2023 - 11 - 17

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Trust Based Card Issurance System


Moti's card system facilitates a peer-to-peer trust mechanism where card creators can enter into agreements with card issuers to distribute cards based on established criteria. This system emphasizes human judgment and personal responsibility in the card distribution process.

Card Creator and Issuer Relationship

Smart Contract Agreement

Trust Establishment: The card creator selects a trusted individual to become a card issuer based on confidence in their judgment and adherence to the card's criteria.
Smart Contract: A digital agreement, possibly leveraging blockchain smart contract technology, outlines the terms and conditions of card issuance.

Card Issuance Criteria

Criteria Definition: The card creator defines clear parameters for card eligibility, such as an IQ over 140 for the "IQ 140+" card.
Issuer Responsibility: The issuer agrees to follow the criteria strictly and only distribute cards to those who meet the established parameters.

Issuance Process

Qualification and Distribution

Game or Test: The issuer may use a game, test, or another method to qualify individuals, ensuring they meet the card criteria.
Peer-to-Peer Trust: The system relies on the issuer's integrity to distribute cards correctly, fostering a network of trust rather than automated checks.


Reputation Stakes: If an issuer fails to adhere to the criteria, their reputation and trust within the Moti ecosystem are at stake, impacting their ability to issue cards in the future.

User Interaction

For Cardholders

Claiming Cards: Users who qualify based on the criteria can claim their cards, which are then added to their wallets.
Trust in Issuers: Users rely on the issuer's judgment that the card has been rightfully earned and issued.

System Functionality

Issuance Tracking: While the system trusts issuers, it also maintains a record of issued cards for transparency and accountability.
Feedback Mechanism: Users can provide feedback on issuers, contributing to their reputation within the platform.


The trust-based card issuance system for Moti leans into the human aspect of social networking and reputation management. It allows for flexibility and personal touch in card distribution while maintaining a level of accountability through reputation stakes and community feedback.

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