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DTC Advertising Regulation

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Here are some key points about regulations around healthcare advertising in China:
- Prescription Drugs - Advertising directly to consumers is still prohibited for prescription drugs. Pharma ads are permitted in medical journals and settings targeting healthcare professionals. Very strict review process by drug regulatory authorities.
- OTC Medicines - Over-the-counter medicines such as those treating coughs/colds, pain, stomach issues, vitamins can be marketed directly to consumers following certain rules and oversight.
- Medical Devices - Rules introduced in 2021 govern advertising for devices and equipment to both the public and medical professionals. Claims must be backed by clinical evidence, provide balanced info on risks/benefits.
- Health Services - Hospitals, clinics and private medical/dental practices allowed to advertise services legally as long as the information is factual and aim to inform public health literacy. Some areas still being updated.
- Alternative Therapies - Advertising of traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathic therapies, nutritional supplements is quite common but regulations are still being developed and standardized for claims evidence.
- New Rule Changes - The regulatory framework for healthcare promotion/advertising has tightened significantly in China over the past decade but still evolving especially for new innovative therapies.
Monitoring and enforcement is done by bodies like NMPA, CFDA, provincial health bureaus. False advertising can warrant fines, license revocation and correction orders. But monitoring capacity also continues building nationwide.
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