2) Put in your customers here. Discount and address are currently optional as I didn't have time to use that in the generated quotation.
Cust name
Cust name
Mary Smiley
241 Ravenhurst Avenue, Rockland CT 93486
Joe Smiley
241 Ravenhurst Avenue, Rockland CT 93486
Jayne Fonda
12-1897 Sparrow Lane, Spokane WA 45869
Bill Bruckford
94 Beverly Hills Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90213
There are no rows in this table
3) As customers ask for quotes, simply make a new row, pick the customer name, select the product and what they offer as a deposit and payment plan.
Then go to the Generated Quote Section to see your next quote. Customize as needed, and then come back here once it's sent, tick the box, and the next quote will be generated. Now you can get those quotes out faster and more accurately, and make more sales to happy customers!