to do the same thing and configure the shortcut keys. The key to your success will be to add more value added features that do not exist in the standard gmail interface
Combination of GMail and Shift
Keyboard shortcuts and keeping my inbox organized
people who are busy
A full calendar integration. I would love to view my full calendar by hitting a key or tab. Also I would love to pin my day view instead of having to hit 0 everytime
Lead Product Manager, Cloud Products
Not disappointed
The product does exactly what it says it will. I can easily manage my inbox.
Go back to Gmail. But, I'd add plugins to use snippets. Maybe find a way to better manage hide until option that Superhuman has.
It brings order to the chaos of an inbox.
Business owners. Mid to upper management. Marketers. in-house marketing teams. Remote teams.
Build a snippet library or starter kit. Build in automations (if this than that).
Digital Marketing Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I would miss the fun inbox-zero celebration (images).
Ugh - back to gmail as they have designed it. Plus, YAMM for mail merge - which I still need to use for now.
Faster, better way to manage my emails. Building good "behaviors" by hitting all my priorities and then moving on.
People who must communicate via email.
Please add mail merge. I really need this.
Program Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I'm still getting used to Superhuman, so haven't gotten to that point that everything is natural to me. But I can see this getting to the point where I have to have it in order to work efficiently. (there's still a lot of features that I'm still discovering, like Snippets).
Probably Gmail, but really try to understand keyboard shortcuts to structure it similar to Superhuman
The keyboard shortcuts and little features like Snippets or adding "+" to add in people. The fact that I never have to touch the mouse is great - I wish more apps were like this!
Probably a VC. Less so a CEO for an early stage company (harder to justify the cost
Add keyboard shortcuts to download attachments, enable chatting (google hangout chats
Senior Investment Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I think the shortcuts definitely help me get through email faster, but I wish there was more automation around scheduling meetings, because that's such a huge time suck for me.
faster responses & getting through my inbox faster. Also, being able to focus on the emails that are important -- instead of spending a lot of time wading through newsletters & google drive notifications.
People that get tons of emails each day
scheduling calendar appointments & Zoom meetings (I like the calendar view, but would love to actually schedule calendar appointments and increase automation around that (i.e., "perfect! I've scheduled our meeting for XX")
Marketing Manager
Somewhat disappointed
Solid tool, makes it efficient to manage emails. Not to the point where I could not live without it though
Efficiency, solid apps, distraction free experience
Busy hands-on executive
Unified inbox view, configurable shortcuts
Operational Finance Manager
Somewhat disappointed
While I only see a slight speed improvement from Superhuman (mostly because my Gmail flow was already pretty tight), I find I enjoy using Superhuman much more than Gmail. I particularly appreciate the speed and responsiveness of the mobile app.
Gmail on Desktop, and a combination of Gmail (for work) and the native mail client (for personal mail) on iOS.
How fast it is, both on Desktop and Mobile.
A former software engineer in a more business-focused role.
Colored labels, showing which labels have unread messages, support for configuring filters, avatars for people. Also, consider dropping the low-readability custom font.
Engineering Manager
Somewhat disappointed
superhuman doesn't help me as much as i wish it did
probably gmail web app
keyboard shortcuts?
someone who thinks new tech is cool
there are just random bugs, i have to quit and restart the app regularly. i would like superhuman to help me make calendar events based on my emails, not just show my calendar in the pane. i would also like to be able to view both of my inboxes in a more consolidated way when i want.
Engineering Manager
Somewhat disappointed
Superhuman has some features that I really like - it’s fast, search is better than with the Gmail app, and I like the keyboard shortcuts. That said, it’s not $30/month better (even in an ideal state) and it also doesn’t integrate well with my existing Sanebox flow. I find myself stuck between either going full bore with Superhuman and leaving a lot of the work that I’ve done with Sanebox behind or going back to Gmail and losing a lot of the features I like with Superhuman.
Gmail + Sanebox
Speed, better searching, keyboard shortcuts
A person who loves tech and technology, but is still using a lot of the “basic” Gmail functionality either for work or personal e-mail.
My Sanebox filtering is “better” for me than the Superhuman filtering and there is really no way for me to access it and use it without junking all of it. If you make Superhuman more Sanebox compatible, then I would use it.
Inbound Marketing Manager
Somewhat disappointed
It’s been great for my efficiency, and I’ve really enjoyed using it.
Probably back to gmail on web
The reduction of cognitive load on things other than specifically responding / composing while using email
Probably frequent users of email with organization top of mind
I think the tabbing could be better. When you create a new tab it automatically opens in the email you last added. Furthermore, when using external links that call out to email it creates a new tab which suffers from the above problem.
Project Manager, Lead Support Worker
Somewhat disappointed
I like some of the functionality. It does take some time to get used to the shortcut keys and how it's organized.
probably return to Gmail or apple mail
reminders to follow up and not losing emails
people with lots of emails
Talent Acquisition Manager
Not disappointed
I'll go back to gmail + mixmax
Gmail + mixmax
Flow to go to Inbox Zero
Calendar availability feature like Mixmax
Growth Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I feel that this is a more of a behavioural issue than it is a feature/functionality one. Don't get me wrong, it's crazy to see how broken email is but I'm trying to square the $30/month for a service that has been free for my entire life.
Peace of mind - inbox zero is amazing. I just feel optimizing my workflow is a breath of fresh air.
Someone who gets +200 emails a day and almost uses their inbox as an organizer. I'm going to recommend a few friends.
Being able to book meeting directly from suggesting it in an email would be out of this world. I might pay $30 just for that feature. I was told this might be in the works? Lastly, I understand the colour choices for the platform from a high level but they definitely don't meet accessibility contrast minimums. The carbon look and feel is much better than the default but I'm sure that Teresa can help you with that. ;)
Senior Manager
Somewhat disappointed
Still learning
Speed & responsiveness
concentrated on details - SH really helps save time and make decisions
Country Manager
Somewhat disappointed
Still getting my feet wet really. I do love the product and discovering more and more each day.
Traditional email apps I guess.
Prioritizing emails into actionable buckets.
Someone who receives huge volumes of email
Reorganizing the tabs/categories is all I can think of
Market Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I think its a great product and its helped me respond to more emails than ever before, but there are other platforms to fall back on
responding to emails. gamifying inbox 0.
sales roles (getting back to clients), managers (discussing high priority items internally), execs
automated reminds to follow back up with people
Partner Development Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I was already comfortable with using filters, keyboard shortcuts, Boomerang, multiple inboxes, etc with Gmail
Mailplane on Mac, Boomerang, Spark on iOS
Split inboxes
Someone less tech savvy
More standard keyboard chortcuts (Cmd-N for new message, Cmd-R to reply)
Senior Engineering Manager
Somewhat disappointed
It's very difficult to get used to a new email platform
My old Newton still works. Besides that I believe I'd use spark
Speed, beauty / design, shortcuts
People that use email a lot, that have multiple inboxes, that cares about design / ellegancy
Folders and labels stack are just one level but I use multiple levels. I use My Mac menu on the left side so it conflicts with superhuman. Get all inboxes together... More details about the read status. These days screen was freezing when I had multiple emails stacked... don't know exactly why or how to explain it.. should have recorded.
Media Manager
Somewhat disappointed
Overall, superhuman has made my life much easier & I no longer dread having to go through my email.
Back to good old Gmail... :(
A simple to use interface & an organized inbox. The organized inbox makes my life much easier.
I see this as best for people in a work or business setting. I do not use it much for personal emails.
Key commands are difficult to remember when getting started. It would be helpful to see keycommands for every hover / mouse action. Also, PDFs when oped do not show the standard Red / yellow mac buttons it just says "button"
Operations Manager, Charger Operations
Somewhat disappointed
It makes life easier, but it's not an essential thing to do my job. I can find other tools for cheaper to supplement things, and also not having the Asana integration that is baked into email really hurts.
Mixmax + Gmail as I was using before
it's really fast, and I never was using keyboard shortcuts before. I love being able to do everything on desktop that I can on mobile.
Startup person, most likely in management, and also managing external relationships
I'd love to have the ability to add private notes to an email convo (maybe referencing a follow up I need to have in person
Marketing Manager
Somewhat disappointed
It's definitely helping me get through email faster so I'd miss that. There are some features still missing that I miss in Gmail.
Something about using keyboard shortcuts for all of this seems to not only make things functionally quicker but triggers me to make faster and clearer decisions about what to do with each email. Other than archive, I wasn't using many keyboard shortcuts in Gmail before.
Anyone that gets a lot of email
I haven't been using it much. Tried to skip those questions but wasn't able to. I'm sticking purely to the web experience in Chrome.
Technical Support Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I like my ZERO inbox 😉
Use Gmail
Fast access to all my email.
Coders and executives!
The schedule send is not alight with daylight saving
Project Manager
Somewhat disappointed
Superhuman is the best desktop experience I've ever had. I would definitely miss it. The mobile app is good, but doesn't stand apart from other mobile apps I've used as much as the desktop app does so I wouldn't have as much trouble replacing it
Most likely go back to Spark
The Keyboard shortcuts are absolutely amazing
Honestly: Anyone. Or at least anyone who is savvy with shortcuts
* Dark mode runs into issues with different font colors. * Can be tough to differentiate between different messages in a thread sometimes if you are scrolling through quickly
Engineering Manager
Not disappointed
Although I have used Superhuman a lot lately I am not yet fully adicted nor convinced
Shortcuts save time and RSI
A very heavy email user
General Manager Benelux
Somewhat disappointed
I like it but it honestly doesn't feel like a revolution vs. Gmail. It has a few nice improvements. I don't feel a whole lot more productive in it.
I would go back to Gmail
Speed, offline access, that calendar thing on the right
Exec or sales, someone who lives in email
I have already sent a bunch of feedback
Senior Engineering Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I'm relatively new to Superhuman so it's not like I've forgotten how to use Gmail directly, but it's definitely a nicer experience.
Efficiency (keyboard shortcuts, one place with multiple inboxes in separate tabs, separate app rather than browser tabs)
email nerds: heavy email users with busy schedules
Engineering Manager
Somewhat disappointed
There are still some features that Gmail does a bit better.
Gmail & Boomerang
streamlined, pretty.
someone with zero inbox structure.
inline/embedded images. i surprisingly use this feature A LOT and default back to gmail when i need to.
Talent Programs Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I’m neither dependent nor independent of the product
Inbox by Gmail, or Gmail
Great user experience
Power user
Return to inbox!
Senior Manager, Podcast Marketing
Somewhat disappointed
i'm using it as my primary inbox, and enjoying a lot, but also putting a fair amount of effort into the change...falling back to gmail i'd still live, but i'd start to miss individual features of superhuman
keyboard shortcuts speed me up
mobile app, better printing functions, calendar integrations, easier cc function/shortcut
Somewhat disappointed
It's been very useful for triaging email
Inbox by Google
Sales, Support, and probably people who do most of their work outside of email.
Speed on my old MacBook Air (2015)
Senior Communications Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I only just started using Superhuman (Thanks, Peter!) and really like it; however there are a couple of features I need for my job that are not available. I feel much more zen in Superhuman than Gmail and would definitely prefer to keep using it .
Peace of mind and productive email flow. Love not seeing the number of unread emails and scary bolded messages in my inbox, and also love the separation of Important and Other. I'm getting through everything much more quickly than before.
Anyone with a desk job!
I'm having performance issues making the speed very slow. In addition the main feature I need for my job in marketing is the ability to send messages from aliases and change my signature. Currently I can't send from google groups that I'm a part of or aliases that I've been given access to, and I can't see my signature to check and make sure it's the right one and/or edit it. In addition I wish Drafts went into a draft folder. I often need to keep an email open for most of the day to check in on tasks, but I dislike that when I'm going through my Important folder and I get to that draft, I have to hit Escape and then manually go around it to the next message.
Assoc Product Marketing Manager, Executive Marketing
Somewhat disappointed
just hasn't saved me any time. I had high hopes.
it's a better UX
someone who is completely disorganized
not sure
Manager, Corporate Events
Somewhat disappointed
It's great but the status quo wasn't terrible
Faster and more intuitive UI, better keyboard shortcuts, Split Inbox to organize by topic
busy professional
Switching between accounts is a bit too much like entering a different universe.. I would rather think of each account more like a different set of Splits than a whole separate place to go to. And the Ctrl+# shortcuts are a bit awkward finger position. I'd also like to be able to Tab between links in the message (e.g. to "click" on the 'tell us about your experience' link in the email that got me here) If I could easily switch an email from one account to another would be useful -- ie. change the "From" address on an email. Often I'll hit Compose and _then_ realize I want this message to come from another account, so I have to back out, go somewhere else, and do it again, which sucks. Super minor annoyance: I keep seeing my own LinkedIn profile and it's not the one I want to show.. I have multiple current positions and the one it lists is not my primary job (even though I have my primary set properly in LinkedIn) -- I wish I knew what was driving that...
Senior Analyst, Project Manager, Engagement Manager
Somewhat disappointed
Ease of use. Shortcuts.
Folks who uses email A LOT
Engineering Manager
Somewhat disappointed
The hype around your product is so phenomenal it underwhelms the legit value it delivers.
G-mail, but I'd invest more time in maximizing its functionality.
moving through me inbox more confidently that I'm not missing items.
You're taking a tech that SDRs use and optimizing and trying to sell it to execs. I think you should think of yourself less "exec" focused and more "everyman" focused.
Here are a few times that work for me:
Sales Manager
Not disappointed
it has some nifty features but it would not be the end of the world if I no longer had access to them
gmail client in chrome
it is slightly better at triaging my emails on a computer, i do not find it useful on iphone or ipad
someone who likes using shortcuts, those who like to drag and drop will not like this at all
I am not sure to be honest
IT Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I am getting into the groove of the keyboard-nav and efficiency gains (specifically, archiving bringing up the next message, where in the gmail interface I still have to advance messages). Not higher score because my unique world doesn't map perfectly to the SH logic, and some of your efficiency gains don't apply to me
Ask why, see what I could do to make the keyboard controls in Gmail behave like SH
lowers the amount of administration / consideration *between* tasks and decisions. Good filters make change costs lower, but the ease of navigating within those contexts is high in SH
Busy, efficient, stubborn, brilliant folks.
Honor contextually relevant HIG standards, including menus and command functions. Make it easier to macro repetitive tasks FORWARDING MY DANG RECEIPTS
Senior IT Manager
Very disappointed
I haven't been this impressed with a new software product for as long as I can remember. It's become ingrained in my daily workflow to help me deal with email faster than ever before.
I'd go back to a combo of Gmail on web and Mail on Mac / iPhone
The speed and reassurance of the experience - it just feels so solid.
It's insanely fast, but I guess my one quibble is that it doesn't feel very "native" on Mac – it's definitely not "A Mac AppTM" – it's an awesome web app in a light wrapper. I am not sure how to describe this better unfortunately, but if the app could feel more genuinely Mac-like, without losing the speed that would be amazing.
Very disappointed
Though I'm not 100% used to the workflow, as I get more used to it i'm more productive. My inbox stays uncluttered, and I can use my email as a TODO list.
Just the regular old gmail client :(
an email workflow that makes me more productive
Productivity freaks :)
The only thing i'm missing is auto bcc.
Very disappointed
I've been able to tackle email better with Superhuman. Not sure if it's the software or the behavioral change it ensued, but I've become a slightly better version of myself with it.
I've been told there are some Chrome extensions that allow injecting shortcuts into gmail. I'd try that.
Productivity and a sense of more control over my inbox.
People that are open to learning and using more of the keyboard shortcuts are the obvious choice. My mom certainly wouldn't be one.
Most html newsletters, that usually have a white background, are rendered weirdly in the carbon theme (white on a carbon background). Not sure how to solve it but there's a source of small anxiety.
Very disappointed
cause i got used to it :)
new gmail
speed and cleanliness of work process + declutter
busy execs receiving lots of email
make it even faster + have an unsubscribe shortcut (not just spam)
CEO, Co-founder
Very disappointed
the insistence on keyboard shortcuts is important. plus i generally owe it to superhuman for allowing me to hit inbox zero on an almost daily basis now!
keyboard shortcuts for everything. plus some nice-to-haves like the BCC thing
ios app needs some work because the bar is super high with the mac app. thanks for the awesome product!
CEO, Founder
Very disappointed
Where do I start? It's the perfect email client. It's quick, got all the capabilities I need (which with extensions on Gmail slowed down the email experience tremendously), has the best search out there. It's changed the way I work in but a few days.
It has all the super-power email capabilities and yet it's incredibly fast
Everyone who spends more than 30 seconds a day on email
Well it truly is the best product I could ask for - it would be great if: a. on the right bar, in the history of messages I have with a contact, there'll be more emails. b. Mutual LinkedIn connections with that contact. c. a "Translate" button (like Gmail has) to translate emails in other languages. d. As you are stating you like making the impossible happen, it would be amazing if you could miraculously connect to other instant-message protocols (e.g. SMS, Whatsapp, etc.) and be the user's 1-stop-shop for anything textual.
Very disappointed
because you deliver on your promise - making email-to-zero substantively easier to sustain, plus the beautiful implementation of reminders
I would revert to gmail, with tears
much easier email-to-zero, set-and-forget reminders
the person that does not use email to function, whether for business or in life (doubt there are many of those)
btw, I have not recommended it because I am still in my honey moon stage - that said, I certainly will; minor thing: sync drafts, otherwise your product vision is delivering massive value, you have kept your promise - bravo!
CEO, Chief Coach
Very disappointed
going back to gmail is unthinkable
a very large bottle of whiskey
I get through email faster and I am happier
any manager or executive
mobile app
Very disappointed
Is already integral to my day
Try to assemble functionality through GMail/Inbox
Time (both more productive, and working offline)
Founders, salespeople
Very disappointed
Fast and beautiful product. Excellent customer service makes me root for the team.
Outlook for iOS. Not sure for desktop :(
Shortcuts. Speed.
People who hate email but can’t escape it.
Unified inbox, including comprehensive search across accounts
CEO, Co-founder
Very disappointed
I already get upset when I'm away from my desktop (often) and need to use my mobile phone to check or reply to email! It's so fast, beautiful ... and being able to lean on the keyboard over the mouse or track pad is so comfortable and natural.
I'd stick with Outlook on iOS, and be a bit stuck on desktop. I've used gmail in the browser for years, but it's not ideal. I'd keep exploring other desktop applications like Spark or Polymail.
Ease of use / speed
People who dislike clutter and aim for inbox zero.
Mobile app!
CEO, Co-founder
Very disappointed
I've very recently become addicted to the speed of it, and then to a much smaller degree, the little bits & pieces of tasty features, e.g. the unsubscribe links and the "opened by..." stuff.
I'd go back to Gmail
Speed. Not just executional speed, but the way the flows are designed (e.g. closing one mail auto opens the next). I've gotten very used to it
Someone who receives bursts of emails and gets chunks of time to get through them. So probably leadership & C-level people. Basically anyone for whom email is their job
iOS app - it'll stop me changing gears and make me more used to Superhuman as a way of life. Also, minor UI thing that I know you all care about. Fitt's law, etc. - in this screenshot I want to use the mouse to follow the red line, but in doing so I accidentally deselect the mail I was highlighting. So I think some delay or better grasp of that flow would be nice. (This genuinely happens to me everytime I try to use the right hand bar)
Very disappointed
Superhuman has given me something I have lacked for a long time in my workflow - control over my inbox. I now control it, instead of the other way around. I'm more responsive to people who email me, I email out quicker, I have less decision fatigue, and I'm more organized. It would be painful to go back to Gmail.
