MVP User Stories

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Refining Community Criteria with Moti


Within the Moti platform, numerous communities with similar themes have emerged, each with its own creator, design, and criteria. An edge case arises when a user seeks to establish a new community that encapsulates qualities from existing ones while adding unique value or criteria.

Scenario: Elite "Hot Girls" Community Card Creation


To create a card that signifies membership in an elite community of "Hot Girls" by leveraging existing community memberships and prestigious achievements as qualifiers.


Establish Unique Criteria: Define specific, unique criteria for the new "Hot Girls" card, distinguishing it from existing similar communities.
Verification Process:
First Criterion: Personal verification by the new community creator, if they deem an individual to meet their definition of "hot".
Second Criterion: Automatic eligibility for individuals who are members of pre-verified "Hot Babe" communities.
Third Criterion: Recognized achievements, such as winning a prestigious pageant like Miss Universe.
Gradual Upgradation: The card issuance process starts with manual verification and evolves over time, incorporating more sophisticated and scalable methods to filter and verify candidates.

Card Issuance Strategy

Multi-tiered Eligibility

Direct Qualification: Personal discretion of the creator based on their subjective criteria.
Community Membership: Cross-verification with existing communities to streamline the inclusion of members who already hold similar cards.
Achievement Recognition: Incorporation of external, reputable achievements as part of the qualification process.

Automation and Scalability

Manual to Automated: Transition from a manual, game-like approach to more automated processes as the community grows.
Layered Filtering: Implement multi-layered filtering mechanisms to maintain the community's exclusivity and relevance at scale.

User Story: Scaling the "Hot Girls" Community


A user, who we'll call Jack, is creating a new "Hot Girls" community card on Moti.
Jack's objective is to attract individuals who are not just visually appealing but also embody certain esteemed qualities or achievements.

Acceptance Criteria

Criteria Definition: Jack specifies the criteria for the new community, ensuring they are unique and encompass qualities beyond the existing cards.
Issuance Pathways: Jack outlines the different pathways through which individuals can qualify for the card.
Community Building: As cardholders join, Jack plans activities and engagements for the community, fostering connection and exclusivity.


This strategic note outlines a method for creating a unique, elite community within the broader context of similar groups on the Moti platform. The process emphasizes the creator's vision and discretion while providing clear pathways for membership. Over time, the system is designed to evolve, improving its ability to identify and include the most relevant individuals.
This strategic note captures your intent to create a refined community within a saturated space by implementing innovative and scalable verification methods. It focuses on the importance of maintaining exclusivity and relevance as the community grows, ensuring that the platform can accommodate evolving needs and preferences.

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