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Merchant Network

Use Cases

Normal supply work
Brand building & awareness
Support in onboarding activities
Support in supervisory work
Logistics (material aggregration & distribution) ; helpful in building internal supply chai
Back office work / local touch base for field projects (DD, audit & LMD)
Attendance / haziri point for field project
Extension of CX team, used as a complaint center
Alternate revenue source (eg - build a marketplace for wholesalers & retailers solving price and payment term problems and then upsell other services which can be identified with other pain points; can connect LMD and merchants for logistics)
Can be used as insite report especially for FMCG


Timeframe - Approx 1 month for pilot
Onboarding Cost - Around 50K INR + cost of background check
Team - 1 UA, 1 Ops, 1 Growth manager, 1 trainer (soft guy to train humbleness), 1-2 interns

Benefits to Merchant

Direct monetary benefits
Increased footfall → increased revenue & profits
Packaged deals (supply gets goods / services instead of payout from our merchants at a discount)

Other points to consider

Background check is almost a compulsory in every use case
A good way to start is to go through different FB groups for quick litmus test
Hybrid model (offline + online) is strategically beneficial although it is against our motto of everything online
We cannot have fluctuating work for our merchants or else this won’t be sustainable
Need to have consistency in payouts and supply experience for this to work
Need to define persona for exact extimates
Can use third party networks as well
Can leverage existing / future merchants that we have done / can do


Identify the biggest problem statements from the given pool of use cases, perform a cost-benefit analysis and then start with a pilot.
Top use cases
Surity while activating the supply
Improved funnel

Ask very specific questions to senior ops (eg - which projects, which location etc)
Check with betterplace merchants, can we use them for our own uses?
Define scope of pilot after validation from senior ops
Gigindia, Apna and futwork
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