Speed, heavy bias towards taking decisions, keyboard shortcuts
Executives, founders, sales, anyone who spends most of their day in email.
I noticed I need to go into Gmail to delete old labels or create new ones - that sucks. Just opening Gmail and waiting for it to load is anxiety inducing. If there was a way to bring the same level of thoughtfulness to an iOS product that would be amazing. It would need to be as optimized for mobile use as Superhuman is optimized for desktop/web interface use currently.
CEO, Co-founder
Very disappointed
Because it’s the only email client I don't hate.
Taking care of my email is more enjoyable.
More features: IMAP support. An iOS app. Unified inbox.
Very disappointed
It saves me two hours per day
Apple mail
Do hours of email without using my mouse
Anybody that spends more than an hour a day in email apps
Mobile app
CEO, Co-founder
Very disappointed
It's SO much better than gmail
Anyone who uses keyboard shortcuts on gmail
Very disappointed
it's probably quite early but speed is awesome, still need a few tweaks but loving it so far
probably still gmail
speed (that was not really the first when i joined, but you get used to it quite fast), keyboard shortcuts
power users who appreciate speed
already sent a feedback email, few UI things i've gotten used to before, having the ability to use templates, some kind of integration with calendar
CEO, Founder
Very disappointed
Because I'm getting really used to it. It is like getting used to using Gmail. I would be very disappointed to have to switch to another mail (SMTP/IMAP) provider.
/Shrug :) .. probably go back to Google's Inbox.
Speed. Aesthetics. I can do everything from the keyboard.
Hmm .. good question. I would say someone who actually gets a lot of emails and it is important for them to be able to reply quickly, embedded messages, ..etc.
Security. I don't feel comfortable to switch to using Superhuman for my work email account due to lack of backend security.
Very disappointed
Fast/responsive interface, fast search, offline mode (which I haven't used much yet, but intend to), many add-on features just built in (snooze, delayed send, undo send, etc), command line interface / good use of shortcut keys.
Gmail web browser + Outlook iPhone app
Faster responsiveness / navigation
High volume emailers, people who want to use shortcut keys and work through quickly.
Need gchat for work; is that a hard integration? That ends making me need a work gmail window open…
CEO of Yelp Eat24
Very disappointed
Processing email is much faster with Superhuman for 2 reasons: show one email at a time and overall speed is much better than gmail. I get through my inbox in half the time.
likely go back to gmail
speed, focus
anyone who manages a lot of email and is very busy
Improve search so easier to find items, support email delegates so my assistant can manage my inbox, fix reliability bugs, improve compatibility with textexpander
Ceos Marketing
Very disappointed
Daily Active User here
gmail :(
Increased productivity
People who like to be better
CEO, Founder
Very disappointed
It's made my life a lot easier when it comes to answering emails. Things are faster with the keystokes and I can just move through my inbox fast. The reminder feature is delightful.
Salespeople - My sales guy is buried in client emails, he needs this so badly right now
Please- for the love of God - allow me to send invites and schedule events from superhuman. As an early stage startup CEO I find most of my inbox is just me setting up meetings. If I could just send an invite with a few keystokes that would be amazing. I just hate having to tab back and forth between google calendar and superhuman
Very disappointed
Because superhuman makes it much quicker to swift thru emails and block/ignore spam and junk
Unfortunately resort back to standard gmail
Setting reminders, blocking spam, marking as done, and un-do resends.
Anyone who wants to maintain a clean inbox
Very disappointed
Integrated SH into my workflow super quickly
Probably back to vanilla Apple Mail
Email seems less like a burden, more like tiny tasks
People who already have a strong todo structure
Previews of message in right pane
Somewhat disappointed
It works great, I love, Its better than inbox
Gmail Inbox, Gmail, maybe another gmail add-on
Fast, smart options
Executives, Probably Tech ones, it is out of the norm when you compare it with Apple Mail or Outlook and it might be a hard transition for a traditional person. But Everyone who has a busy inbox will benefit. And every one who doesn't but likes bewtifull apps :)
I already sent some of my feature request like mark all as done, categories reminders based on tomorrow, next week, etc. Add Grammarly support!
Somewhat disappointed
I'm liking the service and getting used to it, would prefer to keep using it but don't (yet) feel my productivity would be impacted if it went away and I had to go back to gmail and other clients.
gmail (inbox, but that's evidently on its way out)
efficiency and focus, and currently making good use of snippets
folks with large networks doing business development and relationship management
suggested responses.
CEO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
Superhuman is really great, but you can’t have multiple Superhuman windows open and the Calendar support is lacking so it wouldn’t be the end of the world. I still have to open gmail in another browser to work alongside Superhuman.
Gmail online
Keyboard shortcuts
Person with lots of emails
Allow multiple windows open and better Calendar support
CEO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
Still need to use Front. If I could fully replace it, I'd be very disappointed if I couldn't still use the replacement.
Speed & clarity
I don't have a good answer for you
CEO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
I like the product but it is still missing a features like better email tracking list, aggregate inboxes. The iOS feels not on par with the Mac App.
I m faster at email :-)
CEOs, Founders, VCs, Project Managers
Anti- spy mode to block trackers, aggregate inboxes
CEO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
Has some great features but has some missed ones
Focus and smooth operation
RTL Advance tracking and notifications
Somewhat disappointed
i like it - tons of promise, still between it and gmail
smart non-gmail expert
Somewhat disappointed
I like it.. but still getting used to it so I could theoretically switch back to my old email client
Go back to my old setup
Fast. Encourages me to keep inbox zero
Pretty much just Management and Sales executives.
Get better calendar support and unified email.. at least unified email search. The worst experience is when you are looking for an email and you don't remember on which email account it was.
Not disappointed
Love the hotkeys the most. I know want hotkeys for all of the apps and websites I use.
Inbox by Gmail (although that is disappearing)
Speed (and also consolidation of many e-mail tools I used before: Hiver, Streak, TextExpander)
Business teams
Somewhat disappointed
Still getting used to it. Trying to decide if the costs are worth it.
Faster interface
Somewhat disappointed
I haven't reached the Superhuman Master level so I don't think I'm using it to its full extent yet. A lot of things are better than what I used to do in Gmail but nothing has been *transformative* yet. (I think it has the potential to be - just need to invest the time to learn more of the shortcuts, etc.)
I clear my inbox noticeably faster.
People who receive a lot of emails AND who are used to using keyboard shortcuts.
It's a bit memory hungry at times
the CEO of Teller
Somewhat disappointed
I really like Superhuman and I love using it but I'm not sure it's worth $30 per month yet
People who get a lot of emails and care about dealing with them asap
CEO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
I prefer it to gmail, but is has yet to make me *much* faster
better sorting/navigating parts of my inbox. sorting of important emails is better than gmail's sorting, and is especially valuable for mobile notifications -- my phone isn't flooded with garbage every time i get out of a meeting
my sense is that salespeople could, although lots of companies compete there. yesware is similar, but there's also outreach and other automation tools. there's less stuff for recruiting, which is where i find superhuman to be superior. i guess i would say it's faster for creating and sending highly personalized emails.
already gave this feedback, but certain things could be better highlighted visually. like if i'm in a long email chain, highlighting my draft in a way that distinguishes it from the rest of the thread would be very helpful.
Somewhat disappointed
It's decent, but I'd like to like better navigation to my @SaneLater boxes via keyboard, better calendar integration (I want to see all the calendar not just day to day when I type something). (want to be able to see everything at a glance. Still I have my google calendar open. I still want to use the automatic responses like Inbox, which is convenient. It's nice but not quite there.
Google Inbox
Different Inboxes, VIP, other, etc. but inconvenient to go to @sanelater.
Saying "Connecting" feels broken both on mobile and desktop. Inbox feels faster.
Somewhat disappointed
It hasn't replaced Gmail for me. I'm not sure why. Logically it should have. But I do like it. CMD + K feels like a super-user feature and there are a few other things that are good. It's almost like I prefer superhuman when I'm "doing email" and I prefer Gmail when I'm purging or scanning email. So I'd be a little bummed because I like what you all are doing.
Back to using Gmail and clicking 5 times in order to do something like a barbarian
People who use Slack users and/or used to use Sublime for coding. Feels similar to Sublime.
Would love to preview the messages in the sidebar when `j`/`k`ing up and down the inbox. Reply to emails via mac osx notifications (similar to slack)
CEO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
Superhuman has me flying through my email, I love the experience!
Gmail native (web and mobile)
Feels very fast, lots of intuitive features in exactly the places I want them
Would love supporting multiple calendars within one account and the ability to create calendar invites
CEO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
Definitely digging Superhuman so far, but I've only been using it for ~2 weeks :) Much of the benefit is derived from keyboard shortcuts, so there's a bit of a learning curve.
Gmail web + Mixmax + iOS Mail
Snippets, the info panel on the right with social links, read states, shortcuts for common workflows (ie intros), great dopamine hits for getting to inbox zero (those backgrounds are fucking gorgeous), "remind me later" (being able to remind me on desktop is fucking amazing), and a very solid iOS app with feature parity.
People who receive 100+ emails a day (prob typically execs); engineers who are obsessed with keyboard shortcuts.
Switching accounts on iOS is extremely painful; the UI is similar to Gmail's iOS app, where you 1. pop open the left-hand menu, 2. Tap the tiny avatar for your other account. It's absurdly difficult to both reach this avatar on modern devices (iPhone X), and the touch area for it is tiny so I typically have to try 2x before actually hitting it. Compare to iOS, where you can 1. swipe-from-edge-to-go-back 2. at this point, if you swiped from the center-left of the screen, your thumb is already hovering over the table cells for other accounts. See: "iPhone thumb zone", Given how often I'm likely to switch accounts in a given day, this shouldn't be this painful. One of my favorite aspects of Superhuman is *not* being subject to Google's terrible design/UX decisions :)
CEO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
i love the client. do feel a lot faster but a few minor things i’m excited that sound like they’re cominf
gmail + some ext
any manager or executive but many other folks who talk with clients customers etc
compose in sub window while i have other email open
Somewhat disappointed
Don't get me wrong, this is the best email app I have used. I spend most of my life on Mobile (iOS). I feel like the desktop app nails the product. The iOS app is lacking. I'm a product focused CEO and don't feel like the iOS app design/UX is nearly as sleek as the desktop. I'd like to see the iOS stack up better with "stunning visual design" like the desktop app.
Apple Mail (ugh)
Its beautiful and its fast.
Executives and managers to begin with. Those that get TONS of emails.
Level up the iOS app! Make it more beautiful. ;)
Somewhat disappointed
still not used to the keyboard commands yet
get through email faster
ceo/investor/high level executive
integrate calendar invites in some way into the experience
CEO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
Superhuman is definitely a better experience so I would be disappointed. Being very disappointed would probably be my answer once there is a Windows app and a more integrated calendar experience. (I know both are on the roadmap so looking forward to becoming more hooked!)
New gmail interface
Focused and fast email experience
Email superusers, and possibly those who come from a development background given the heavy reliance on keyboard shortcuts.
Windows native client, calendar in UI, conflict identification in calendar invites received in email
Somewhat disappointed
speed and elegance
wealthy people
Can you provide a list of tricks and techniques? I remember that there is a way to introduce a person and move to bcc, but can't figure out how to do it. Overall i am very happy with Superhuman
Somewhat disappointed
Love the speed, but I'm still getting used to 1) Not having a preview pane 2) Persistent badge counter on the Mac native icon
Spark mail
Power email user apt with key commands (rather than mouse)
\- Provide an option to have a preview pane on the right (or bottom?) - Have the Mac native icon badge only show unread emails rather than all emails
Somewhat disappointed
I could still go on Newton even if it is less good
Newton email
Fast, good shortcut, UX very impressive
I want analytics on my email. How many emails I receive, I send etc...
CEO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
I really love the speed and ease of using Superhuman, it makes answering my emails much more efficient and delightful.
Loading speed & shortcuts
Managers, or people who are on email all day
\- It refreshes quite frequently if I keep it open in the background, which shows a big image that takes a long time to load and is distracting. - Can I remove that sidebar thing on hover? I have my dock on the left side of my screen and the thing pops up too much. - Can you just answer my emails for me? :)
CEO, Founder
Somewhat disappointed
Superhuman has made email so much easier to keep my email at 0 inbox.
Easily keeping my inbox clean.
Busy entrepreneurs
Integrate calendar functionality and allow multiple email accounts to be merged.
Not disappointed
I think that Superhuman is the best email client I've used, but it offers features that are only marginally better than my suped-up gmail experience
Gmail + Gmail Labs
Added Keystrokes + Reminders
People who are open to keystroke navigation -- although with some education people who could use reminders in the right way
I'd like a unified account view of my email -- I don't want to have separate tabs open. This is particularly true on the iPhone where I have to select an account icon...
Somewhat disappointed
I’m getting very used to it
Someone who deals with a large qty of email daily
Make it less expensive
President, CEO
Somewhat disappointed
In-browser experience is a massive drawback (opening links in browsers tab - getting lost in command+tab {where-is-my-email-client-syndrom}, so haven't completely gotten addicted. HOWEVER the ability to speed trhough the inbox with keyboard commands only is MASSIVELY helpful and productive.
Apple Mail.
Speed in clearing in inbox, focus on task at hand, speedy search.
entrepreneur, sales people, marketers, any one that receives / sends a lot of emali.
Native Mac client
Not disappointed
despite appreciating the shortcuts, i'm still missing key functionality that I currently have in GMAIL with addons/labs which are free.
as above
time pressed, high volume email user
feature requests as per my emails/feedback
CEO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
Some bugs and I can’t use two key shortcuts (Spanish keyboard don’t allow “ ;” to be pressed without a key combination, by example, so I can’t use the Snippets feature). Some messages in my gmail inbox are missing in the Superhuman inbox and sometimes the E /done doesn’t work, the message stay in the inbox and not archived
Google inbox
Speed and offline access to emails
Some receiveng a lot of mails + tech savvy
Correct the “done” bug, correct the missing messages bug, add the possibility of defining our own shortcuts, adding a preview of the content of the message, add “download attachment” shortcut instead of only “open attachment”, in the inbox when there is an attachment the attachment icon desapears when you select the message (replaced by the done icon -> this upsets me, because there is no reason there is a loss of information because of having selected the message... Because mail and Calendar use are so linked (schedule meetings by email), having a calendar also will be very useful
CEO Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
It is good but need more time to feel that it is a game changer for me
Anybody with high volume emials
Reported some key issues already. Missing the smart address recommendation from mail a lot
CEO, Founder
Somewhat disappointed
It's a very nice laptop experience and makes it easy for me to maintain email discipline.
Probably revert to gmail or look at other services like spark.
Speed and cleanliness.
business people (i.e. handling a lot of comms)
Need mobile. I do 25-50% of my email on the move.
CEO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
Even there is no killer feature yet, I would miss the convenience and speed
Inbox + mixmax
Speed + convenience
Productivity freaks like me
I'd like to share some feedback: - Where is the outbox of scheduled emails? I miss that - Is there a mobile app? My flow breaks when I have to use different apps - While conducting searches, accented characters and non-accented characters are treated different... - Some shortcuts are not easy to access using a non-us keyboard
CEO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
The hotkeys make things faster, but there are still things that are clunky like opening downloaded files and not being able to have more than one window open at a time (something I do all of the time). I'm still using Apple Mail to look things up while composing in Superhuman, so it hasn't replaced all of the functionality I need yet.
Apple Mail
boomerang functionality, slightly better workflow (but could be replicated on Apple Mail). Cancelled my MixMax subscription since read receipts are included.
Right now, someone with less complicated mail than I. I think my mail situation is a complexity level of 7/10. Maybe someone with mail complexity 3-5/10.
When I'm composing emails, there's a noticeable lag that doesn't appear in Apple Mail or Gmail-in-browser. Also opening downloadable files should be more consistent, or strictly better than the way everyone else does it. Also, I want to be able to have two things open at the same time -- look at an old email and compose a new one, for instance.
CEO, Founder
Somewhat disappointed
Still too new to my life/workflow to be that disappointed about having/not having it
Probably go back to gmail!
Hot keys! Less mouse time.
Anyone with a massive amount of email and who doesn't want anything falling through the cracks
I will continue to give feedback and have seen my feedback been responded to so let's just keep this cycle going!
Somewhat disappointed
It's pretty nice but also I'm ok using gmail
Ability to focus on crushing unread emails without distraction
Execs with a tech bent
I'm in pretty close contact about the small issues & ideas I have
Somewhat disappointed
There is no killer feature yet (most of them are in many other products)... it is more about the super speed and usability
Google Inbox + Mixmax
I process my inbox really fast using shortcuts
Productivity oriented people with high email load
Something like Calendar schedule feature in mixmax would be awesome... I schedule lots of calls and meetings
CEO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
Enjoying the platform, not sure if it's worth the $29 / month price point yet
Enjoyable desktop email experience. Shortcuts.
Wealthy, tech savvy CEO or executive
Mobile. Preview pane. read receipts viewable on Sent items
CEO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
It's only been a week and I don't think I've taken full advantage of the features (takes a bit of adjustment, sometimes easier to just revert to old habits. Not having chat integration is a little complicated
Like to use shortcuts, need help maintaining clean inbox
As above - chat integration would be helpful. Hellosign integration.
Not disappointed
i've just had it for a few days. so, if it were to disappear then i'd revert back to gmail web which i've used for 13 years...
gmail web app.
i'm not entirely sure yet.
not entirely sure yet.
it's the small stuff at this point... which is very early feedback... so, keep that in mind. the styling of newsletters and emails... big deal.
CEO, Founder
Somewhat disappointed
I still haven't completely shifted my workflow from Inbox... Snooze doesn't work the same, I badly need to be able to see two emails at once, and just still transitioning generally.
Inbox, begrudgingly
Speed/keyboard shortcuts
Heavy, heavy, heavy email users (who are execs)
Somewhat disappointed
It's a very good solution, still not sure if it's worth the price
Clean interface, keyboard shortcuts
Email pro user
Can't think of anything right now
CEO Yayvo
Somewhat disappointed
I think the notificaitons on read receipts are a big deal that Newton had and this software doesn't. Wish Newton wasn't out of business. Also the desktop mac app is sluggish - I use the browser, but I dont' want to.
Read receipts, clean interface, quick access shortcuts
People who deal with multichannel communications and would like to upgrade email to be a little more like modern tools
Maybe don't use Electron if you are
Somewhat disappointed
I love the ease of emailing and organizing of Superhuman. But I’m still missing some key functionality including scheduling in the app (sending available times and writing on my calendar in the side bar), grammarly plug in and a different reply signature.
Gmail with Boomerang, grammarly and Salesforce
Quickly moving through emails
Faster to receive emails
Somewhat disappointed
I've had some issues with the mobile app (battery use, waiting for messages to load, not iPad compatible), and the Electron (or whatever) approach for the "native" app is a bit wonky, so I'm not 1000% sold. I'm pretty enthusiastic however!
