Technical Documentation

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Technical Questions

System Architecture

Blockchain Technology:
What specific blockchain platform or technology is being used for decentralized identity management (e.g., Ethereum, Hyperledger)?
How are blockchain transactions and identity verifications managed within the system?
Digital Wallet Infrastructure:
Can you provide more details about the technology stack used for the digital wallet (e.g., programming languages, database technologies)?
How does the wallet interface with other parts of the system, such as asset management and user profiles?

Feature Set and Functional Requirements

User Profile Creation:
Are there specific data fields or attributes captured in user profiles?
How is user consent for data usage and privacy handled?
Digital Asset Management:
What types of digital assets will users manage (e.g., identity credentials, tokens, digital cards)?
How are these assets created, issued, and verified within the platform?
Interactive User Dashboard:
What are the key functionalities available on the user dashboard?
How is user experience and interface design being approached to ensure ease of use?

Development Guidelines

Coding Standards:
Are there any specific coding frameworks or libraries being used?
How is code quality assurance and peer review conducted?
API Documentation:
What are the main API functionalities needed for initial MVP development?
Are there existing third-party integrations or services that the APIs need to communicate with?

Security Protocols

Data Encryption and Protection Methods:
What encryption standards are being used (e.g., AES, RSA)?
How are user authentication and authorization handled?
Compliance with Regulatory Standards:
Are there specific industry or regional regulations that the MVP needs to comply with (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA)?
How is user data handled to ensure compliance with these regulations?

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