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Moti MVP Workshop

MOTI MVP = through case studies


High level “titles” & document structure which we want to produce
Playing some games
Going through exercises, workshops, games.
Producing content
High Level Document
Establish Tasks



Vision and Mission Statements
Outline of Moti's overarching goals and purpose.
Core Values and Principles
Description of fundamental beliefs and ethics guiding the project.
Product Philosophy
Explanation of the thought process behind the Moti platform.
Strategic Goals
Long-term objectives for growth and development.

White Papers

Technical White Paper
Technological infrastructure.
Security protocols.
Technical specifications.
User Experience White Paper
User interface design.
User flow and interaction design.
Community and Engagement White Paper
Community building strategies.
User engagement tactics.
Market Analysis and Business Strategy
Target market insights.
Competition analysis.
Strategic business planning.
Legal and Compliance White Paper
Legal considerations and data privacy.
Regulatory compliance information.


Moti MVP
I. Project Overview
Project Introduction
Vision and Mission Statements
Scope and Objectives
II. Technical Documentation
Technical Specification Document
System Architecture
Feature Set and Functional Requirements
Development Guidelines
Coding Standards
API Documentation
Security Protocols
Data Encryption and Protection Methods
Compliance with Regulatory Standards
III. User Experience (UX) and Design
UX Strategy Document
User Research and Personas
User Journey Maps
Design Specifications
Interface Design and Wireframes
Branding and Visual Guidelines
IV. User Stories and Use Cases
Collection of User Stories
Use Case Scenarios
Persona-Based Feature Exploration
V. Project Management and Planning
Project Plan
Milestones and Timelines
Resource Allocation
Risk Management Plan
Risk Assessment
Mitigation Strategies
VI. Market Analysis and Strategy
Market Research Document
Target Audience Analysis
Competitive Landscape
Marketing and Outreach Strategy
Go-to-Market Plan
Promotional Activities
VII. Compliance and Legal Framework
Regulatory Compliance Document
Data Privacy and User Agreement Policies
VIII. Feedback and Iteration
User Feedback Collection Mechanism
Methods and Tools for Feedback Collection
Iteration and Improvement Plan
Process for Integrating Feedback
Schedule for Iterative Releases
IX. Partnerships and Collaborations
Partnership Strategy
Roles and Contributions of Partners
Collaboration Framework
Communication and Coordination Mechanisms
X. Launch and Post-Launch Strategy
Launch Plan
Preparation Checklist
Launch Day Activities
Post-Launch Support and Maintenance
User Support Framework
Ongoing Maintenance and Updates
XI. Evaluation and Reporting
Performance Metrics and KPIs
Project Reporting and Review Meetings

Call to Action

Implementation Plans
Steps to build and launch Moti features.
Marketing and Outreach Strategy
Campaigns for promotion.
Tactics for user attraction and community engagement.
Operational Roadmap
Actions for managing daily operations.
Development and Deployment Checklists
Tasks and milestones for the development team.
Community Building Initiatives
Activities and events for community growth.
Feedback Loops and Iteration Cycles
Processes for integrating user feedback into product improvement.
Resource Mobilization Plan
Allocation strategies for human, financial, and technological resources.
Risk Management and Mitigation Actions
Steps to identify, assess, and mitigate project risks.


Game Library
Five Whys Technique
Prompt: "Act like a Root Cause Analyst. Begin by identifying the problem related to [topic]. Now, ask 'why?' this problem exists. Repeat the question 'why?' four more times, digging deeper into each layer to uncover the root cause. Summarize your findings and suggest potential solutions."
TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)
Prompt: "Act like an Inventive Problem Solver. Utilize TRIZ principles to systematically solve problems related to [topic]. Identify contradictions and apply inventive principles to resolve them. Outline your steps and findings, explaining how the TRIZ methodology was applied."
Job-To-Be-Done Framework
Prompt: "Act like a Customer Insight Specialist. Examine [topic] through the Job-To-Be-Done lens, exploring the underlying 'jobs' customers are 'hiring' the product or service to accomplish. Detail the customer needs, contexts, and pain points. Propose alignment strategies to meet these 'jobs.'" (edited)
Ishikawa Diagram (Fishbone Diagram)
Prompt: "Act like a Quality Improvement Specialist. Build an Ishikawa diagram to explore the causes of a problem related to [topic]. Break down each main branch into finer details, exploring root causes and relationships. Provide insights into potential solutions and preventive measures."
Zwicky Box (Morphological Analysis)
Prompt: "Act like a Complex Systems Analyst. Utilize a Zwicky Box to systematically explore all possible solutions for [topic]. Define dimensions, attributes, and interactions within the system. Explain how you developed the combinations and their relevance to [topic]."
Affinity Diagram
Prompt: "Act like an Organizational Psychologist. Organize ideas related to [topic] into an affinity diagram. Group concepts by natural relationships, providing explanations for each category. Analyze the groupings and how they provide a coherent understanding of [topic]."
Ansoff Matrix
Prompt: "Act like a Growth Strategist. Utilize the Ansoff Matrix to explore growth strategies for [topic]. Assess opportunities for market penetration, market development, product development, and diversification. Explain the rationale for each strategy and propose an implementation plan."
Impact/Effort Matrix
Prompt: "Act like a Project Management Expert. Plot ideas related to [topic] on an impact/effort matrix. Analyze the strategies that should be prioritized, considering both their potential impact and required effort. Provide a systematic plan for execution, including risk assessment."


Summit - 12 Months
Regular Events - 6 Month
First Live Public Event - 1 Month
First “problem/solution’ workshop - 1 week
What is Koii Garden to Moti

10 ecosystem projects for cohort 1 (supported by joii in non-structured way)
START - Jan 15th 10 WEEKS? END - March 1st
What is koii garden to MOTI
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