Probably iOS mail and Gmail web
My inbox has been empty since I started using it
Super heavy email users, executives/managers
Other that rewriting as a native app... not much. Pay super close attention to reflow events that cause the UI to jump around unexpectedly
CEO, Co-founder
Somewhat disappointed
It's my go to for tablet and desktop (and will be moved up when my pixel works too :)
Do some hacking to replicate aha it's too good
easier to keep on top of emails with my keyboard
keyboard natives
Windows native release - i like to work in windows rather than tabs
Somewhat disappointed
It's definitely an improvement, but gmail worked ok
it's way faster, and I love keyboard shortcuts
Anyone who processes a lot of email and wants to do it better
There are still occasional bugs or flaws in the workflow that could be ironed out
Very disappointed
I have never been inbox 0,0 before, and your prompt methodology has helped me become proficient with the keyboard shortcuts (something I haven't been good at before).
gmail native
fast-track to inbox 0,0
someone juggling a range of business and personal commitments, looking for a way to stay on top of all of the correspondence.
full calendar integration so that I can create and edit appointments.
VP, Strategic Business Development
Very disappointed
I really like the ease of being able to scroll through my emails. It is a clean UI with no more buttons than absolutely needed. It's a really big improvement but I do want to continue to see some important features be added in order to keep using it.
Gmail web client
it is so clean and crisp. To not have any more distractions than absolutely necessary is really important
Anyone who needs to send a lot of emails on a daily basis
I want to see integration to be able to add contacts to my google contact book. It adds a lot of time to have to open just to add notes to a contact. Also I really miss the autocomplete feature of gmail where it is very accurate in predicting what you are going to say. Snippets just aren't the same.
Head of Business Development
Very disappointed
superhuman is awesome
people who use a lot of email
multiple calendars,
Business Development Associate
Very disappointed
Superhuman saves me soooo much time and keeps me organized.
Time savings.
Any one who manages multiple projects.
VP Business Development
Very disappointed
I've tweeted numerous points of view, I guess the conclusion is; Superhuman "is" e-mail for me now.
Cry. No seriously, if it was overnight, i'd probably use standard Gmail, then start looking for "another" client.
Getting through daily e-mail quickly and efficiently, and peace of mind that everything is happening in the background (reminders etc) to make sure nothing get's forgotten.
The personas you (Rahul) have mentioned in articles and interviews remain the primary, I add (if they haven't already been tagged); medical, legal, accounting - artists, photographers, singers - athletes, foodies, restaurants, gyms etc.
Hah! All the stuff you have in your product pipeline asap ;-)
Business Development EMEA
Very disappointed
I have access to most premium email offerings but Superhuman cuts my processing time in half
Ability to focus on what needs to happen now
Someone who tackles many different focuses in their job
iPad App, URL schema to link to emails and workflows
Business Development
Very disappointed
Revolutionized how I move through email
Getting through email quickly & efficiently
Build more detailed calendar functionality & integration
Global Head of Business Development
Very disappointed
Hard to explain but superhuman is just many orders of magnitude better than any other email client experience
Probably native gmail clients
Speed. It’s winderfully fast and intuitive
People with lots of email activity
Automatic nudges and reminders for unanswered emails, pref based on context
Head of Business Development, Ecosystem
Very disappointed
Really loving the macOS client and I can honestly say it's helping me make my way through my daily trove of emails much, much faster and making me more efficient overall. I'd hate to lose it.
Back to gmail
Speeding through emails much more efficiently.
I liked how you could "pop out reply" in gmail so you could still see your inbox and access other messages while composing an email or reply. Either not yet a feature or not something I can figure out how to do yet.
Senior Director of Business Development, Developer Growth
Very disappointed
Superhuman does as promised: It makes me more efficient and I am closer to Inbox Zero than I ever imagined.
Efficiency. Productivity. More responsive on email.
Anyone who struggles with email.
Probably. Since I'm still adjusting, I figure everything is there and I need to get to it.
VP, Business Development, Strategy
Very disappointed
1. email is a fundamental part of my work (startup) and SH has made it much easier & efficient. 2. learning curve was steep (for a big gain), so disappearance would be a blow. 3. nothing else (in my view) comes close.
Speed & Simplicity
Email heavy, digital, designer/developper
Sent a long list of ideas to you ;-)
Business Development EMEA
Very disappointed
Power tools like unsubscribing and feeling more in control of my email is pretty powerful.
Inbox By Gmail & Sanebox
Clutter free email helps me find more time to be proactive with my work.
Technology geeks who aren't afraid of keyboard shortcuts and command line interfaces. Would be intimidating to normal biz user I think.
Documentation is non-existent and a pain point.
Partner, Strategic Development
Very disappointed
I love the interface, speed and advanced features.
back to Apple Mail and/or native gmail
increased efficiency. Sorting through lots of email threads is not fun. Superhuman does make it a lot less daunting.
High volume sales/technical teams. Sales executives, sales engineers, sales managers and anyone customer facing. Being able to quickly search, sort and filter is amazing.
I have been working with your team (Cam is great) on suggestions and bugs. Lets get some of those fixed so I can start fully recommending SH.
Eric Stresen-reuter Business Development, Strategic Partnerships, Technical
Very disappointed
Keeps me organized
Status quo - gmail interface
someone who needs help keeping track of emails and who needs to respond in a timely manner but typically doesn't
Sometimes reboots the screen for no reason
Director, Business Development
Very disappointed
it's already made a huge difference in email speed
gmail web
huge email users: sales, business development, vc's, account managers, agents, etc
mobile app, slightly more contrast in visuals
Director of Business Development, Founding Team
Very disappointed
One of Superhuman's servers crashed for 30 minutes and I had to go back to gmail. It was awful.
Less stress from email, more efficient
Entrepreneurs and anyone in a role that deals with external actors - corporate development, biz dev, account executives, etc
Open emails in a new tab, ability to mass archive myself
Director of Business Development
Very disappointed
It's, quite simply, the best email experience I've had and I've been looking for years for a sort of 'end all be all' for email.
Go back to Inbox, I guess. Might try Airmail out again.
Speed. Speed. Speed.
Someone with large inboxes to triage.
Allow me to edit what shows up in the right side info box or turn it off altogether.
VP Business Development
Very disappointed
Superhuman is saving me time, and I am just starting to have muscle memory that's making me more efficient!
Boring-ol' Gmail.
Time Saving & More tools in one place
the over-extended manager that I always chase to get an answer from
Continue to build out outbound-sales focused features (like better read receipts)
Business Development Manager
Very disappointed
The UI is awesome and clean, the UX is neat and I actually do everything much faster with SH
I guess I'd go back to GMail loaded with tons of extensions as before
Save time and work offline
Busy executives and savvy email users like sales persons (though for sales more functions are required)
Release an iPhone app :) Also, I know it's not a common request but I'd really use an RTL support (for Hebrew emails)
VP Business Development
Very disappointed
Super design and speed.
I would find a team to help me re-build Superhuman
Design that promotes productivity/efficiency.
Executives with high volume of emails with short responses.
Mobile. I use Google Inbox which has a similar product ethos around 'Zero Inbox'.
Director, Business Development
Very disappointed
I spend most of my day on email and it makes my life better
Jump out the window
Others who spend alot of time managing emails (project manager types)
Change cursor color to white on the black background. Be able to create calendar invites directly from superhuman.
Vice Preseident Strategic Development
Very disappointed
I would no longer be super, just a human. Also, the hour a day I save at the minimum is appreciated by the kids :)
Gmail. Eww.
I enjoy checking emails, it’s like a fun game. Mostly though, the speed at which I can triage emails is unbelievable.
Sales! Executives. Humans. Probably Aliens.
Grammarly integration
Director, Public Safety Business Development
Very disappointed
(1) I can go faster. Even things that would take 3 clicks on the mouse, if I can do from cmd+K, I'm now feeling that time savings multiplied over a week. (2) Focus - For the first time, I'm finally able to find the right messages, fast and first, and deleting/reading the mailers doesn't get in the way of work related emails. I have 19 emails in "other" and I have confidence they are not work related and don't need to be looked at until I'm ready. (3) Inbox Offense, not Inbox Defense I'm able to more clearly choose what warrants a response right away, what can wait, and I love snoozing to desktop via mobile. I love snoozing mailing list things to the weekend to read later. I've found in the past week I'm the one doing all the follow up with conversations I'm having. Again... OFFENSE!
I would have to go back to Gmail and I would be sad and slow.
Control over the deluge of messages. Speed also.
PR professionals, who get even more email than I do. They're constantly following up. Biz Dev folks (like myself) because I'm constantly following up, but also need to email people at the *right time*. Finally, CEOs because they get tons of mail they can never respond to but want to read.
There's one major speed issue I keep running into, but is very hard to replicate (much less explain). This feedback is related to using a mouse. With Superhuman I use my mouse *significantly* less, and this is a huge benefit. This is a huge benefit that could be explained better. However, if it was pitched to me up front as a main benefit, I wonder if I would be intimidated at the perceived learning curve. I'm non-technical, so it would have made it sound like a terminal, which I use almost never. If you're using the mouse and rolling over a list of messages, sometimes the gray indicator hangs.
Senior Director, Business Development, Marketing
Very disappointed
It changed my life. Emails take less than half the time they used to.
I'd probably quit my job and delete all emails.
triaging emails super efficiently is definitely my top benefit
anyone who gets more than 75-100 emails a day
sometimes I like to have a draft open while browsing my inbox, probably the only good gmail feature
Director of International Business Development
Somewhat disappointed
nothing has been a game changer, although it is convenient
shortcuts and reminders
executive or sales person
UI formatting similar to gmail
Business Development, Director
Somewhat disappointed
Not all funcionalities integrated But Superhuman gives incentive to take action instead of putting on hold a conversation/draft
Gmail and/or other extensions
learning shortcuts, going faster, new organisation
Business Development Manager
Not disappointed
Gmail is a fine backstop if Superhuman ceased to exist
Easier to use
Individuals who receive 10s / 100s of emails a day and are regimented about managing them
Have passed along a few product suggestions directly.
Business Development, Seatgeek Enterprise
Somewhat disappointed
It’s amazing - I love it. Just don’t fully understand it’s capabilities yet. Takes awhile to get used too
Organized inbox
Sales person
Director of Partnerships
Not disappointed
I like the software, but there are two things I don't like: 1. the price ($30 is too high imo) and 2. the calendar functions I need are not covered.
Probably Mailplane
Its faster than any other programme and needs less processing power
Any person with a lot of emails but without any meetings - e.g. Customer Support
Add calendar functionality
Business Development
Somewhat disappointed
The app is pretty good in Chrome but the consistent lack of an android app leaves a huge disconnect when I am mobile. The fact that the tablet browser on android also cannot access the site leaves me with no mobile solution. When reminders pop up in my mobile email they are often confusing and don't provide the original email or context.
gmail with mailplane
fast keyboard efficiencies
I love what you are doing with the IOS mobile app as it is a good mobile experience but since there is no android app the system cannot be used company wide. Hence only small business owners, entrepreneurs, or people that can use their own apps in a business setting can make use of it.
A notes feature for snooze would be invaluable. Often I am rereading emails that pop up because I have no context after a certain period of time.
EVP Business Development
Somewhat disappointed
While Superhuman has definitely increased my efficiency, it's not at this point something I couldn't live without. Over time as I continue to build muscle memory for keyboard shortcuts I could see it getting to that point.
Kiwi for Gmail
Super responsive UI built specifically for quickly triaging and taking action on emails.
Anyone receiving a large volume of email with a variety of actions required per message.
Unified inbox, folder management (delete/rename/etc.), simple tables in email, additional configuration options especially changing default times for reminders (e.g. currently 8 AM for "tomorrow" or "next week", would like that to be 9 AM).
Senior Business Consultant
Somewhat disappointed
It helps me manage my inbox well but given that I’ve been using gmail for years I’m still struggling to fully make the switch
Go back to gmail
Managing my inbox at speed
People who get loads of emails
Hmm include ways to highlight sections
Operations, Strategic Partnerships
Somewhat disappointed
It’s a wonderful email experience and once it’s integrated with a few more tools I’ll be VERY disappointed if I can’t use it again
Speed and clarity. Keyboard shortcuts are amazing and make me a lot faster
Heavy email users without integrations that come from a background of using keyboard shortcuts. You do make it easy for non keyboard shortcut people to use it too
Notifications don’t always seem right is my main complete. Integrations
Business Lead
Somewhat disappointed
Most benefits feel like nice to haves. I'm expensing the cost with my company right now, and if I couldn't, don't think I'd pay out of my own pocket.
default gmail
shortcuts, auto bcc, inbox zero
main app is email
\- Make threads that are starred appear in my inbox when a new message arrives - Same with other labels - Calendly like support would be amazing - Make the dots that appear next to messages more self explanatory. Don't think color codes work. Also color coding starred messages when I'm viewing the starred section is unnecessary.
Director of Business Development
Somewhat disappointed
I appreciate all the features but find the price point too high. Superhuman introduced me to features in Gmail that I didnt know existed so I can go back and learn to use those features and short cuts in Gmail if Superhuman did not exist anymore.
Director of Business Operations
Somewhat disappointed
I love what you are trying to do with email. And there are a number of powerful features already (e.g. automated split views, etc.) -- but I still don't find it seamless and there are times were I feel I am losing time v. gaining time (and most of those complaints center around the apps approach to cross platform notifications -- they cause me to waste time looking for the "new / unread" emails across my split views.
Outlook for work and Gmail for personal.
Auto-categorizing of emails (e.g. Split Views)
Young tech worker with diverse interest who subscribes to a number of news feeds of varying importance.
Give more notification options (e.g. allow me to specify what categories of emails I'd like to receive a notification on and maybe show both a numerator (unread) and a denominator (total). Also think through users who may be using a large screen and a magic pad (where shortcut key strokes aren't as efficient).
Partner, Head of Business Development, Federal
Somewhat disappointed
I like superhuman, but in some ways now I wonder if I could set up my gmail to work in a similar way. it would suck but wouldn't be the end of the world.
keyboard shortcuts make the experience just more enjoyable and faster
people who use email a lottt
certain integrations, like image attachments, feel slow and clunky
Senior Corporate Development Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I haven't used it long enough to have it be essential to my workflow and the price is pretty steep, but I do love the service
everything can get done very quickly and having inbox zero frees up a lot of mental space for me
busy people who work in business/office jobs
Business Development
Somewhat disappointed
Onboarding is admittedly really difficult and I'd consider myself an early adopter (and I work in tech!) Because I live and breathe email, having a 30 minute consultation and then being left alone with SH is... a bit terrifying. I've taken a lot of notes for you on my first few weeks to hopefully help with your future utilization efforts.
Honestly, composing an email and sending
product manager..
When I go to forward a thread, I cannot scroll all the way down to send without it stalling.
VP, Corporate Strategy, Partnerships
Somewhat disappointed
I would still be able to complete the email tasks needed so the base foundation for communication is there, however I would be less effective and it would be more time consuming. Aesthetics and design are important to me when interacting with a technology or product (facilitates delight, engagement, and maximized outcome) so I would be disappointed without the current set up with Superhuman. Lastly, I still feel like I'm learning the shortcuts and once I have those down the "somewhat disappointed" answer would turn into "very disappointed."
I would likely use my Gmail account and perhaps a few plug ins that would help in a piecemeal fashion.
Primary: Saving time* Secondary: More visibility into my emails and the ones that count!
The person who wants to save time and be more effective communicating via email. In addition, the type of person who wants to make email (work or personal) more enjoyable.
Perhaps not specifically desktop, more in general, to create a shortcut of a few keys to auto send a follow-up message within a certain amt of days without a response (whether to schedule, or if an answer is needed).
Business Development
Somewhat disappointed
I see the value of superhuman but I have some doubts as to whether my email volume is high enough to personally see the benefit.
Airmail (macOS) or (iOS)
It's really just the sum of all the small useful things — shortcuts, helpers etc.
Someone with really high inbound email volume, or who transacts primarily through email.
Some features are still quite intransparent, split inboxes and the rules for them are a bit confusing
Media Talent, Brand Partnerships Manager
Somewhat disappointed
Love the product so far, don't love the price.
Gmail/Mac Mail
Enjoy doing email more, and the hotkeys makes it much more efficient!
Someone like me, to be honest. Head of sales/people triaging a lot of emails. I could see admin assistants loving it too.
Integration with my CRM would be a bit help.
Business Development, Ecosystem Partnerships
Somewhat disappointed
It's hands down the best e-mail client that I've ever used, but my goodness is it expensive. And I'm not certain that it's THAT much better than the next best email client. I don't get a ton of email because we mostly use Slack, so I'm already thinking about whether or not I can justify the cost, and I'm not even a month in.
Spark, Boomerang, Gmail... something like that.
The shortcuts are thoughtful. As an example, the fact that my calendar pops up in context when I'm talking about a specific date is awesome.
Someone who gets a ton of email.
I'm not sure yet - probably need some more time with it.
VP, Strategy, Business Development
Somewhat disappointed
I haven't used it long enough to feel dependent on it or like I've fully mastered it. My system in Gmail was okay, but I am saving more time working through Superhuman than I was through Gmail.
Time saving on work emails and organized inboxes help with clutter-induced anxiety
People with external facing positions i.e. sales, account management, partnerships
Make file previews actually work—they never end up loading and I just download the file instead. Create Grammarly integration. Make it easier to create more customizable splits.
Manager, Audience Development
Somewhat disappointed
Feels like if I spend time learning key shortcuts on Gmail, that could be just as usefeul
Clean inbox and less procrastination
Pop out functionality
VP, Business Development, Partnerships
Somewhat disappointed
it's a beautiful tool that clearly helps my day, but for the price point it's hard to justify
speed, aesthetics
someone who deals with a TON of emails each day that needs a way to clearly prioritize between them
A couple bug fixes (eg. downloading PDFs) + making it easier to edit a split inbox
Director of Business Development, West Coast
Somewhat disappointed
It's better than alternatives, and probably worth what I'm paying. But it's not so much better that I can't get my work done without it.
Quicker in working through my inbox. The advanced editing features are nice, but I don't find myself using them all the time.
Exec-level. People with tons of emails to work through.
No suggestions.
VP, Corporate Development
Somewhat disappointed
I would miss the speed but would fall back on my comfortability with Gmail
Speed and Efficiency
Anyone who spends a ton of time in their inbox and doesn't keep their inbox as a to-do list
More customization options to personalize the experience and workflow
Director, Business Development
Somewhat disappointed
Love everything but will have to see how it feels vis-a-vis high cost after a few months
Gmail + plugins, maybe newton, try another product
People doing a lot of things but that feel compelled to be responsive and not just let their email be a black hole
First thing that comes to mind is that search is slow
Chief Business Officer, Publisher, Board Member
Somewhat disappointed
I love the keyboard shortcuts and split inbox. I think I could get away with some functionality if I had to go back to Gmail that is provided by Gmail i.e. keyboard shortcuts, label/split inbox. I would miss all of the cmd K options. Have not determined how many of those options exist in baseline Gmail.
back to Gmail
processing emails more effectively
I don't know.
it feels like it can slow down chrome from time to time. I'd be willing to use it in a standalone mode.
