2023 - 11 - 17

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MVP Discovery Workshop

Upon further discussion, we have basically further simplified the MVP into four distinctive key features, focusing on the “Card”
Card represents achievements, qualifications, expressions. It is a token of acknowledgement, to certify, crystallise and solidify past actions.
Card has a utility value, as it is a key, which can unlock future doors, where the users will be able to access future functionalities, such as online marketplaces, or offline events, workshops.
There are four basic roles in this system:
Card Designer: A card creator can design, and create a card, designed to be distributed to a specific group of people.
Design the Card: The card creator, needs to design the cards, by adding a name, a description, visuals and other metadata to define the cards’s identity and purpose
Establish Issuance Criteria: The card creator, needs to establish the criteria for issuing the card, this could be specific parameters, behaviours or attributes that must be exhibited for the card to be issued and distributed.
The card creator, by default will be the master admin of the card, which means that the card creator, also by defaults assume the roles of Card Issue, and Card Manager, in the first instance, and will be the
Card Administrator: A card administrator can manage the card, an
Card Issuer: A card issuer can issue the cards to users, by distributing the cards to deserving recipients based on the issuance criteria.
Manage Cards to Issues: A card issuer, can view all the cards that he has in his issuance wallets, and will be able to

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