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User Onboarding (Experience Center)
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Introduction to Effective Query Crafting for the Enrollment AI Chatbot

Welcome to your comprehensive guide on interacting with our new AI-powered chatbot. As integral members of the Enrollment Center team, your ability to retrieve accurate and timely information is crucial to supporting our students effectively. This document is designed to help you maximize the capabilities of the AI chatbot by enhancing the way you formulate your questions.
The AI chatbot is a sophisticated tool that uses natural language processing to understand and respond to your inquiries. While it is designed to be intuitive, the quality of the responses it provides is greatly influenced by how questions are posed. Effective query crafting not only improves the accuracy of the information you receive but also streamlines your interactions, saving you valuable time and effort.
In this guide, we will explore several key strategies and tactics that have been tailored specifically to your daily tasks and challenges. Each section will provide you with actionable advice on how to structure your questions to the chatbot, complete with examples drawn from real-life scenarios you might encounter. Our aim is to ensure that you feel confident and equipped to use this tool to its fullest potential, thereby enhancing your productivity and the overall student experience.
Thank you for your dedication to improving our services through innovative solutions. We value your commitment and are here to support you in this transition. Let's get started on making your interactions with the AI chatbot as effective as possible!

Understanding the Benefits of the AI Chatbot Over Traditional Search Methods

As you transition to using our new AI chatbot, it’s important to understand the significant advantages it offers over the traditional method of searching for information through Guru cards or other resources. While the chatbot does require more detailed queries, this investment in crafting your questions pays off in efficiency and comprehensiveness of the responses you receive.

Traditional Search vs. AI Chatbot:

Traditional Search Method:
Query Input: Typically involves entering two to three keywords.
Result: Pulls up relevant Guru cards or links to documents and websites.
Next Steps: Requires you to click through to these sources, read through the information, summarize it, and then formulate a response to the student.
AI Chatbot Method:
Query Input: Requires more detailed and specific queries.
Result: Directly provides a scripted, comprehensive answer that integrates information from multiple sources including Guru cards, ASU websites, and documents.
Next Steps: Allows you to read the scripted response directly to the student. If needed, you can easily access the source documents for more depth or verification, as the chatbot also indicates the sources contributing to the response.

Why Invest Time in Detailed Queries?

Increased Efficiency: By receiving a complete, scripted answer immediately, you save time that would have been spent navigating multiple sources and synthesizing the information yourself.
Enhanced Accuracy: The chatbot’s responses are crafted to be both comprehensive and precise, reducing the risk of errors that might occur when manually summarizing information from various sources.
Streamlined Interaction: With all necessary information at your fingertips, you can focus more on interacting with the student and less on the mechanics of information retrieval.
Consistent Quality: Each response is standardized and tailored to provide the highest quality of information, ensuring that all students receive a uniform experience regardless of the complexity of their inquiries.
By understanding these benefits, you can see how the AI chatbot not only simplifies your workflow but also enhances the quality of service provided to students. While it may require a shift in how you initially approach querying, the long-term gains in productivity and service quality are substantial.

Section 1: Crafting Effective Queries

Strategy 1: Be Specific

Summary: Precision in your questions helps the chatbot understand exactly what information you need, which leads to more accurate and relevant responses.

Strategy 2: Provide Necessary Context

Summary: Context helps the chatbot understand the framework of your query, enhancing its ability to provide relevant information.

Strategy 3: Use Descriptive Language

Summary: Descriptive language eliminates ambiguity, allowing the chatbot to process requests more effectively.

Strategy 4: Sequence Information Logically

Summary: Logical sequencing in your questions can guide the chatbot through your thought process, improving the coherence of the responses.

Strategy 5: Use Full Sentences

Summary: Full sentences can provide better context and clarity, helping the chatbot understand the complete thought behind a question.

Section 2: Examples and Comparisons

Table of Queries for Strategy 1: Be Specific
Poor Example
Improved Example
Use precise terms
"info on majors"
"What are the required courses for the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science major?"
Specify programs, degrees
"graduate studies"
"What are the application deadlines for graduate studies in Education for Fall 2024?"
There are no rows in this table
Table of Queries for Strategy 2: Provide Necessary Context
Poor Example
Improved Example
Include relevant details
"scholarship options"
"What scholarship options are available for returning adult learners in the Nursing program?"
Mention specific time frames
"when do classes start?"
"When do classes start for the Spring semester of the 2025 academic year?"
There are no rows in this table
Table of Queries for Strategy 3: Use Descriptive Language
Poor Example
Improved Example
Choose clear descriptive words
"advisor help"
"How can I schedule an appointment with an academic advisor for course selection assistance?"
Avoid vague language
"course difficulty"
"Which courses in the Mechanical Engineering program have the highest failure rates?"
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Table of Queries for Strategy 4: Sequence Information Logically
Poor Example
Improved Example
Structure step-by-step
"degree completion?"
"What are the first steps I need to take to begin my degree completion process in Sociology?"
Start broad, then specific
"exam details"
"What are the general requirements for midterm exams in Biology, and what is the format for Bio102?"
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Table of Queries for Strategy 5: Use Full Sentences
Poor Example
Improved Example
Frame in complete sentences
"transfer credits rules"
"What are the rules for transferring credits from international universities to ASU's Law program?"
Use proper punctuation
"what scholarships available"
"What scholarships are available for international students studying in the United States?"
There are no rows in this table

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