VP, Strategic Partnerships
Somewhat disappointed
it's a little better than gmail + shortcuts, but not that much
gmail + shortcuts
recognition from VCs who know what superhuman is
VCs and people who want recognition from VCs
better integration with calendar
Somewhat disappointed
Its a helpful tool, though the search function doesn't seem to work properly. I find it difficult to find old emails sent.
the organization of my emails
anyone that deals with a high volume of emails
Director of Sales, New Business
Somewhat disappointed
I love it because it is superfast to get through emails and helps me to stay on track when doing email focus sessions BUT I rely on Grammarly a lot for spelling and the lack of Android support means that I cannot use it on my new Android device (just ditched Apple)
Gmail - I also miss the new predictive test that they were rolling out
Speed to get through email
Someone who gets lots of email
As mentioned above grammarly support, predictive text and also better instructional videos on how to do things like separate emails into different split inboxes
Business Owner
Somewhat disappointed
I've gotten comfortable with the interface and prefer it to GMail
I'd have to do some research; or Google
Speed, organized visually in a way that works for me
People whose to-do lists depend on email
A shortcut "cheat-sheet" pinned to the UI until I opt out
Business Operations, Finance Lead
Somewhat disappointed
I am travelling a lot being in a client facing role and the app provided is very bad with battery issues and abrupt crashes. Yes, The Mac app is good.
Gmail + Yesware that I was already using
Not much but yes somewhat faster for going through my emails
As currently the mobile app is not that good, folks who rely less on mobile for mails would be better suited for this.
I still need to have better way to do bulk operations like marking many mails done in one go or setting reminders in bulk
Head of Business Development
Not disappointed
It saves time but it’s more of a nice to have
Gmail and mixmax or some kind of extension
Saves time and it’s faster than gmail
Execs and c level folks that get a lot of vendor emails and internal team notes
Speed. It seems faster in browsers
VP Strategy, Partnerships
Somewhat disappointed
SH still has a few kinks to work out ('tis beta life) and I'm still using GMail/Mixmax for when I need to send templates. "Somewhat disappointed" as 1) I've gotten used to inbox zero 2) setting reminders on unanswered messages 3) split screen view of Superhuman client on left and Mac calendar on right, both in carbon/dark mode.
Gmail in browser
Hit "inbox zero" thrice so far, blazingly fast navigation through e-mails, no reliance on mouse until I need to send an invite or move into another app.
The type of person riddled with anxiety over email management (e.g. me)
Stability improvements, more advanced or power-user features
Corporate Development
Somewhat disappointed
Good ideas, but over engineered for keyboard short cuts and under engineered for other features such as offering meeting requests that take up more time than using a mouse. Pricing is outrageous for the features it offers.
MixMax & Hop
Filters, visual design much easier to see with dark mode UI
engineers who loathe using gmail. its def not business user friendly
Reduce steep learning curve. Its not the quality of the app building on desktop its the shortcut over reliance (must memorized all of them) and limited features. Argument of Superhuman being blazing fast comes to a halt when I cannot offer scheduling options or have to set up filters on gmail every few days rather than on Superhuman.
Business Development, Marketing
Not disappointed
A lot of the shortcuts are similar to google mail. The key differentiators for me would be mobile app optimization, and tighter linking with the calendar. Otherwise I love the experience, and the TLC around the product, but it's incremental in terms of functionality.
more robust shortcuts and awesome customer servicing
People who can automate their workflow through email
Tighter linkage to calendaring
Head of Business Development, Strategy
Somewhat disappointed
I'll fall back to Google Inbox and lose quite a few things I love: keyboard shortcuts, read statuses. etc. I'll end up spending extra 15-30 minutes on email a day, that sucks.
Google Inbox
Keyboard navigation​, including jumping between 3 accounts, adding cc/bcc recipients, labeling, etc.
The more people communicate, the more Superhuman will be helpful. C-level folks, TPMs, managers, VCs, sales / accounts.
I'm not a big fan of the UI aesthetics, but what you have works fine. I don't like the message baloons, doesn't feel right. Fonts: the font you use for commands doesn't have Cyrillic characters, but that's minor. I'll shoot you a separate support convo about that. Improvements I'm waiting for: 1. Automatically improve typography, like apostrophes and dashes, etc. 2. Automatically change google docs share settings if I'm sending a link to a doc to a person who doesn't have access, ask me what to do: link-level access to edit or personal access to edit/read/comment. Make the default behavior a setting. 3. Ability to convert / see time in different timezones. A command like “11am hkt in PST” in the launcher, and a way to see time in the calendar sidebar in my timezone if someone sent me something like “let's talk tomorrow 10am ET?” 4. Ability to create templated events like a quick call with a zoom link in the calendar if the message suggests it. 5. Ability to cycle through my email accounts mand split inboxes better. It's OK now, feels like there might be some improvement. 6. Ability to use labels cross-account and clean things up like copy an email from one account to another (if someone made a mistake and emailed my personall account instead of the work account, I want to be able to use a label I usually use for work email, and I want search to reliably work later on and find that message. 7. Search working consistendly in ALL my accounts, not a single accounts — for situations when I don't know where (in which account) is the message I'm looking for. 8. Also search in my attachments: documents or google documents, including their content, and my events. 9. Ability​ to forward emails to services to create tatsks more transparantly, i.e. follow to my trello board inbox, etc. This can be done now with snippeted recipient addrtess.
Head of Business Development
Somewhat disappointed
I like the shortcuts, the snippets, and the custom split inboxes. The basic email functionality is good, but different, so makes me a little nervous every time I hit send.
A tech person used to shortcuts
The read receipts are pretty hard to find. Wish they were more prominent.
Business Operations
Somewhat disappointed
it's an amazing product. and it's definitely helped me reduce noise and get more done. however, there is a bit of a learning curve (even for me, and i consider myself an early adopted of new products). lots of shortcuts to remember. many are easy as they ported from gmail. many are not. and there are many new ones to learn. plus, some of the functionality from gmail isn't here yet (eg creating nested labels -- low frequency use case/power user request). plus there is no embedded calendar or calendar functionality yet. but, for a brand new product, it's v freaking impressive.
splitting inbox into actual shit i need to do vs everything else that distracts me
power users of gmail
see above
Head of Mobile Business Development, Americas, APAC
Somewhat disappointed
I like some features of it but without the mobile functionality and being restricted to Chrome does make things inconvenient for me.
Mail by Apple
To see if my e-mails were read.
People that hyper obsess over e-mail as a very real method of communication.
Somewhat disappointed
I've tried to commit to this system. If I went back to gmail, i feel like i would have to recommit and reorganize.
Back to Gmail.
Organization. Clarity of inbox. Love the reminders.
Hard to answer that without seeing a mobil app version. That's extremely limiting me from going to like this product to love it.
Mobile app. Your support team is great. They respond with helpful advice and product updates. It's far too expensive. This is not sustainable over the long haul.
Director of Partnerships
Somewhat disappointed
Have polymail, i need mobile and notifications from superhuman
Mobile + Notification feed (IE notify me when ppl read emails etc.)
Business Advisor
Somewhat disappointed
Superhuman seems to help me focus on email better than any other client i've used.
Keyboard shortcuts, less clutter, read receipts, clearbit - in that order.
I'd assume that the the more "different" email a user receives, the more helpful SH will be. (where "different" = comes from many sources, and is about many things. doesn't fit into a well-defined workflow/process)
Search could be better - there are a few minor, but frequent bugs.
Business Development, Growth
Not disappointed
Keyboard controls are good, mostly intuitive. Design is clean.
Less cluttered inbox, both design and contents wise
Everyone who uses a GTDish system.
better cal invite handling. Let me get rid of the clearbit sidebar
Business Development, Growth
Somewhat disappointed
useful on desktop for basic/repeated functions - bad integrations w calandar activities and still horrible iOS functionality
some other vc-backed email add on clone?
read receipts and snippets
founder/ceo or exec w tons of direct reports but no in depth work requirements
it can be faster
Business S&O, Mobile Growth Handbook
Somewhat disappointed
While most of the features are already available on other email clients (such as Spark), the fact that I can customize splits, use keyboard shortcuts, and motivating myself to reach inbox zero every time to get some good stock image is mesmerizing. I would be able to leave and go back to Spark with my newfound habit, but that wouldn't be really fun.
I would go back and use Spark.
Keyboard shortcuts, motivation to reach inbox zero, and customizing splits (which have already helped me categorize emails). I never miss important emails again. Another benefit: I am able to see if people opened my message. That is a life hack.
Venture Capitalists. Startup CEO. Freelancer.
Popup window would be great. And customization of keyboard shortcuts.
Business Analyst
Somewhat disappointed
Super expensive
Keyboard shortcuts
Someone with a long list of email
Growth, Partnerships
Not disappointed
Superhuman has exceeded my expectations
GMail - but it'd be sad
Flat colors - getting away from Google's harsh primary colors
Most people - the value add is the clarity away from jarring technological stimuli, notifications
Business Operations Associate
Somewhat disappointed
I'm not totally convinced its better than Gmail - just forces better practices
Better email habits
People with lots of emails
Ability to pop out multiple drafts
Senior Business Analyst
Very disappointed
I want to use shortcuts for everything now! wish every tool i had was superhuman-ed
back to gmail? try something similar?
decreased stress around emails / increased enjoyment with emails / save lots of time
Anyone who's reliant on email
there seems to be a delay in actually receiving messages to my inbox
Account Manager
Very disappointed
love the ease of use, shortcuts, labels, etc. great product all around
back to regular ol' gmail...
incredible inbox management
everyone, tbh
One feature that I'd like is to have the ability to expand the composing window. I have templates for work that include tables that are too large for the default size, and the full email view ends up being cut.
Account Executive
Very disappointed
Superhuman has made the task of making a disposition on an email so fluid. I feel like i'm on top of shit now....
speed and awareness. i'm more organized and aware of whats going on. Example: Every prospect i'm working with (i'm a sales person), i have their domain added to my VIP split. it basically has all the important things and i'm on top of them.
sales professionals
I'd like to be able to add any email to any arbitrary split with CMD-K.
Account Executive
Very disappointed
super delightful platform. I don't dread going into my inbox anymore
Would unhappily go back to my old combo gmail + outlook
Getting through my inbox each day
Anyone who feels like they drowning in their inbox each day. Stuggles to stay ontop of priority issues.
Better ways to filter out spam. Mailbox had some great features to create spam rules on the fly. Really miss them.
Account Executive
Somewhat disappointed
I love the hotkeys and ability to go through my email without touching a mouse. There are a few things that I miss from gmail: automated boomerangs (if a recipient doesn't respond to my email within a given time, I receive a notification), unable to click Salesforce links, and a few other minor things.
Regular gmail + slack
Hotkeys, especially command + K (easy way to find out how to do anything with the product)
Execs and sales people
The boomerang feature, predictive text, recommendations that are specific to how I use email (splits, snippets, etc.)
Head of Supply Sales, Americas, EMEA
Somewhat disappointed
It's a great tool, there are a few things I find myself switching back to the gmail client for, but all-in-all very good.
I'd probably go back to gmail w/ cirrus insight addon
Manage multiple mailboxes, mac client, open tracking (this and salesforce integration is what I was using cirrus insight for). If you also integrated with salesforce - o m g that would be a combination made in heaven, and would definately lead the pack of gmail/salesforce integration products.
People who live or die by their mailbox. It's great for sales...
The UI leaves a lot of be desired. I know you are going for a minimal feel, but there's a few things missing. The void on the huge, empty void on the left side of the window when in a message drives me nuts. The circular icons don't seem to match the overall aesthetic of the rest of the experience.
Account Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I've used gmail for so long that it wouldn't kill me to go back, I just wouldn't choose to on my own
it helps to assign a level of priority using keyboard shortcuts and be able to split out categories
heavy emailers
allow me to create events on my google calendar, also allow me to connect with outreach (since my company pays for it)
Enterprise Account Executive
Somewhat disappointed
I haven't been using it long enough to feel extremely disappointed but I know I would feel at a loss if I had been on the platform longer since it has really changed the way I use email already.
Quickly address and stay on top of my email
Account Executive
I wish my unread emails stood out against the read emails more (maybe make them bolder or different color?)
Account Executive
Somewhat disappointed
I'm still in the process of getting to know Superhuman. The web experience is much better than Gmail however the mobile experience might still need some work
Someone who managed their work/team remotely through email
Include CRM Integrations
Senior Account Manager
Somewhat disappointed
im really starting to get used to it so going without it wouldnt be fun
go back to gmail
much easier to read conversations
a person who spends at least 50% of their day on email
i cant figure out how to attach a different calendar and its not easy to do from the app
Account Executive
Somewhat disappointed
Its nice but not life changing.
Keyboard shortcuts.
Corporate employees that don't have slack and answer hundreds of internal emails a day.
I'm not sure.
VP Sales
Not disappointed
Because mobile app is very slow. Sometimes it doesn't show the content.
desktop version: shortcuts, command line
someone who spends huge amount of time on emails. whose primary workspace is an inbox.
great as is.
Account Strategist
Somewhat disappointed
Loving the experience so far, but as I'm on Android I'm not fully immersed in the Superhuman world just yet
cleaner, simpler interface. Command-K!!
anyone with a busy inbox
Better storage of files for offline use
Azure Sales Executive
Somewhat disappointed
Due primarily to the learning curve, I think I would miss it but is has not become mission-critical to me just yet. I appreciate the innovative features, but sometime when (ironically) I need to move quickly, I revert to Gmail because I know how to get a specific action done. In SH, I spend time hunting for how to do certain tasks. A nice user guide would be helpful. I also miss have easy access to Grammarly in SH (like I do within Gmail).
Gmail on Chrome and the Gmail mobile app.
It is undeniably faster to triage one's inbox. Read receipts are a big plus, as well.
Not sure, exactly. My use case may be typical. Senior-level, external leader who just can't keep up with all the external and internal incoming email because they are trying to be out with prospects and clients.
Publish a slick user guide or videos or something to immerse the user right away. The 30-minute onboarding was great. However, after that the advice was sort of, "Just go out and use it. Oh, and burn the ships at the shore by getting rid of Gmail to force yourself to use SH." I'm really glad I didn't do that (I thought about it and almost pulled the trigger but, as I said, at crunch time when I can't figure out how to do something specific in SH, I am glad to be able to revert to Gmail.
Account Manager
Somewhat disappointed
It helps me de clutter my inbox.
Gmail on chrome
Inbox zero
Salesforce integration 😀
Not disappointed
It's a great product, speeds up my day.
I would go back to Gmail plus MixMax
Speed, agility
people who are trying to get through their inbox, busy executives...
There are some MixMax features I still enjoy. I'd also like to see a calendar break out of the app.
Director of Sales, North America
Somewhat disappointed
I’ve only been using it for a few weeks. Although I love the experience, I’m sure I could manage without it.
Gmail as is
Feeling like I’m responding quickly to what’s important & not forgetting to address anything that’s less important.
people who are constantly distracted or derailed from a task (usually due to no fault of their own)
Account Manager, Teams
Somewhat disappointed
its awesome but not quite perfect yet
gmail + addons
awesome workflow and innovating email
efficient but open to change
attachments and calendar invites to open in the app and not launch entire browser window and break workflow; better grammar correction
Director of Online Sales
Somewhat disappointed
Just getting used to it.
inbox zero
substantial email volume coupled with using inbox as a to do list
Open attachments before sending to check they're the correct one. Add email signatures rather than using gmail.
Director, International Sales
Somewhat disappointed
Superhuman is awesome
Sad gmail
Time back in my life. Stress off my plate. Reminders are the greatest thing ever. A clear inbox is literally helps my relationships. And I'm a relationships guy.
hmmm... people who are customer facing
Salesforce integrations. Combined inboxes.
Head of Enterprise Relationship Management
Somewhat disappointed
It is too expensive for me to be very disappointed.
Gmail with extensions or Polymail Pro.
Keeping on top of e-mails and achieving inbox zero. Auto-bcc to sfdc. Clean and simple interface. Hotkeys. Incredible customer service.
Anyone who lives out of their e-mail inbox.
Continuous iterative improvements.
Account Manager Team Lead
Somewhat disappointed
I don't feel that the value is in total alignment with the cost.
Heavy email user
Account Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I'm still getting the hang of it honestly. I like the idea, and hope i can get to a point that I know it well enough that I can't live without it. I believe the capability is there I just haven't maximised yet
go back to gmail
i like the interface. short keys are great of course.
someone in more of a volume role. like, having to get through a lot of emails
I think bringing a full calendar in would help. not sure, sorry
Account Executive
Somewhat disappointed
I like it so far but unsure how much faster it is compared to Gmail.
SVP, Head of Sales
Somewhat disappointed
I like superhuman, but I don't think it outperformes other solutions all that much, once you understood how much faster you are with hot keys
learned to use hot keys and using labels better
Tech entrepreneurs, sales and customer service people, executives
Head of Sales
Somewhat disappointed
It’s becoming more integrated into my day to day, but it’s not a necessity
Organization, efficiency
Those who are looking to have a more efficient email workflow
Easier to use text edit capabilities. Pop out emails
Senior Enterprise Solutions Consultant, Team Lead
Somewhat disappointed
Great tool, but not quite at a point I couldn't live without it: - Custom shortcuts (create actions on custom shortcuts) - Salesforce sync and/or Salesforce insights in sidebar - Choose scrolling direction (start from bottomn of inbox and go to top) - Auto remind (all outbound emails have a reminder automatically) could be interesting
Gmail + Mixmax
Mobile app Linkedin/people insights All keyboard based and lightning fast
Execs My use case with a partnership team, lots of external facing emails/relationship building which is largely unstructured
See above
Account Executive
Somewhat disappointed
It’s a great tool but not life changing. Not sure if it’s worth so much money
Gmail or another app
Speed and organization
Someone with a lot of email with a bunch of different topics
Not sure
Director of Sales Operations
Somewhat disappointed
I’m confident I could “live” without it, and rely on Gmail + Boomerang, but I would miss it.
Gmail + Boomerang
Inbox Zero has been easier to maintain, and speed of moving around the interface
People who benefit from actively managing their email and who have to process lots of it daily
The UI is hard to read. I am craving more contrast, more obvious UI feedback, it just feels almost too flimsy or like it’s trying too hard to be something rather than just working.
Enterprise Director
Somewhat disappointed
Experience is still a bit buggy. In general, UX is pretty solid and I can appreciate the value SH is bringing to my email process. Still not sure it's worth $30/month
Gmail, Airmail, Outlook
Keyboard shortcuts 100%
Busy people, tech savvy that are familiar with using keystrokes vs. mouse for tasks
Sales Director
Somewhat disappointed
It significantly helps me with my productivity, but there are still features that I need to fully replace other email solutions
Gmail, Outreach, Mixmax
Time - I can get through emails faster so it saves me about 1 hour a day
Salesperson, AE, Account Executive, Founder, anyone receiving lots of emails
More integrations, Calendly, loom, vidyard. Sequences/Cadences (eg - if this person doesn't respond in 5 days reply to thread with a bump email)
Account Executive
Somewhat disappointed
There's a lot of useful functionality, but a lot of it can be cobbled together using cheaper tooling. For example, I've used Rapportive in the past on its own, and it works pretty well for understanding people, and there are tons of email tracking utilities out there that offer free options (Yesware, Groove, etc.) The calendar integration is nice, though wouldn't hold a candle to what Outreach has built. I've also only been using this for personal email so far, so haven't really had an opportunity to see how it affects my normal work flow. For personal use, I like the mass-unsubscribe features, and reminders and send later are nice functionality, but don't make or break my life. Long story short, I really like the product, and I really hate the pricepoint. If my company won't reimburse me, I won't use the product at this pricepoint. If there was a freemium option (which would also give me more time to sell my company on the idea of funding the tool), or even a much cheaper option ($5 or less, and I'd probably just buy it for myself) I would be 100% a customer.
