2023 - 11 - 17

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MVP Specification


The Moti platform introduces a novel approach to digital identity and community engagement through a card-centric ecosystem. The MVP focuses on enabling users to create, manage, and distribute digital cards that represent various aspects of their identities, achievements, and community affiliations. This document outlines the primary user roles and their responsibilities, the key processes they engage in, and the core features of the MVP.

User Roles & Responsibilities

Card Holder

Primary Responsibility: To collect and manage digital cards that represent personal achievements or memberships.
Engagement: Participate in community events and access exclusive rights based on card ownership.

Card Designer

Primary Responsibility: To conceptualize and create digital cards with specific attributes and design.
Criteria Setting: Establish eligibility criteria for card acquisition.

Card Issuer

Primary Responsibility: To distribute digital cards to users based on the criteria set by the Card Designer.
Strategy Development: Propose and implement methods for identifying eligible card recipients.


Card Creation Process

Conceptualization: Designers envision a card's purpose and design.
Criteria Definition: Designers set the parameters that dictate who can receive the card.
Card Finalization: The card is finalized and ready for distribution.

Card Issuance Process

Issuer Engagement: Designers connect with Issuers to discuss distribution.
Proposal Review: Designers review Issuers' strategies and target markets.
Agreement Formation: An agreement is reached, and cards are allocated for distribution.

Card Distribution Process

Execution: Issuers distribute cards to eligible recipients based on the agreed strategy.
Card Claiming: Recipients claim their cards, adding them to their wallets.

Community Engagement Process

Event Participation: Cardholders use their cards to access events or content.
Community Building: Cardholders interact with each other, forming a community around shared card themes.

Key Features

Digital Identity Wallet

Profile Management: Users can create and manage their digital identity within the platform.
Card Collection: A system for users to view and manage their digital card collection.

Card Design Interface

Creation Tools: A suite of tools for users to design and create digital cards.
Criteria Specification: Functionality to set eligibility criteria for each card.

Card Issuance Dashboard

Distribution Management: A dashboard for Issuers to manage the distribution of cards.
Tracking and Reporting: Features for Issuers to track the progress and success of card distribution.

Community Engagement Hub

Event Access: Cardholders can access events or content exclusive to their card community.
Networking Features: Tools for cardholders to connect with one another within the platform.

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