MVP Specification

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MVP User Flow

User Flow

The user flow within the Moti platform is designed to be intuitive and engaging, ensuring that users can easily manage their digital assets and interact with the system.

Steps for Users

Profile Creation: Users sign up to create their sovereign profile and digital wallet.
Card Acquisition via QR Code: Users can scan a QR code provided by the game master or the system to receive a new card.
Receiving Cards from Game Master: Users can receive cards directly in their account, which are distributed by the game master.
Wallet Overview: Users can review all the cards they possess within their wallet's interface.
Card Details: Users can view detailed information about each card, including its visual representation, name, and other key attributes.
Card Interaction: Users can interact with the card, such as flipping it over, to discover call-to-action buttons or additional information.

Game Master Flow

The game master flow facilitates the creation and distribution of digital assets, offering tools to manage and share these assets with users.

Steps for Game Masters

Portal Access: Game masters can log into a dedicated portal to manage digital assets.
Card Creation: Game masters can create a new card, complete with visual design, title, and description.
Card Distribution: Cards can be distributed to users via ID, name, or email; an email is then sent to users to claim their card and prompt profile creation if necessary.
Card Exporting: Game masters can export cards as images with embedded QR codes for physical distribution.
API for Card Data Retrieval: An API is provided for verified external parties or integrated games to retrieve essential card data for visualization within the game.
API for Card Distribution Trigger: An API is provided for verified external parties or integrated games to trigger the distribution of a card to a user's wallet.

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