See above. Rapportive + Yesware (or alternative) + Gmail, most likely. I also use Omnifocus for task tracking.
I really like split inboxes. It helps me organize things a lot better. For the last 7 years, I've been in a sales engineering function, so the sales-oriented functionality is super valuable for me. I'm moving into a product management role at a new company, so I'm not totally clear if I'll still value sales-y functionality. It probably won't change the fact that I like having it, but might make it a nice-to-have.
Sales teams will definitely get value out of a number of the premium features, but the types of people who are going to use keyboard shortcut-oriented tools will likely tend towards younger generations I would expect. Who at a company sends the most emails? Probably sales and marketing. Marketing is much more heavily automated. Could see this having a lot of value for developer evangelism teams, things like that.
I wish there was a place I could go to see all of the tips and tricks in the product. I like all the email tips I get, but it suggests to me that there's a lot I don't know (or perhaps you're just adding features really rapidly). The hotkeys for particular actions are very discoverable. The new instant intro thing, for example. It's a neat shortcut, but would be hard to find without getting an email about it.
Solutions Engineering Lead, Strategic Accounts
Somewhat disappointed
Haven’t used it long enough
Back to gmail, I suppose
Keystrokes vs mouse
Someone who processes tons of variable email daily
Have an option for notifications being muted to only appear on the open device
Head of Sales
Somewhat disappointed
I haven't yet mastered Superhuman (learning the shortcuts) so I'm not far enough along to feel strong disappointment.
Send emails while offline
Someone who deals with a lot of email daily.
Can't think of anything
Enterprise Account Executive
Somewhat disappointed
I like it and am getting used to it. I find it tough to remember many of the shortcuts - kind of like having to know DOS commands back in the day (there's a lot you could do if you could remember all the commands!) .
Go back to gmail, reluctantly
Clearing the inbox quickly and the remind me feature
Someone who gets a lot of email and can remember commands
Director, Global Sales Enablement, Operations
Somewhat disappointed
I enjoy it, but not sure I'd cry or anything. :)
Back to Gmail probably
Amazing Mac and iOS apps that help me be productive and they work well, are beautifully designed.
Hyper efficient people that are OCD at email
Consolidated Inbox view (across personal and work accounts).
Head of Sales, Sales Operations
Somewhat disappointed
Superhuman is faster than just using gmail, but at this point, I don't think its worth the $30/month cost. I can do most of what I do in superhuman via regular gmail key short cuts and boomerang.
Gmail and boomerang
It's faster, and reminds me to use shortcuts
someone who gets over 50-70 emails a day
Sometimes the formatting of forwarded emails or "wide" emails do not appear correctly.
Senior Global Account Executive, Key Accounts
Somewhat disappointed
the iOS app is not my fav. still using iOs default mail app for now
postbox and apple mail on iOS
snippets, split inbox and use of keyboard for everything
don't know
I love it so far
Senior Director, Partner Enablement, Oracle Sales, Partner Academy
Somewhat disappointed
I like it...but I don't "need" it
Peace of mind / inbox zero
Someone who needs to get to inbox zero
Senior Account Executive
Somewhat disappointed
I just switched over a couple weeks ago. Moving back would be disappointing, but not VERY disappointing.
I'd probably go back to Gmail.
Peace of mind. Specifically "remind me on Desktop" which allows me to quickly get to inbox zero from mobile.
Someone who is a little bit disorganized, who takes on more than they can / more than they think they can.
Switching between accounts in mobile takes a swipe or two and a tap into a pretty small icon. It doesn't work perfectly for me. Unless there's a gesture that does it faster that I just haven't learned yet.
VP Sales
Somewhat disappointed
I think it's really good for improved email workflow, but part of what I had to do to get it working for me was to archive a lot of emails and organize others differently, so I could take that new "inbox hygiene" back to GMail.
Improved Workflow (going from email to email instead of back to the index by default) and split inboxes.
Professionals who are constantly in their inbox.
Biggest one now is a mobile app so I interact with my inbox the same way across all devices. Also, just keep innovating, a lot of what you've done is taken commoditized features (send later, snooze) and put them under one roof. I'd love to see you guys dig deep to keep users out of their inbox more. For example: what could you build so I wouldn't have to check my email as often? Or, what if another split inbox was a Slack integration so I could see all my conversations across mediums in one place? There's a ton here.
Director of Product, Sales Hub
Somewhat disappointed
I'm still getting used to the new way of working - it's not quite irreversable. Yet. However, the $30/mo is a stretch.
Gmail + tools
Organization. Then, I hope to get a lot from read receipts and easy to access info about my contacts or the folks I'm emailing.
Until I can demonstrate clear value to my business, it will be hard to expense the monthly fees. I'm hoping with continued integrations and tools in the service, we'll get there. In the meantime, it may make sense to offer free levels.
Director of Sales, Americas
Very disappointed
This is easily the most efficient, and best performing, email client I've used.
Gmail web client, or some wrapper for it.
Efficiency + performance.
Anyone who handles a high volume of email. That's basically everyone these days, isn't it?
Keep up the good work! Some lag here and there, but it's a beta (or an alpha?)
Director of Client Strategy
Very disappointed
Superhuman has changed the way that I use my email. I am much faster overall and feel like I have the control over my messages that I have always wanted.
I would go back to sad gmail.
I receive many benefits but, being able to see who opens my emails has been extremely helpful.
Any person who does a large majority of their work scheduling, coordinating and working through emails. I especially think that it is great for Recruiting and Hiring Managers!
Once the GH integration is fully complete, I am eager to see how I can use Superhuman to really speed up my functions in GH as well!
Client Support Specialist
Very disappointed
I love the speed of the interface + the feature set
Gmail native browser interface
extremely good user experience
everyone. I know you're after the email power user, however, I don't think you should limit yourself to that segment. Anyone who appreciates thoughtfully designed UI/UX + operates in such a way that send later/snooze and other features help them with customer interaction will see value in your product.
continue to evolve the email editor. handling images in the editor could be improved (no resize image for example). Adding mobile experience would be major as not having it available on mobile leaves 50% of my experience missing.
Owner, eCommerce, Marketing, Customer Support
Somewhat disappointed
It makes things easier but I could live without it
Splitting emails into different groups
busy people who receive lots of emails
being able to combine criteria for creating split inboxes (e.g: mail address & subject line) + syncing faster with gmail inbox
Client Director
Somewhat disappointed
It's helpful, but sometimes I feel like the visual minimalism is slightly prohibiting to workflow
Fast commands, snippets
Sales teams
Sometimes it causes my browser to strain on chrome. So it stutters and causes the email to pause
Director of Client Strategy
Somewhat disappointed
It’s super helpful and has taught me how to better manage my email. The speed and efficiency are great. It does feel like a bit of a luxury purchase though.
I’d probably use a mix of apple mail and the gmail browser interface.
People with many email addresses, each with a high volume of daily mail, who highly value their time.
Give the option to specify if split inboxes should allow an email to exist in more than one split simultaneously.
Managing Director, Head of Quote-to-cash, Customer Success Practices
Somewhat disappointed
It's better than Gmail.
It's faster and easier to use than Gmail
People who spend a ton of time in their email.
It's a shame that no Gmail Chrome extensions work with Superhuman. It means we're going to have to pay for software to do stuff in Gmail, and have the team need to use both Gmail + Superhuman, and inevitably I'll have to argue for why to not cancel Superhuman altogether if the team doesn't even use it exclusively.
Head of Customer Success
Somewhat disappointed
vitamin not painkiller
probably gmail
~25% less context switching while emailing, ~25% better at reinforcing beneficial email habits
someone who spends most of their day in their inbox
(1) Every time I quit (command + q) super human an error message appears that says "superhuman quit unexpectedly" which always makes me laugh b/c it was quit very expectedly :) (2) Also the ability to add calendar delegates + calendar groups for scheduling. Often I need to switch (command + tab) to fantastical to actually schedule events because I can't see all of the necessary calendars in the sidebar. (3) Also the ability to set custom links for people's email address (e.g. if I want to look up a customer's profile in our admin dashboard, we have a Retool app that accepts their email address as a URL parameter. So if I had the ability to add custom links to the "profile" sidebar I would add something like{{}} so I could immediately jump to the admin panel.) Intercom has an app for this in their messenger btw called "quick links." (4) Also, how can I view what my sidebar profile looks like to ensure that it's accurate? Can I edit it?
Customer Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
I enjoy being able to process email quickly. However, I have difficulty setting up new splits and editing splits. It's also harder to search in Superhuman than it is in Gmail (this may be user error on my part).
Splits, Snippets and key-board shortcut reminders
Anyone who lives in their email or who is managing multiple teams/clients.
I am not using it on desktop - please disregard desktop questions asked in this survey.
VP Client Success
Somewhat disappointed
I love superhuman & would be sad if I couldn't use it anymore.
Increased efficiency, reminders
anyone in the working world
love it
Client Success Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I've been enjoying superhuman - think there's always room for improvement however.
Airmail (previous client)
enjoy the efficiency of processing emails using the keyboard.
people who receive a lot of email
better management of multiple email accounts. I still struggle with the ctrl-1/ctrl-2 to see if i have email in my 'other' account.
Head of Deployment, Customer Support
Somewhat disappointed
Saves me time but $30/month is steep!
Speed of actioning emails
Someone who gets at least 50 emails a day
Chief Customer Officer
Somewhat disappointed
I am enjoying superhuman and feel that all the shortcuts and learning how to archive effectively have made it easier for me to move through my inbox
everyone! Really though, anyone in a high pace job/environment.
Sometimes it glitches and I have to refresh/it is slow
Customer Success Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I really like the speed of using Superhuman. Sometimes, I wonder if some of these are native features of gmail that I wasn't using to their full extent. In fact, I have to use native gmail for things like creating filters. Also, I'm still getting used to the application so I find myself getting stuck and there isn't a lot of online help.
native gmail
speed and simplicity
a more technical, power user
make the inventory of guides available somewhere. Add mobile.
VP Customer Success
Somewhat disappointed
Superhuman has become an integral part of my workflow in the last few weeks. However, there are still some features that I'm awaiting that would make me truly devastated if I lost the app. For now, I enjoy it immensely.
Kiwi has been my go-to G-Mail app; however, it is not truly great.
Speed and a better organization flow
Those that are consistently communicating via e-mail. Anyone who needs to be speedy or to manage their lives and responsiveness via e-mail
Full calendar integration. Much like everyone I live and breathe my calendar. That's why I chose to use Kiwi- it allowed me to have a dedicated window for my calendar and not have Chrome utilizing a large amount of energy or memory just for me to view. I love the UI of Superhuman, so if I could have a tab /split inbox view of my calendar that would be brilliant. Additionally I think a better understanding of how Superhuman integrates Socially(just from a privacy understanding).
Head of Support
Somewhat disappointed
I enjoy using it and defiantly getting used to the shortcusts and some of the tricks. However the cost of it makes me debuting a bit if I want to keep using it.
dealing with emails much faster
busy one :-)
provide the ability to have a quick pick into the email to understand if I want to read it now or wait for later
SVP Customer Success, Field Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
i think i'll still be able to live with gmail, esp at $30/mo
busy with tons of emails
larger images require me to scroll within the frame.. hard to edit subject. had to mis click a few times. search for way older emails is very slow..
Product, Support
Somewhat disappointed
I'm not sure I have enough email volume for it to be a catastrophe to no longer have access to it, but I would certainly miss it.
I'm unsure, I would have to begin my search again -- I was using before due to syncing convenience and made the jump to Superhuman after being told about it by a friend.
Not losing track of important emails.
People whose email works as a pseudo todo list.
The managing of multiple accounts/inboxes is a bit of a struggle for me due to how the badges on the dock icon work. I don't really know how it can be better, but the badge displaying differently based on the specific split and inbox I'm in strikes me as peculiar. I'd prefer it to show a total across all inboxes, and never anything in a split.
Customer Support Manager
Somewhat disappointed
It is good, and fast. Not required, but helpful.
It uses a tonne of memory
Chief Customer Officer
Somewhat disappointed
I like Superhuman quite a bit as a whole. I find a lot of the functionality could be somewhat pieced together via different extensions and functionality Google seems to be adding. As a whole though, Superhuman is quite comprehensive and I like that it is in one package rather than having to juggle a ton of extensions.
G-Mail, Boomerang, Hubspot e-mail functionality
Intelligently sorting less important content away from my main inbox.
Someone who lives in their inbox, who uses e-mail all-day as part of their work. Especially people who get a lot of junk and don't know how to pave through it.
I use the webapp almost exclusively since it is what I am most comfortable with.
Customer Success Specialist
Not disappointed
I don't feel that I have yet become entirely dependent on the way your product works over traditional gmail and could easily switch back
Not sure yet
Not sure yet
There seems to be a religious conviction that keystrokes are better than mouse clicks - I am not sold... maybe there is a mouse click approach that achieves your same objectives of speed and convenience?
Chief Customer Officer
Somewhat disappointed
UX/UI is much easier to interact with on an email front than gmail. Would be great for more calendar integration(other peoples calendar & meeting creation) and google sheets/docs
Faster responses and stack ranking emails through tabs/categories - staying organized essentially.
Sales/Business development - someone flirting with ~100 actionable emails a day. Spending 2+ hours in an inbox.
Continued integrations with gsuite apps.
Fund of Funds, Customer Connections Intern
Somewhat disappointed
Superhuman is rad af, but I don't (currently) get enough emails that it's been life changing. I can easily see this being a necessary tool for people who receive 10x the emails I do.
Probably gmail with some plugins
at this point, it just makes me feel super cool. The reminders are also wonderful, and being able to respond to calendar invites is really great.
Anyone who gets a ton of emails from different sources (internal, external, different teams, etc.)
maybe more background color options? also, emojis in the dark mode look weird.
Customer Success, Strategy Manager
Not disappointed
Customer Success
Very disappointed
Email is a big part of my workflow and superhuman is dope
Spark, but I'd have to figure out how to get snoozing to work again
Sum of it's parts, good shortcuts, features, etc... Really good all around client
Busy people that email a lot for professional reasons and are mindful of their time
Shared inbox would be great. Switching between inboxes is slow, would be nice to get some caching or something going on. Feels like a bulky refresh every time. Also doesn't seem like you guys are fetching emails in the background? So when i open superhuman I often see stuff load a little later than ideal. Minor stuff, just want to surface.
VP Growth, Engineering
Very disappointed
It's so lightweight and quick to use - love it
Google Inbox / Gmail
A product that doesn't get in my way and let's me focus on the tasks at hand
People who're generally systematic and like to have an organised and quick-to-access inbox
Looking forward to the same experience being brought to mobile. Meanwhile, a way to sync snoozes between Superhuman and Google Inbox would be great as that's what I'm using on mobile in the meantime.
Engineering Director
Very disappointed
Superhuman significantly improves parts of my email workflow. For example, the feature that returns an email thread to my inbox if nobody has replied automates a manual process I had been following prior to using Superhuman.
Gmail or Google Inbox.
Superhuman allows me to handle all the emails in my Inbox faster than I would otherwise be able to.
Professionals with email-heavy jobs.
It would be lovely if the `n` and `p` keys scrolled smoothly a-la Vimium. A Firefox extension would also be nice.
Senior Software Engineer
Very disappointed
I love it. so fast, so clean, so easy to use and intuitive.
back to gmail *sigh* :(
Speed, clean interface, easy commands, easy searching
People that are comfortable enough with their keyboard (programmers)
Please make it easier to scroll down bigger distances the same way vim does it. For example, if I type in 4j I can go down 4 emails at once. I really want this feature.
Full Stack Software Engineer
Very disappointed
The speed, reminders and keyboard shortcuts already make Superhuman vastly superior to gmail as part of my day to day.
Speed, shortcuts, easy to use reminders
Anyone who lives in email day in and day out
Recurring emails would be nice. There are small bugs/features that are missing (e.g., couldn't figure out how to make something not be marked as spam so had to go into gmail, no preview of a Word doc, to download an inline image I had to preview it first, download auto-opens the file which I wish it did not do, etc.)
Head of Engineering
Very disappointed
I got SO used to all the shortcuts, the spotlight, the clean & very informative design. Going back to another client would be cray cray.
Oh my, I'm really not sure. I was using Nylas before but I don't think it would be enough for me now. Maybe just regular Inbox, as I'm using the Inbox app in my phone.
The spotlight. It's insanely good. I use the "h" (remind me later) thing so much, and that allows me to "in x hours, days or weeks".... SO GOOD.
Everyone really. But, most developers I know are already use to a thing like the Spotlight in their editors.
Would be cool if it were usable in other browsers.
Software Engineer
Very disappointed
I haven't been able to tame my inbox since they discontinued the Mailbox app. There are also features like send later that I never knew how useful it could be in my day to day.
Gmail Inbox
Being able to take action on my inbox
Anyone that depends on email for work.
At times, it's hard to read. I've found keeping around a 110%-120% zoom on the browser tab
Software Engineer
Very disappointed
It's an amazing addition on top of Gmail, and I've basically switched to using it all of the times. Can't wait for it to be available for more providers!
Just Gmail itself.
Just being able to quickly go through, read, reply and search emails.
I'd say everybody who uses email (gmail) in their day-to-day work, and aim to be more efficient and quick about it.
Making it a stand-alone application would be great. I'm one of these people not using chrome as my main browser, and even this I'd love to have a dedicated icon on my dock/taskbar. Also, I'm using Gmail just for my professional work, and use different email providers (notably Microsoft Live) so I can only use Superhuman for everything.
Senior iOS Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
I can go back to Gmail
I do like the UX, reminders and forcing me to inbox zero
Switching between accounts (work, personal) is a bit confusing
Software Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
The price point is killer
Spark, polymail, or regular gmail
Great software and email experience
Lower the price
Full Stack Developer
Somewhat disappointed
I definitely like the speed and keyboard control Superhuman gives me. But there are a couple of things that are missing. That would make it for me a somewhat disappointed, not a very disappointed.
Speed, Keyboard Control, Shortcuts, and very smart features like Instant Intro, the calendar/day highlighting is exceptional!
Everyone that likes to have control of their emails and values their time.
I would love to have a shortcut or option to tap into the native share sheet on Mac OS. The Sharing and Integration feature is the biggest missing piece for me with Superhuman.
Mobile Developer
Somewhat disappointed
It’s nice but also extremely pricey.
Keyboard shortcuts and split inboxes (both of which are offered by gmail)
Lives in their inbox
Customizable shortcuts
Head of Engineering, Data Science, Were Hiring
Somewhat disappointed
It's not an urgent need for me personally, yet, because I don't send and receive that many emails. Despite that, as an incoming product manager and future entrepreneur, I can already see the value that Superhuman will add to my life after college.
Just gmail
Responding to email faster
Software Developer
Somewhat disappointed
I think Superhuman taught me a workflow and made it easy to do. However, I think I could reimplement this workflow into gmail via filters and some small behavior changes (sorting my tags - nothing in the inbox)
The UI does not make my "Other" category visible easily, so I have a tendency to ignore it except for 1/day. It has changed my behavior in this way.
Someone who has to do many unrelated tasks and has a lot of context switching overhead, especially if there's a tradeoff between urgency and importance. Splitting inboxes allows for focus. Person probably needs to be a bit of a searchstring/filtering wizard to get a lot of value. I would not use superhuman for my personal mail because the volume is not high enough to warrant the value prop.
