Have questions that aren’t listed here? Contact Kim at kimberly.vue@wisc.edu
How can I earn trading cards?
Please remember to be respectful to all staff—do not walk in their offices if their doors are closed and respect their time if the communicate not having time to chat in passing.
You can earn a trading card by attending a PEOPLE event (EMPOWER PEOPLE, Alumni Connections, Senior Send Off, Advising Sessions, etc.). Typically, you can earn one card per event attended. See the
. You must sign in in order to receive a trading card.
You can also earn a trading card by interacting with the PEOPLE College Staff and asking for a card (one card per staff per day). See examples below, naming all elligble staff.
You go to the PEOPLE Office to study and you see Goody hanging out in the PEOPLE Scholars Lab. You both have a conversation about how your week is going. After your conversation, you can request a trading card.
You are at the PEOPLE Office and you notice that Anisa’s door is ajar. You stop in to say hi and grab a snack. You can request a trading card.
You are working your shift at PEOPLE and you run into Gail, and Katthroughout your shift. You can request a trading card from each College staff member.
You stop the office to attend Pao’s drop-in advising. You see that his door is closed so you wait until he becomes available. You can request a trading card when completing the drop-in advising session.
You see Miriah and Kim out at a Greek event on campus and you say hi! You can request a trading card from both staff members.
You participate in your PEOPLE Seminar Course with Dylan or Beatriz. You can ask for one trading card per class. Exact details at the discretion of the TA.
My first advising session occurred before these trading cards were announced. Will I still get a trading card for that?
All students who attended a PEOPLE Event before October 31st will receive a card retroactively for each event so long as the attendance is tracked by PEOPLE College Staff.
Qualifying events include:
Required Advising Sessions
First-Year Orientation Events
Student Leadership Team Meetings
Events that do not qualify
Drop-in advising
First-Year Seminar Courses
Indiviudal interactions with College Staff
Drop-In Advising (does not count prior to October 31st but will count moving forward)
What happens if I have a virtual Advising Session or interact with an Advisor but they don’t have trading cards on them?
We can offer IOU trading cards, which allows us to track on a spreadsheet if when we owe you a trading card. That way you can receive those additional trading card(s) the next time we see you in person. To qualify for an IOU traidng card, you have to follow the next steps in its entirety:
Ask if you are elligble for an IOU trading card. If yes, request the staff memeber to mark your card down on the IOU spreadsheet in front of you. Only after the staff confirms having marked down your IOU are you guarunteed an IOU trading card. If you must leave before the staff member goes through the steps of marking it on the spreadsheet and verbally confirming with you, you are not gaurunteed a trading card for that interaction.
Do I have to physically turn in my cards in order to trade them in for prizes?
No, the trade in process will consist of hole-punching the card or marking an x on the back of the card which voids all trade-in value of the card. You get to keep the card.
Can I trade my cards with or give them away to other Scholars?
We encourage you to engage with other Scholars and trade as desired
I work for PEOPLE, do my work shift count towards trading cards?
Your work shift doesn’t specifically count towards trading cards, but if your work shift allows you to see PEOPLE College Staff and interact with them, you can request a card once per staff per day
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