Make it faster - especially when there are lots of emails. Give a way to show less emails at a time especially when looking at big backlogs Provide a way to hide some splits when focusing on a particular task. Eg When focusing on code review, only get the code review split.
Not disappointed
Search is not great, seem to need to go to gmail for a lot of things.
not having to setup better keyboard shortcuts for things myself. smart defaults.
right not it is a lot of work. prob people that just don't know the basic shortcuts yet. value would be short lived.
Head of Growth Engineering, Product Analytics
Somewhat disappointed
It's really great on web for keeping track of email conversations - but I mostly use my Android phone on mobile which isn't currently supported.
GMail or another similar provider
Just general speed of email workflows
Someone who spends a lot of time in email clients
Make it easier to create filters
Software Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
I like the keyboard shortcuts.
Gmail itself
Closer to inbox zero.
People with a lot of email that requires action.
Let me quickly access Gmail for features not in Superhuman.
Front End Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
Superhuman is definitely the best email app I've ever used. The design and features are great. However, the price is definitely high and it's not the only email app I could use.
Newton, Spark, or Gmail
Get through emails way quicker - keyboard shortcuts.
Any person who does a lot of work and personal communication via email.
There are some small bugs, glitches. Examples are when editing a search the search input becomes glitchy, overlaying text on top of other text. Sometimes the app has trouble connecting to the server, etc.
Senior Software Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
Speed is great for most things. Other parts are quite limiting
moving emails to to folders is much faster
tech management: lots of emails
Conversations are shown from oldest to newest: I need to scroll all the way to the bottom to read the latest email in the chain. My work day start 6 hours after other groups that I manage and that means I need to scroll through 10-15 emails before I can get the most up-to-date info. Big waste of time when I do this 10x in row. Creating new labels/folders: creating new nested labels is not practical. Say I have a nested label structure: Employees/SW/2019/. When I want to add another folder , I need to type the entire nested structure to create it " Employees/SW/2019/" but if I don't capitalize correctly, then I create a completely new folder structure. So in short, all the time I saved clearing my email faster, I am now using to continually fix these nested folder structures and I have to go to gmail to fix it. Very frustrating, so I have given up , I create them in gmail now and refresh superhuman. So gmail always needs to stay open and moving emails to new folders take forever. Signature: I realize that you a using the signature functionality from gmail. I had a different signature for REPLIES compared to NEW EMAILS. I could have a very short signature for replies and the longer company required signature for new emails. At this time I had to create a snippet of my signature and use it for new emails. So it takes me longer than before to add a signature to my emails. Folders (or Labels) are all presented expanded: I have hundreds of nested labels to keep all my emails organised. So that means my folder bar is huge and I can't collapse any of them in superhuman, which makes the folder bar useless to me, so instead I make customs searches "in:mylabel" or the "go to mylabel", which is fairly quick. But all that realestate is wasted. I can't seem to move my drafts out of the my inbox. splitting the inbox on in:draft doesn't work for some reason, even though the search function on the same string works just find. I'm finding that I am regularly searching in:inbox in:unread. But I can't split inbox on this search. Not sure why. Preview pane would be nice to have. Could replace the folder pane which is of no use to me unfortunately.
VP Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
I’ve always wanted to be an Inbox zero person but have never been able to get myself over the hump within the structure of gmail’s default interface. Superhuman makes the process of retraining my habits easy and enjoyable. I also appreciate that superhuman features are designed to be mouse free and “flow” inducing. Finally, the concept of focusing on “one task at a time” really resonates
Go back to gmail, try to incorporate new habits without the UI help
Inbox zero, spending way less time on email, decluttering my virtual mind
White collar professionals like myself. If superhuman could pull of an enterprise offering I think that could be compelling as a product sold to teams
Improve on speed — it can be inconsistent. Also, I don’t love the minimalist text formatting options (e.g. no ability to highlight text). I’d prefer if superhuman had better and/or equal capabilities to underlying email providers (gmail being the main one), and feel a little gypped when that’s not the case
Software Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
1) There is no iPad option for SU, you are stuck using the iPhone app which is not an optimal experience. Especially on the iPad Pro. 2) You cannot copy a full emails with pictures from one to another. As an IT professional, this can become an annoyance. (Need to share lots of screenshots in order to convey an idea to non technical people) 3) A small gripe, but there is no add to contacts button which could be very useful in situations where you don’t remember the name of the person you are dealing with (aka vendors) *****5) There is no select all email option and this is the biggest reason for my answer., airmail, or gmail
Keyboard shortcuts make it faster to work through emails, the interface makes it easy to stay focused, and the app reminds you of shortcuts you might not have picked up yet.
I think that people who are used to working using the keyboard a lot (developers, engineers). People with a somewhat technical mindset ( that think things through logically.) and people who have issues with focusing on one task.
Add select all emails function, add the ability to copy inline images into other emails, and keep up the good work.
IT Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
I lived without it for years, can continue doing so.
gmail or possibly look for alternatives now that I know there are alternatives
easily getting inbox zero due to keyboard commands
admin assistants
Software Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
I love Superhuman, however I wouldn’t call myself a power email user. I enjoy the additional features, but with that said the price is still very steep. I’m hesitant to recommend it to friends due to this. I’ve kept my account partially to support awesome software development, but I do hope the price comes down or a annual discount is available.
Gmail, Shift
Shortcuts, undo send, send later
Power email users, business users
Not sure
Front-end Engineering Lead
Somewhat disappointed
There's a few features I find useful having, like shortcuts for everything, and the ability to schedule a send. Also, having the calendar side-by-side is cool. I like the split-inbox workflow of marking the todo items w/ star, so you can have inbox 0, and keep the starred items as todos. The one *big* item I'm still grappling with is price. $30/mo is a *lot*. It's more than any other software/SaaS product I use. That begs a question - Superhuman is great, but is it *that* much better, more essential than anything else? $10-15 would still be a lot of money annually, but would be more palatable. Other productivity tools I use are $50-100 annually, so Superhuman is a massive outlier. I'm happy w/ the product, I'm still evaluating, but I'm not happy w/ the price. You still have to convince me long term.
I'd go back to Gmail.
Clarity and closure. The ability to quickly go through the new messages, and sort 'em into handled (archive), and todos (starred). That makes me feel like I'm on top of things.
Hi-strung type-A personalities ;) Email powerusers. Folks w/ a large volume of transactional emails - managers.
Btw, by "on desktop" you mean the desktop app, right? Cause the browser extension I had to give up on - it kept crashing.
Director, Engineering, Sdk Platform
Somewhat disappointed
I'm still getting the hang of it. I'm way more efficient with email, but I honestly don't have enough time in the day to stay caught up.
gmail webapp
fast, fast, fast! love using the keyboard for everything
tech savvy people
can't think of anything!
Head of Data Analytics Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
Love the UI + usability. I use superhuman and recommend it, but if it were gone I would check for alternatives or go back to gmail.
Not sure. Maybe Spark or do more research
push notifications that I want to respond to
Sales, BD, business owners, people with email OCD
Principal Solution Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
I really enjoy using Superhuman, but would go back to using Apple Mail if it weren't here. I like the snoozing, split inboxes, and especially the keyboard navigation.
I would go back to Apple Mail
quicker triage of incoming emails, nice split inboxes for slower/news emails
people with high-volume incoming email, people with lots of personal email interactions.
There have been a couple bugs (image loading, settings not taking) that were fixed with an app restart.
VP Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
The app is really great and is helping me manage my email, there are a few things that could be improved, but it's really awesome. I can still manage with the GMail UI, but Superhuman split inboxes make things much easier for me. I do feel like once I'm an Inbox Zero, I might start to question the $30 monthly (I am from South Africa it's 25 coffees monthly).
Split inboxes and Cmd +K / Keyboard Shorcuts
Someone who uses email a lot, and likes the flow using keyboard shortcuts. People who spend money on SaaS applications.
Some actions feel a bit less snappy than a native app. I've had a few shutdowns. I need easier access to GMail rules.
Software Developer
Somewhat disappointed
It's a good flow, had a lot of issues with buggy software for the first week of usage across multiple clients however that definitely could have done without. Also a lot of the processes is generally VIM like and could manage to put together a hands off flow that would get me 80% equivalent. I would also like to dynamically send from a different email account without having to switch to entire different account within superhuman.
Gmail with short-cuts and/or Spark
Remember to use shortcuts.
People who needs to make sure to respond to all correspondence.
It was extremely flaky and had performance problems when my inbox was very large.
VP Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
Truthfully, I'd be between Very and Somewhat Disappointed. It'd be pretty painful, but I'd survive and remain wanting. I'd have to revert back to raw gmail, of course, and my experience would dramatically degrade. However, Superhuman has surfaced for me a significant set of keyboard-driven actions which DO exist in standard gmail, just in a lesser/slower fashion. I'd move forward, using those, and grumbling.
I'd use the standard gmail web interface.
Splits rock, enabling me to focus on the key things that require my attention. I get an incredible amount of cruft in my Other split. I also crave that brief moment of joy when I hit Inbox Zero again and see the high-rez pic of the day.
Speaking from experience, Director+ engineering leaders have a lot of email to wade through on a daily basis (some direct to them and necessary to move a ball forward, much team-centric or service-centric (Github, build stuff, error/monitoring stuff), and plenty of misc external (LinkedIn, inbound vendors, recruiters, etc.)), and will benefit tremendously...especially if their historical email hygiene has been lacking.
I've only made one recommendation, which I know is in flight: support for monospace fonts in email (both authoring with a monospace font, and respecting monospace fonts when rendering emails in the client).
SVP Engineering
Not disappointed
The app is kind of buggy and can't handle some of my use cases but I am able to stay on top of my emails regarless. So the tradeoffs work for me for now. I'd love it when needing to reply to a Google Calendar meeting from the GCal app I could do it from within the Superhuman app but my guess it's a Google issue.
Gmail web and iOS app
Command+k and shortcuts
Someone who gets a lot of actionable emails: execs, sales reps, and recruiters
The app is ok but the amount of ram it uses is a lot. Also it's not clear how tabs are supposed to be used. I am thinking of using web client instead of desktop app. It's fast enough and ran usage is better than having an electron app
VP Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
The features I use (reminders, unsubscribe, etc) exist in other apps, but are much better on Superman.
Outlook or native Gmail
Navigating the app feels much faster than Outlook/Gmail.
Freelancer, startup founder, someone who's constantly on the go.
It would be super helpful to have an integrated inbox (I currently have 3 Gmail accounts I'm using, so I just keep 3 different tabs open).
Software Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
It is helpful, really appreciate the shortcuts etc.
Clean UX / first class native email experience.
power user
Software Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
SH has effectively replaced my gmail usage and the inbox is quite zero right now. I am still wary of the workflow and little anxious of missing important emails.
Peace of mind
Anyone who gets emails.
Software Engineer, Infrastructure
Somewhat disappointed
Only somewhat better than gmail
A little faster than gmail, particularly when archiving messages
Not sure
When I do things like Cmd+O, and my mouse is in the middle of my screen, instead of the first item being highlighted, it highlights whatever my cursor happened to be over. So pressing Enter immediately can be unpredictable. It would be nice if I had to move my mouse before it selected a different option.
Frontend Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
I enjoy Superhuman but I think I think I could adjust to other clients.
Probably would go back to Mail for macOS
TODO workflow
Anybody with a sizeable amount email communication.
Needs to be snappier, specially when focusing & unfocusing the app.
Software Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
It’s takes a little getting used to, but these shortcuts are cutting through my email pretty quickly. The scheduled email tips from the CEO are also pretty great. Every few days, yet another thing I can try.
Time savings
People who spend a lot of time in email and who tend to put off decisions
It’s early in the products life so I get that there are some bugs and occasional UX wonk. Stabilize.
VP Product, Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
I like the UI and how I can get through my email quickly, but it doesn't quite feel compelling enough that I would be "very disappointed". I'm surprised that there isn't more to help me filter the mountains of crap email I get, which is the biggest problem with my inbox. I realize that's somewhat particular to me though :)
remind if no reply
Management / leadership. It's great for getting things off my plate (redirected, delegated).
Not enough contrast in the UI
Senior Manager, Production Engineering
Not disappointed
I live most of my life in iOS and Rahul clearly spends most of his on MacOS. I haven't yet adopted myself to VIM keyboard shortcuts and I don't think I need to.
Cleaner interface, offline support, faster swipe shortcuts
VIM users
I have the MacBook Pro with the soft escape key. Superhuman's reliance on that key makes it silly to use on this config.
Domestic Engineer
Not disappointed
My problem is with batching emails and not responding fast enough. One reason I batch is that I'm bad at triaging. Ideally, I want to spend 10 minutes on emails a day and only on the most important ones. Superhuman is slick and helpful, but my goal is reduce email time to near zero by only answering the most important emails
Gmail on browser and Edison. I like the desktop app, but I need each account to different (colors)
More pressure for me to get through emails faster because now I'm paying for it.
Someone that answers emails constantly throughout the day
Give me more background colors! I accidentally send an email from the wrong account because they all look the same. It was so embarrassing and extra work that I've stopped using desktop. I instead use the web version on chrome (which has different theme colors)
Software Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
I really like it a lot, but I'm not so deeply ingrained (yet) that I couldn't go back to Gmail.
Gmail web app
UI speed and keyboard shortcuts
sales 100%! tons of people/deals to track, meetings, canned responses, etc
Give me unified inbox + unified search across inboxes. Also, Markdown editing would be 💯
Software Engineer, Growth Manager
Somewhat disappointed
I've learnt the hard way not to get too attached to email clients. The good ones tend to go out of business one way or another. And Superhuman is so far the best client I've ever used.
Outlook on iOS, Gmail or Mail Pilot on Mac.
It actually makes it joyful to manage my inbox and maintain inbox zero, and it's the first email client I've used that doesn't want to make my through my phone out the window when composing emails on the phone. Key features for me: keyboard shortcuts (and their hints), remind on date/desktop, easy classification, syncing settings between desktop and mobile.
I don't know. Everyone who uses email in their daily work would benefit from it.
It's really, really good as it is. Please don't bloat it. Maybe add the possibility to remove the sidebar? Oh, and mostly it's super fast. Sometimes there's a bit of a lag, though. I don't know if it's the app or my computer.
VP Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
I was already pretty efficient with Gmail. Superhuman just made everything a bit faster and smoother.
Gmail (multiple inboxes)
Overall speed, offline is nice, snippets are great (would love variables though!)
Someone in biz dev or constantly reaching out to a lot of people (a lot of human to human conversations in inbox)
Insert (first) name of recipient, snippets with variables, mail merge
Web Designer, Developer
Somewhat disappointed
It's a really nice program, the best I've come across. I still wish something existed closer to VS Code/CLI for email that didn't suck.
Just gmail in the browser. All the other solutions aren't good.
Someone with a shitload of email
I'd be interested in a combined inbox.
Full Stack Developer
Somewhat disappointed
I'd be disappointed that I lost a good tool, but it has adequate alternatives that are just slightly worse. On the plus side, I no longer have to go through the mental hurdle of justifying paying $30 per month for a non-essential email client.
It's sleek, fast, and once getting used to the hotkey, super amazing user experience. Just like this survey ;) I'm currently considering this as my go to set of tools including Notion, Slack, and Wunderlist
People whose business builds on email, and people who love optimizing every piece of their life who are willing to shell out $30/month for small marginal utility
I've hit cases where it was buggy and I had to close the app. But a more general feedback is less memory consumption, though with the caveat that was when I was sorting out through 10 thousands of emails. Now with a few, the experience is pretty phenomenal
Senior Software Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
I've grown to really like Superhuman even though I'm not fully leveraging its features.
Airmail or Gmail web
The enjoyable interface and helpful shortcut prompts
Anyone who spends a considerable amount of their day in email
One issue I've had is when I hit send on an email just as my connection dropped. I couldn't find the email in any outbox and a status bubble at the bottom of the window continued to say that it was trying to send. I needed to send the email quick, so I copied the body of the email into a compose in Gmail web and sent it that way. I also closed Superhuman at that time so that it wouldn't send a duplicate email. The next time I opened Superhuman a couple days later, it immediately sent that duplicate email to the whole group. That was pretty annoying. I wish I'd been able to find where to delete the email during the send process.
Senior Software Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
I love the Superhuman features, but it has had too many bugs for me to depend on it consistently.
Gmail + Spike
Better email productivity on my phone
Someone who spends more than 1 hour a day on email.
The desktop app often freezes on my Mac.
Director of Engineering, Ott
Somewhat disappointed
So far it's helped my email workflow, but since it's new to me it hasn't yet become and essential part. I find new functions and capabilities every day, I suspect that over time this answer will change.
I would go back to the less optimal gmail workflow.
It's much easier to get to inbox zero, follow ups are amazing and a major function I was missing in my workflow.
Someone who works with email often to drive their day to day work activities, familiarity with emacs/vim helps.
There have a been a few outages and crashes. If those could be cleaned up/prevented that would be excellent.
VP, Platform Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
It's better than any alternative I'm aware of, but email isn't my sole medium of productivity.
Being able to dip in and out email more easily
Probably people on the go-to-market side of things, with lots of internal and external communication
Explicit documentation for features like search operators
Software Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
It's well thought out product, and has helped me finally achieve inbox zero. However I'm still carrying around my email client's since there isn't a unified inbox.
Apple Mail + Mail Butler
Read receipts, inbox zero, splits.
Business/pro users. We're in client service and have a lot of high-value emails so it's helpful to triage them well.
Honestly, its just pretty clear that its some kind of electron like experience. And there are bizzare artifacts from that. Sometimes the keyboard isnt focused on the app even though it is the active app. The whole header with what looks like a browser makes it really feel like...a browser. The multi-tab "feature" further enforces it's non-nativeness. Not a huge deal honestly, but the polish on that front could certainly be improved.
Partner, Senior Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
It’s been a good app thus far, but I don’t see a value yet from it to justify the subscription price. Lots of other apps can accomplish the same thing with only a little functionality forfeited.
Airmail, sparrow, newton, or similar
Some optimization of ux and better keyboard shortcuts
productivity hackers
Keyboard shortcuts are not very intuitive
Senior Director of Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
\- It's the fastest experience (both in terms of speed and workflow) I've used so far. Features that now feel intuitive, but would be glaringly missing if I switch to other apps. - There's a learning curve though, and I'm still getting over it :) - Integrations are missing - esp. with my tasks app (there's a workaround, but it's less slower for my workflow)
All the other apps I used/liked either shutdown or got bought out, so back to Gmail I guess.
Speeeeeeeeed - in terms of app itself and the email workflow. Most apps tackled the former, but not the latter that much.
Someone who receives a lot of emails and need an app to process them as fast as possible (without holding their flow back)
My top thing: faster integration with Todoist
Senior Engineering Manager
Somewhat disappointed
Gmail is going to add bundling soon, which is the core feature I miss of Inbox. However, I still do feel like I get through my the mail I care about faster than I did with Inbox, due to split inboxes.
Getting through mail faster. Less anxiety about not being at inbox zero because I know certain split inboxes don't need to go to 0.
Someone who does a lot of templated emails (ie. users of snippets). Note - this is _not_ describing me - I watched Rahul's talk about how this survey is supposed to work ;)
Make it easy to actually open attachments. It's easy to download attachments and see a preview on Mac OS, but previews tend to suck and all I do is dismiss them. Previews also aren't quick to dismiss. I also find that I often inadvertently trigger a keyboard shortcut, making me jump all over the place. It would be nice for search to index the contents of word documents and powerpoint presentations. Being able to copy the sender's email (not their name) with a shortcut would be handy.
Software Engineering Intern
Not disappointed
I feel the products is great, search is super effective, UI is minimal, I think I get going faster
gmail, I guess. Sparrow maybe
calendar integration
no idea
Tabs are useless, a bit more color maybe, easier access to help
Software Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
superhuman hasn't yet broken through as a new paradigm for email as it has mostly focused on efficiency and performance so far. More functionality seeking to think email beyond the first order would further cement it as a must have in my opinion.
I would do some research to find something that approximated Google Inbox with decent performance
Performance and efficiency
Very technical user
Add more smart ways to manage and group email. For instance, Google Inbox's smart bundles for commercial and transactional emails, as well as their bundling of travel emails.
SVP of Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
I'm still learning it so it wouldn't be a huge disappointment. Not to say that I wouldn't miss it. One thing I wish was better was if SH knew when to send a notif and when not to. I don't want notifications from Confluence updates! Especially when I am pretty sure I amd _not_ getting notifications from my boss and key collaborators. Maybe I just have it set up wrong. But I would expect a super-human email app to get it right ;) Esp at $30/mo
Inbox until they shut it off then probably roll up sleeves and try to tweak out Gmail to work as well as possible. Investigate other 3rd party clients.
multiple inboxes, keyboard nav that actually works, reminders on both sent and received, I really like the mobile interface that strips it down to look like messaging.
I really don't know how to answer this one, sorry. A person who has to read and send a lot of email?
I don't want my VIP emails to show up in the Inbox -- they should only be in VIP. I want to be able to have multiple drafts open (I liked how Inbox did that where they were minimized or partially minimized along the bottom.) Make sure notifs don't come for bulk / update emails and that they do when it's your key collaborators / boss / etc. I don't love that it needs a Chrome plugin (but I use the "native" app anyways).
VP Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
Still find myself using Google Calendar and subsequently Gmail...hard to pin down why, but I'm not 100% converted.
Efficiency (keyboard-centricity)
Middle managers responsible for a lot of team coordination and communication
Make it a bit faster. Focus on helping power users "eject" from Gmail.
Director of Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
I think it’s been a net positive and re-enforced some good email habits but there’s downsides as well and I feel like I had a decent process with other clients
Fast labeling and corresponding behavior: Marking things done, actions, reference
Someone receiving a large volume of email with a fair amount of less important email
Easier to pop up drafts in separate windows!
VP Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
I really like it. Although, it also came to teach me about the keyboard shortcuts that are available in Gmail, and better patterns around archiving.
Gmail (wrapped in Kiwi for Gmail)
I've definitely felt more responsive, and able to knock my email backlog down much faster.
Managers of any kind.
I have a very large monitor, and I seem to find myself in situations where the screen real estate isn't well-used. Ex. there's plenty of room to show me my inbox in the left gutter or similar, so I can remember which direction 'j' and 'k' are taking me and give me some context.
Director of Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
Superhuman has helped me get faster at email, and while much of that has to do with the UX and ease of use of the product, some of it is also because I've focused on making my email better in general by unsubscribing, filtering, etc. Also some of the features in Superhuman are available in other clients. So, I would miss Superhuman but would be "ok" searching for an alternative.
Gmail or Inbox maybe
Keyboard shortcuts. I'm an old school vi user and love being able to do everything without a mouse.
People who have many transactional emails and who are open to giving up their mouse. By "transactional" I mean emails that are quick and are mainly following up with people, sending reminders, docs, scheduling, etc.
Make some of the shortcuts customizable. For example, I almost always want to "send and mark as done" to clear my inbox. Prompt to correct spelling mistakes after I hit send and before actually sending. I also wouldn't hate a vi mode when composing. I find that I'm still reaching for my mouse to while composing emails -- usually to correct spelling mistakes or edit/rearrange text.
VP Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
It’s a better experience. Not “extremely” because I can, if necessary, use regular gmail.
Better inbox organization; basically replacing Inbox folders
Sales probably. Maybe eng managers
Add a reminder feature. I’m back to emailing myself now that inbox is gone.
Software Engineer, Search
Somewhat disappointed
It's missing a few key features (e.g., full rapid search, standard print template, ability to delete a single message) and the mobile app is fairly limited compared to the Gmail app. I haven't found myself much more productive yet.
Gmail in Mailplane
Faster processing of email because of the speed of loading messages.
Probably folks who follow Inbox Zero and have very action-driven emails
A lot of the functionality feels very early alpha, so it feels odd to be paying $30/month for it
Director of Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
I'm getting comfortable with it, but there are still things I need to fall back to Gmail for.
Gmail / Edison
Keyboard power users
Implement the features I've sent feedback on. :)
Director of Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
If I had to, I could go back to gmail. It's definitely not as good, but its much less expensive.
beauty, fun, organization, speed
business leaders, entrepreneurs, techies, etc
I have 4 inboxes: Important, Team, Starred, and Other. Sometimes it appears as though there will be the same message in both the Important and Team inboxes. I'm not entirely certain of this, but I believe it's true.
Systems Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
Superhuman is great but is missing a few key bits of functionality that would make me a *really* sticky user.
Spark (by Readdle)
Keyboard shortcuts and speed.
Managers, sales folks, recruiting folks
Please please *please* give me “bulk mark done” with a good keyboard shortcut!
Director of Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
I switched from Inbox recently and feel I could still go to Gmail. I think over time I'll feel differently and you could break this by referring me to Gmail less often in the product. I'm a heavy user of labels and it's only increased since I started using SH
Unsubscribe from emails (haha j/k, though that is awesome). Main benefit is probably the interface feels fast and is easy to crush my inbox. "Important" is hard to clear still. Not having reminders like in Inbox is actually awesome, I didn't realize how cluttered that makes everything.
People who get way too much email, people who want fewer distractions
There are a lot of small things that don't feel right yet. If you search and then trash an email, it doesn't disappear, for example. The keyboard shortcuts are awesome. Split Inbox is not totally intuitive to me, for example I had it setup in a way where I was seeing the same email in two tabs, which I didn't expect. Compose needs a lot of work! Compose could be so much better, start by taking what works about Gmail/Inbox for compose.
Head of Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
The product is good but it's not *so* amazing I'd be devastated if I didn't have it.
Gmail web interface
Good keyboard shortcut support lets me navigate more quickly and smoothly.
VCs and salespeople :)
The animations make it feel slower than I think it actually is. Also I'm very very used to U being a shortcut to navigate up a level, and in Superhuman I'm constantly accidentally marking things read/unread. Even a couple weeks in I'm still doing it.
Lead Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
I love the product but it's expensive for what it is in my opinion
Gmail app
Keyboard shortcuts, reminders, and read receipts
Everyone honestly
Somewhat disappointed
Overall, I like Superhuman, but there are a few things I find suboptimal, so it wouldn't be the end of the world to move away.
Keyboard shortcuts make desktop email sorting much quicker
Someone who has to sift through a lot of emails, and someone who is very comfortable with keyboard shortcuts.
Add the ability to create meeting invites from the app, and add the ability to do rich text formatting
VP Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
i like it a lot but i don't need superhuman to get through email.
shortcuts and reminders
people who process a lot of emails
Senior Support Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
I feel about 20% more productive when using Superhuman (mainly through keyboard shortcut navigation and snippets) so it would be annoying to switch back to Gmail.
Keyboard shortcuts, read receipts, send later, snippets
Junior-level people in venture, salespeople
Long messages can crash the page
Software Engineering Intern
Somewhat disappointed
I really like superhuman, keyboard-first interaction has made me very productive. And yet, its buggy, crashes often, doesn't work super well with calendar. There are features from Gmail UI that I miss.
developers, anyone who doesn't use trackpad.
Just not crash, bring to feature parity with Gmail
VP Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
Still find myself needing to into Gmail sometimes. Filters, editing Google Calendar, accessing the Google Apps admin for example
Get through inbox quicker
Email power user who uses desktop every day
Unsubscribe commands on mobile, a way to make filters, a way to open Google Apps admin and a way to edit GCal, not just view
Head of Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
I find the product useful and mostly enjoyable to use.
Speed and seamlessness. Still need to hop back to gmail in order to pause/unpause my inbox. And I see occasional formatting problems / issues with not being able to pop out a thread as a separate window / am still getting used to threading. I think those are the main things that break the seamlessness or slow me down at the moment.
People who need to process a lot of email.
Still need to hop back to gmail in order to pause/unpause my inbox. And I see occasional formatting problems / issues with not being able to pop out a thread as a separate window / am still getting used to threading. I think those are the main things that break the seamlessness or slow me down at the moment. Need a mobile app.
SVP, Head of Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
Superhuman feels to me like a luxury product, something that I really enjoy, and gives me a great feeling! But if it went away, Gmail has most of the important features, so I would adapt
Gmail web client (I already use the iOS app)
custom tabs are not available on any other product — other than that, I can cobble together the other features. The main benefit is, SH feels like a lifestyle brand product, the only luxury software product I know of!
Someone who lives inside email, especially in positions of influence, high on the org chart
iOS app
Somewhat disappointed
I’m liking it so far but need to spend some time learning the keyboard shortcuts and other tricks to make it invaluable.
Google mail on web, Inbox on iOS
Multi inbox, keyboard shortcuts
General power user
Keep the features coming! I’d like to see a true unified inbox
Software Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
The mobile experience is less compelling than the desktop experience
Faster desktop email workflow
Desktop based email warriors that schedule lots of meetings
Improve mobile experience. It's slower than Inbox. Make it easier to move emails between high and low priority. Allow me to clear low priority emails from my inbox
Independent Core Developer
Somewhat disappointed
I really love the UX and the speed -- don't spend enough time in email to make it feel indispensable yet (we use Slack a lot)
founder / VCs
Integrate google contacts -- I often use Gmail to look up phone numbers / confirm emails
Somewhat disappointed
I really love Superhuman and it is a wonderful experience, but it doesn't feel like the world has changed from Inbox (though it was a tough choice because the shortcuts are really huge for me)
Inbox by Gmail
Someone into productivity tools
Add recurring reminders (most important), ability to hide the right sidebar (also super important), badge count (kinda important), and a unified inbox option (not that important)
Software Engineer
Not disappointed
I already use an assortment of tools to manage my email the way I want, so I wouldn't be very disappointed if I couldn't use Superman, esp since the product currently has a few ui, ux, and logic issues that I'd love to see improved. I love the vision and where it's headed though
Gmail , rapportive, clearbit, boomerang, follow up then
Seamless reminders and scheduled emails
Sales guys
Software Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
The integrations will be the things that make invaluable. As it is I just want to keep trying it.
High volume emailer
Help me track my email usage habits. Help me understand how I'm using my time. Integrations.
VP Engineering
Somewhat disappointed
It's helped me get to inbox zero and maintain it. I spend about half the amount of time on email as I used to and am much more productive doing so.
Being more productive on email - not missing emails and feeling confident that I'm not missing things.
People who like short cuts and productivity hacking
Lead Software Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
Doesn't do anything that gmail doesn't, but the shortcuts are nice.
Sales/execs, anyone who deals with lots of external contacts
Some kind of todo integration
Lead Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
Lack of Unified Inbox and IMAP Account support.
I use Spark and Airmail.
Fast, Less Clutter, Intuitive and good keyboard shortcuts
Someone who prefers less clutter, cleaner Inbox.
Unified Inbox, IMAP account support, iOS client would be a good start
Software Engineer
Very disappointed
The design is very beautiful and this is important to me! Also I am able to efficiently handle my email.
I would look into other paid options out there, but in the intervening time, I would go back to Inbox until it closes down, or regular Gmail.
A pleasant experience of handling my email
People who care about UX/UI and working efficiently
I would love automatic bundling of travel emails (flights, hotel, etc) like Inbox had.
Data Scientist
Very disappointed
It’s really well designed. it saves me time and has resulted in my improving my email hygiene.
Keyboard shortcuts. Less clutter. Fancy things like unsubscribe and snooze till desktop. Read receipts and snoozing and send later
Someone like me or someone who values their time a lot. And people have money to burn or live in their email all day. It’s arguably absurdly expensive.
Cheaper. Give reduced price resulting from successful referrals
Senior Data Engineer
Very disappointed
I believe Superhuman is the best email experience and I would have a difficult time going back to anything else.
They treat emails like tasks which I think makes way more sense in terms of workflow. For most emails, either action is required or it is not. So treating emails as tasks I think is more logical. I also like how quick it is to get things done with keyboard shortcuts.
Everyone. I mean, generally, heavy email users. I would say I am a light-moderate email user and I definitely benefit. However, the less time someone spends in email, the more difficult it becomes to justify the price tag.
More calendar functionality in the side bar (being able to accept calendar invites). Also, being able to show number of emails for an entire section rather than just the last one you are on (i.e. right now I can only see how many emails I have in the "important" section of my inbox rather than a rollup of all sections. Some users would definitely want to set "important" as default but I think there should be settings.
Sales, Marketing Operations Analyst
Very disappointed
It's made email change from a daily stresser to a delightful and blissful experience.
Back to gmail I suppose.
Honestly the core functionalities - Speed, Splits, Hide/remind
People who get a shit ton of emails (like myself)
1. I get stuck sometimes in the app, and I see it sucking up a ton memory on my computer some times. 2. Scrolling and moving through long emails/chain is sometimes not the best, jumping threadby thread and page by page is not always what I need. I find myself using the trackpad still 3. I often need to see and change the to/cc/bcc fields in emails. I haven't found a good way to do it.
Strategy, Planning Lead, Expansion, Analytics
Very disappointed
It helps me get through my inbox much faster, get back to people quicker, and separate out mails I want to read later (discussion groups, news) via splits.
gmail with categorised inbox + labels
Someone with a lot of conversational/transactional email with others as part of their job
doc/xls/pdf previews; integration with gdrive/dropbox for attachment viewing - this is what I miss most from gmail & have had to occasionally switch back for
Growth, Product, Analytics, Tech
Very disappointed
Its not just a productivity enhancement and it's not just an experience either. Its how uniquely it sits in the middle and brings a feeling of joy to actually approach email using Superhuman. :)
I would probably go one of two routes. The first of the two would be an all-in-one solution like Station / Shiftt (need to see which of the two I like better after SH). The other would be some form of the regular chrome version of email, with offline access so with PWA's for desktop growing significantly I think i would take a look at one of those. (Mailplane, Kiwi for Gsuite, Boxy Suite were all past solutions for me). I loved Nylas, I loved outlook when this redesign first came out years back - with the addition of plug-ins. All of these solutions were band aids to the problem and switching platforms is the only way i stayed interested in my emails. Not anymore.
Time back in my day, friendly wins i've picked up on learning from the SH approach to design and speed. Enjoying email like i was a kid again waiting for something to come.
People who appreciate a good product will all find themselves fascinated, regardless of how much they have heard about it and then I think people who have many accounts - switching between them on SH is scary fast. Anybody and really everybody. - eventually though.
It gets a bit bulky in terms of memory its draining if its not closed out or manually clear the cache. This happens after days of usage without closing more than when its fully quit, for obvious reasons
Data Scientist
Somewhat disappointed
I do like using Super human, but I'd also be fine with going back to Gmail
mail (I was an Inbox user before it got shut down)
I like the responsiveness and keyboard short cuts (I often press E, J or K in Gmail now and nothing happens). Also like the cleaner break up of emails between inboxes and splits
Managers with high volumes of email
I find it harder to make splits vs gmail rules. I miss the smart autocomplete from Gmail
Senior Data Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
I could technically hack my way around gmail and create a similar experience. taking nothing away from your design or experience- its great and really top notch, my only concern is pricing. Its a little hard to compete with a free product like gmail. Im going to switch back to gmail after 2-3 weeks on superhuman and see if its really worth it.
increase in focus/ productivity reduction of clutter from inbox
BD, Sales, VC - people with "external communication stakeholders. As a product manager most of my communication is with my team on slack. email is . ~30% of my communication workflow
have not really used the desktop client much - I like to use the browser version
Sales, Marketing Operations Analyst
Somewhat disappointed
I'm still not 100% on superhuman, but it's great for when I need to plow through e-mails and using my inbox as a TODO
Ability to cut through the crud of e-mails at high speeds. Force myself to deal with problems that I've been putting off since the UI is so tight that I can see full inbox at once. The keyboard shortcuts are super handy.
Execs, PMs, anybody who deals with a ton of cc' and reports
Show to: field so that I know which address I'm receiving e-mails on. Think about how to streamline the "not simple, semi-instantaneous" e-mails that accumulate, without having to think about and handle each one. Increase contrast in dark mode for better visibility. Tighten integrations with g-cal. Have a way to block my outgoing read-receipts. Add mobile.
Strategy, Planning Lead, Expansion, Analytics
Somewhat disappointed
I am still getting a handle of the keyboard shortcuts, which has been the most effective tool so far. I'm not yet using the splits very effectively, and I think there's promise there, but haven't spent time understanding that feature more.
Revert back to Gmail.
A clean uncluttered inbox, being able to schedule reminders for follow up.
Someone who receives a lot of emails that can be triaged with quick decisions.
Growth, Product, Analytics, Tech
Somewhat disappointed
It's very useful, but I could hack gmail to do most of the things that superhuman is doing here. Perhaps I'm still getting to learn all of the features.
Speed via keyboard shortcuts.
Those that like keyboard shortcuts, and values time.
Make the features even more visible, I feel as though you've already thought though most of things I want to do, but perhaps they can be exposed to me in a better way.
Data Scientist
Somewhat disappointed
Superhuman is definitely faster, but still struggling to get familiar with all the commands and I don't trust the search yet
Back to gmail
Mentally I focus on resolving email
People who get a lot of email,
Visual design feels very v1
Senior Data Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
Solid desktop experience, still waiting for my head of security applications at work to confirm I can use my work mail with Superhuman, high price point so always on the fence of continuing
Go back to gmail skin
hotkeys, not needing to use my mouse anymroe
someone who spends most of their day in email. I describe you guys as the high end mattress of email (spend the money for a good experience if you spend 8+ hours of your day in your inbox)
more NLP for commands, being able to type commands like "remind me about my selected message in 5 days", etc
Sales, Marketing Operations Analyst
Somewhat disappointed
Gmail is pretty good
Keyboard shortcuts
People who like keyboard shortcuts
Push notifications for new e-mails and events on my calendar
Strategy, Planning Lead, Expansion, Analytics
Somewhat disappointed
So far I prefer Superhuman over Gmail, but not sure I prefer it worth the price
GMail web client
Keyboard shortcuts = less RSI and more productive
Professionals who spend lots of time on email
Better design for large screens Faster archive action
Growth, Product, Analytics, Tech
Somewhat disappointed
I'm getting used to the features and it feels faster than other tools. If I could no longer use it, I would take some of these ideas with me back to gmail but I know it wouldn't support all of them.
It's fast and clean
Someone who gets a lot of email and does a lot of their work via email
It's good
Data Scientist
Somewhat disappointed
I haven't fully optimized my email workflow yet. Lost emails in split inboxes
Tech employees who want to further optimize their workflows. Folks who live in their inboxes.
Keyboard shortcut for "remind me" disappeared emails as drafts. Confirmation the first time some potentially incorrect actions happen
Senior Data Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
still not totally comfortable with it. I dont love threaded conversations, Ive already missed a couple of responses in the last week or so because people were responding and I only really saw the first or last message, I just didnt know thats how the messages were structured because I have threaded or conversations off in gmail
gets me out of my browser so less distractions, shortcuts are great.
someone who doesnt need to create tasks out of emails or anything like that
more themes or something
Sales, Marketing Operations Analyst
Somewhat disappointed
ive adapted my workflow to this tool, and changing it would be frustrating
gmail (and keyboard shortcuts)
commitment to a framework for getting through email
heavy email user with technical ability to master shortcuts. without the shortcuts it's not nearly as valuable
Strategy, Planning Lead, Expansion, Analytics
Somewhat disappointed
We're certainly engaged at this point and my parents are disappointed in how quickly we made the decision to move in together, however I'm not ready to get married. I still think about the my old inbox at times.
I would continue to date gmail and cheat on her with other email apps that in the end lead me back to gmail.
She's really efficient, beautiful, and just an all around great experience. I often times feel like she's too good to be true.
Early adopters that have careers in insurance and financial services. These industries run on email.
I'd like to see Superhuman better integrate with the google calendar, I hate leaving you to fully utilize my calendar.
Growth, Product, Analytics, Tech
Somewhat disappointed
I really like the experience on the desktop. The keyboard approach and the zero inbox approach. I get frustrated with the Mobile experience - mainly in how the actions to swipe down or swipe right (to go back) aren't always logical for me. I seem to always pick incorrectly. Unfortunately I don't have a solution for this. Also, scheduled emails didn't seem to work for me.
Go back to GMail. The new interface seems to have some of the features except for scheduled emails and easy archive and go to next email
I love the keyboard shortcuts. I also love the archive and go to next email. It's so simple, but really speeds the experience up.
I think that someone that has to manage a large number of direct reports where often times not answering an email keeps that direct report "stuck" until a response is made. I think that workflow is very common today and could help managers really help to unstick their workers
I don't know if I like the P and N for moving up and down through a thread. Maybe consider the < and > (or really , and .) keys?
Data Scientist
Somewhat disappointed
I see it helps me in my email flow but I'm still missing a few things vs. Gmail (German keyboard layout support (e.g. for searching), Gmail's predictive text is great, etc)
Gmail web app
time-savings in dealing with email
someone using email a lot for work
German keyboard layout support (e.g. for searching), Gmail's predictive text is great, better handling of attachments
Senior Data Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
I could come back to Gmail but would avoid it if I can
\- Reaching inbox zero more easily - Replying more rapidly
Not sure about this one...
More granularity over notifications management (and badge count)
Sales, Marketing Operations Analyst
Somewhat disappointed
Right now I have Inbox, which allows me to set and snooze reminders. That's the key feature missing for me from Superhuman
Inbox until it sunsets then GMail.
calendar hotkeys, snoozing, auto-open next email on archive, multiple inboxes
anyone getting 25+ emails per day
reminders/notes pinned and snoozed
Strategy, Planning Lead, Expansion, Analytics
Somewhat disappointed
Superhuman so far has been really great and I love what I can do with it. It is not yet non-replaceable for me though, because there are still some key things missing for me. I believe in the potential, but not quite there yet.
Gmail + plug-ins
fast email, quick development of new features
people who value productivity and appreciate new technologies
analytics and scheduling
Growth, Product, Analytics, Tech
Somewhat disappointed
it's not perfect...yet. but, inbox still exists, so i'll be more upset once that's gone.
speed. efficiency. keyboard shortcuts.
people who care about inbox zero. also people who don't just commit email bankrupty all the time.
Data Scientist
Somewhat disappointed
I enjoy the speed at which I can get things done with Superhuman. If I lost it, that would suck, but I'd still be able to do what I need to.
Gmail on the web. Apple's Mail app on iPhone/iPad.
Speed of working through things using keyboard shortcuts.
Keyboard warriors ;)
Senior Data Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
The shortcut keys are great, but I'm not fully into the application yet. I can see potential.
Inbox (while it still exists) and then Gmail. I might look for another client.
Not having to take my hands off the keyboard! I hate using a mouse or mousepad.
People with lots of emails.
I've been writing stuff in, and will continue to do so.
Sales, Marketing Operations Analyst
Somewhat disappointed
After a few days of using Superhuman I definitely feel like I'm more efficient with email. I am trying to form new habits like marking done and split inboxes. These definitely help me to see the important messages over the clutter. There are some things I'd like to see improved before I'd improve my response to very disappointed.
back to gmail and iOS mail app.
faster email processing and quicker to respond to important messages.
anyone who gets a lot of email.
I've already sent in a few notes of feedback. Please refer to those. Also note I'm not using the desktop client, but rather the chrome plugin.
Strategy, Planning Lead, Expansion, Analytics
Somewhat disappointed
High learning curve: Some clusters of keyboard commands are similar (send -> send & mark done) others are very orthogonal (delete email -> delete draft; star vs done). This randomness in the clustering increases cognitive load in ways that are a head scratcher. Lack of features: Google contact groups are not available. I send regular updates to 2 separate lists of 50+ people. I cannot do this in superhuman and need to switch back to Gmail to get it done.
What I was using before: Gmail + Boomerang
Processing emails is faster, despite the added cognitive load.
Someone who *must* personally respond to over 100+ emails per day.
Make google contact groups available. Make commands easier to learn and remember by making them all follow the same convention ('star' is 's', but 'done' is 'e' and 'd' doesn't do anything? WTF?) and make similar actions follow similar patterns (see comment above about deleting email vs deleting draft)
Growth, Product, Analytics, Tech
Somewhat disappointed
I’d survive. But I’ve never hit inbox zero consistently before. I kinda feel like now that I know what it feels like, I’d be more compelled to work for it in Gmail or wherever.
Forced to take action on my queue.
People who use email.
Data Scientist
Not disappointed
I like what I see, but I think the service is targeting users with a higher email flow than mine. I am not even sure that it is faster than my usual one
Not sure, that is the problem, I struggle to find a really good email client. Spark probably.
The keyboard shortcuts, love those. The Split Inbox is a double-edged sword, but I think I like it
Someone in Sales or a management position. I also think that it would be really great for Customer Service teams
Add task management or an integration to Things
Senior Data Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
While better, I think if I leaned into Gmail web shortcuts I wouldn’t be that much slower in that interface
Gmail web client - desktop
Not having to login to our SSO provider to get going.
Engineering managers
Enhanced calendar integration.
Sales, Marketing Operations Analyst
Somewhat disappointed
While it is helping me spend less time on email and more time on accomplishing tasks, I feel some key features like Calendar/Scheduling are missing, I'm still having to switch b/w Google Calendar and Superhuman. Gmail iOS app is much better than Superhuman app, esp. with conversations/thread style replies and smart replies. I like Superhuman for my work email and native Gmail Inbox for my personal email. Gmail does a great job of organizing "paid/marketing" promotion emails into 3 inboxes and I don't check the other inboxes except the Primary Inbox. In case of Superhuman, I'll have to go through a lot of junk in order to find the email that matters to me.
Gmail with bunch of add-ons
Helps me spend less time on email, blazing fast and great keyboard short-cuts.
Sales guy?
Strategy, Planning Lead, Expansion, Analytics
Somewhat disappointed
I've been using it about 2 weeks now, it is pretty great but I am not so attached that I couldn't switch back to another program.
I'd go back to my cobbled solution of Postbox and Gmail.
It helped me get my inbox that had been hovering around 700 down to less than 40. Hoping I can get that average down to even less than that in the next couple weeks.
Someone who spends a lot of time triaging and responding to email. Someone who is very comfortable with keyboard navigation.
Please refer to the "Wish List" emails I sent to on 11/12 and 11/17. I'm pretty disappointed nobody has responded to these, or a few other emails I've sent in.
Growth, Product, Analytics, Tech
Somewhat disappointed
I would miss it, but its only magic on desktop right now and I manage most of my email on mobile.
Spark, hopefully they've solved their battery issues
speed and ease of use.
executive assistants, founders, investors, recruiters
make it more apparent what the From address is when you click on an email address and it opens a new tab in Superhuman. Mark as done & snooze as actions on notifications on Mac
Data Scientist
Somewhat disappointed
I've found Superhuman useful (it definitely helps me move faster), but not necessarily life changing. I have a couple suggestions which I assume you will ask me about further down :)
Gmail (in browser)
The keyboard shortcuts are amazing and really do help me move faster. The custom splits have also been great (I love having docs and inbound customer emails, for example, filtered into different views). I ALSO love how easy it is to unsubscribe from mailing lists!
Someone who gets a TON of email.
1) Something about the Starred split isn't working for me. I think I wish that Starred were combined with my Inbox. As it is, sometimes I forget what's in there because I can't see them, which isn't great because those are the ones I actually need to take action on. 2) I know you know this, but I'd love an Android app. 3) This is very tiny, but one thing that bothers me is how hard it is to copy an email address from an email. I have to click on the name to expand it, then manually highlight it. Would love if I could just right click on someone's name (either in the from field or in the info bar on the right) and copy it.
Senior Data Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
Useful, but mobile app doesn't fit on my screen. When I click into an email, the screen gets cut off. Maybe it's because I'm on an older version of the iPhone? 7S+
Inbox zero
Inbox zero
unified inbox
Sales, Marketing Operations Analyst
Not disappointed
Roughly has feature parity with several competitors
Inbox, Gmail, or Apple Mail
speed and organization
Business users who target inbox zero
allow previews, suggested responses, replies to one email when reading another
Strategy, Planning Lead, Expansion, Analytics
Somewhat disappointed
Love the desktop app, but the mobile app on iOS is not nearly as good. Also the inconsistency of the notification badges is kind of frustrating
Likely would go back to spark
Feeling in control of my inbox
People with lots of email conversations?
Better calendar functionality
Growth, Product, Analytics, Tech
Somewhat disappointed
I'm still getting the hang of it and trying to determine how much time it actually saves me. I really like the product, but $30 per month is a pretty high cost for a service. As a PM, I'm impressed by some of your features and user experiences, so I also like seeing the evolution of your product.
I'd go back to Gmail in Chrome
I can quickly get through my inbox with a deeper level of insight. Before I might not have opened and email before filing it away.
Someone that is tech savvy and strives for inbox zero.
There are a lot of bugs still to be worked out. I notice the majority of them when copying and pasting / doing other interactions with 3P services.
Data Scientist
Somewhat disappointed
Lots of potential, but doesn't currently live up to expectations
Gmail or other email tools
I'm not sure
Keyboard shortcut lovers
I've sent in dozens of suggestions. Introduce intelligence, help the user, improve delight
Senior Data Engineer
Not disappointed
While I love and appreciate the subtle UI niceties and overall speed, I haven't (yet) discovered a must-have feature or value proposition.
Mailplane (Gmail) + Things [my previous workflow]
Speed, better keyboard support (namely Esc out of message detail), and Snooze to Desktop on mobile
Those who spend a lot of time in email but haven't yet cracked their Inbox Zero methodology
Sales, Marketing Operations Analyst
Somewhat disappointed
It's great - don't get me wrong, but I had very high expectations, not all of which I can properly describe, and I don't feel it's the perfect email client I was hoping for. I think some of it relates to me coming from Inbox with the one single view that had bundles in it - and now I need to switch between views.
quick keyboard usage
Strategy, Planning Lead, Expansion, Analytics
Somewhat disappointed
I've been enjoying on web but prefer Outlook for iOS. The focused inbox is a huge time saver for me.
GMAIL on web and Outlook on iOS.
Speed and unread/read status.
Type A hyper organized power users. And definitely PMs.
Growth, Product, Analytics, Tech
Not disappointed
I'll start by saying that Superhuman in the browser is fantastic. It is by far my favorite way to deal with email. That being said, there are a number of caveats that are incredibly frustrating in my daily use of Superhuman. 1. No Safari support. I use Chrome for work and Safari for personal so that I don't mix cookies. I know that most people don't do this, but I feel that paying for a premium email experience merits premium support for most modern browsers. Lack of Safari support is almost a dealbreaker for me. Which leads me into my next point. 2. The desktop app is simply not great. Again, premium price should merit premium experience. An Electron app that is taking more resources than a standard browser tab is wholly unacceptable in my book. I can't imagine much of your userbase is on Windows. Pony up and make a native Mac app that is enjoyable to use. 3. I've uninstalled the iOS app. I know your focus is on speed and simplicity here, but you've again lost me with some really silly UI paradigms that make it frustratingly hard to get to what Superhuman is good at in the first place.
Gmail +
A phenomenal browser based tool to triage my work email.
Superusers that care about premium experiences in their everyday use of software.
Native Mac App, no Electron bullshit
Data Scientist
Somewhat disappointed
I'm still teetering on using it as my daily-drive email system (web and mobile, now that I got into mobile beta!)
Gmail + MixMax
Simplified UI and speed of UI
Someone who reads a lot of emails but also only sends out small emails in terms of their content size.
No clear ideas yet
Senior Data Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
I think there are things that it does great, but I also think there are things I miss about regular gmail. For example, I find search significantly better on gmail and I also think it's silly that I can't look at my inbox and tell who a new email is from, but instead I need to actually click into the email.
Gmail on desk, Spark on Mobile
Amazing reminder functionality. The UX for reminders is just leaps and bounds ahead of boomerang.
I think any person who emails a ton would find benefit.
Improve search and improve inbox UI.
Sales, Marketing Operations Analyst
Somewhat disappointed
I would go back to Outlook. I see the potential with Superhuman but not having it would not significantly reduce productivity.
MS Outlook
Easier shortcut navigation. Simplicity and speed.
Power e-mail user that works with shortcuts. If you had killer calendar integration then I think it would work better for business users.
1) Calendar integration 2) support for Andriod devices 3) Better search features 4) Autocomplete, grammar check
Strategy, Planning Lead, Expansion, Analytics
Somewhat disappointed
Features are great, and they have improved my workflow but some features that would make unbearable to leave would be: - Shortcuts on all devices that have keyboard (i.e. iPad) - Deep calendar integration, especially displaying multiple calendars since many of us have both work / personal calendars
Gmail, because of the cross platform parity.
Shortcut for everything.
People who are obsessed like I am with productivity.
Described in previous answer, but deep integrations into calendars and cross platform parity.
Growth, Product, Analytics, Tech
Somewhat disappointed
Superhuman allows me to work more efficiently than any other email client I've tried; that said, if I weren't able to use it, I would probably try to recreate some of its workflows/keystrokes in a different client (likely with only partial success after a lot of effort - hence I'd be disappointed).
I'd start with Inbox, but I'd probably also try other clients.
Lots of efficient keystroke shortcuts; the Important/Other split inbox is also super nice.
I would recommend it to anyone who uses email a lot (most professionals); in reality, I'd probably hesitate to recommend b/c I'm not sure how many friends would pay more than ~$5/month for an email client.
On the mac desktop client, the left margin when viewing a message thread seems wasteful of space. I would prefer the message taking up a larger proportion of the window space.
Data Scientist
Somewhat disappointed
I love the Superhuman experience, but email is email and ultimately I could find another workflow that works for me if I had to.
Apple Mail or Gmail
Speed, ease of use (after learning the hotkeys)
Someone who receives a high volume of email of which only a fraction requires action or replying
The experience of viewing and writing emails on the iPhone app could maybe be improved? Right now photos don't appear in-line in the same way that they do on desktop (or any other Mobile experience). Also the ability to archive a draft with a single hotkey (it's easy to accidentally create a draft, which makes it more important to be able to easily get rid of them, imho.
Senior Data Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
It's been great using Superhuman for the last few weeks but I know it's still in beta mode so there are some key features missing to round things out.
Somebody that's very organized and disciplined in their email communication and is likely to be busy, so wanting maximum efficiency in email work.
These things would be awesome: 1. Setting for Notification badge for Unread count on macOS, 2. App Icon badging for Unread count on iOS, 3. Keyboard shortcut support on iPad, 4. Being able to see the Unread message count in other connected accounts, 5. Allow setting for defining default Browser and Map app on iOS, 6. Some way to refresh the inbox on iOS - some times it gets stuck and is clearly not in sync with the macOS app.
Sales, Marketing Operations Analyst
Somewhat disappointed
I'm unsure I get $30/mo of value from superhuman. Don't get me wrong - it's a fantastic service - but I think I will churn due to the service's price. I'd happily pay $10 into perpetuity :)
Inbox by Gmail
Anyone who values their time and has a decent volume of email to work through
I love Superhuman, but its price is too high for me. I'm either not your target customer, or you're mis-pricing the service.
Strategy, Planning Lead, Expansion, Analytics
Somewhat disappointed
It's definitely made it easier to get to inbox zero, but I'd call it an improvement, not a revolution in how i deal with emails
either back to spark or google's inbox
something about the workflow for getting through a lot of emails with the keyboard is really satisfying
people who receive a lot of emails and are used to working with their keyboard
keep working on the calendaring and scheduling stuff
Growth, Product, Analytics, Tech
Somewhat disappointed
I like many of the improvements I see in Superhuman, but I wish I'd had it a year ago. With the new Gmail, many of these improvements are already there and they're free.
New gmail.
I get through my email a little more quickly with a less cluttered experience.
Sometimes, commands/tasks hang for a couple of seconds before they go through. Mobile is not as polished.
Data Scientist
Somewhat disappointed
I love Superhuman but I am trying to figure out why I like it. I can do many things with Gmail and shortcuts. I like the additional things like read receipts, reminders, delayed send, snippets, etc. I would love to see scheduling help to cut down the back and forth on finding a meeting time.
I would use Gmail + yesware or Boomerang
I like the additional things like read receipts, reminders, delayed send, snippets, etc.
people who deal with a lot of email and want to be productive
Scheduling meeting help.
Senior Data Engineer
Somewhat disappointed
It's great software – has definitely made my email workflow not only quick, but also kind-of fun.
Probably Gmail in Chrome. Other email apps seem somewhat unstable.
Everything is fast. Finding info is fast due to good UI/UX, searching is fast due to a good back-end, processing emails is fast due to keyboard shortcuts, etc.
Anyone who has to email other humans as part of their job
iOS application, make finding and processing attachments faster, split view so I can review an email from someone else while composing another
Sales, Marketing Operations Analyst
Somewhat disappointed
It's a nice email interface but I don't have consistency (yet) on my iPhone/iPad
Outlook :(
Fast email management.
People who care about the tools that they use.
Let me collapse the left/right columns when reading an email (A bit like how 'reader view' works in Safari say?).
Strategy, Planning Lead, Expansion, Analytics
Somewhat disappointed
Price, no native apps, font size
Inbox client, or look for something else
keyboard shortcuts, superhuman command line is also powerful
modern app user who uses their inbox as a way to play offense vs. defense
I'm still not convinced of the price. It's a multiple better than free, browser-based options, but not 10x better yet... and no mobile app or native mac app. So better pricing until feature set is more robust ($9.99 might seem reasonable) Native apps
Growth, Product, Analytics, Tech
Somewhat disappointed
It's great (fast, keyboard shortcuts) but I could go back to Gmail Inbox
Google Inbox
Speed of app
keyboard shortcut nerds
Make my work/personal inboxes more permanent. I close them by accident too frequently. Very annoying.
Strategy, Planning Lead, Expansion, Analytics
Somewhat disappointed
I've always dreaded my email experience until SuperHuman came along
I effectively enjoy my email experience
Power users
Send later
Growth, Product, Analytics, Tech
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