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What is Moti?




Koii x Moti


MOTI Digital Identity Infrastructure
Matthew’s Categories
User Journeys
Tech Stack

Why do we need it?
B2B Strategy
Creation of Self Sovereign Identity
Authentication to dApp
Using Card Stack to Authenticate
Data Authorisation to dApp
Data Processing & Card Issuance from dApp to User
Data Structure of Cards
Card Storage
dApp Ecosystem - Moti’s Vision (Know Thy Self, Become Who You Are)
Earn Cards
Use Cards
dApp, to issue cards, as a reward system, and reward function of Web2 Apps
as an MVP

Koii Digital Agent DApp


MOTI aims to help Koii acquire digital agents (nodes), who aims to bind their personal/ social media accounts to their DID, in order to “earn money when they sleep”
MOTI aims to develop an identity infrastructure, and ,
MOTI aims to work with Koii
MOTI aims to serve as a
MOTI aims to understand Koii’s token launch and airdrop strategy and timeline, and to market and incentives and the

B2B Strategy




Next Steps

The outline you've provided for the Moti digital identity infrastructure and user experience is comprehensive and user-centric. It emphasizes the creation, management, and utilization of a self-sovereign identity that empowers users to interact securely and conveniently with various applications. Here's a refined outline based on your description:
1. **Creation of Self-Sovereign Identity**: Users create a digital identity that is entirely under their control, ensuring privacy and autonomy.
2. **User Experience Simplification**: The process for users is streamlined, making it easy for them to interact with various applications using their self-sovereign identity.
3. **Authentication and Authorization**: Users can authenticate and authorize data usage with decentralized applications (DApps), ensuring security and consent.
4. **Data Processing and Card Issuance**: Applications process authorized user data to generate digital cards, which represent various attributes or achievements of the user.
5. **Card Storage and Visualization**: Users can store these digital cards in a secure wallet and choose which cards to display or utilize in different contexts.
6. **Interactive User Interface**: The infrastructure includes user-friendly applications like Moti Bio and Digital Agent App, which serve specific purposes: - **Moti Bio**: Allows users to create a visually appealing profile showcasing their chosen digital cards, similar to a 'Link in Bio' concept. - **Digital Agent App**: Enables users to integrate their social media or other personal accounts with Moti. This app facilitates users to become digital agents and earn rewards, such as by running a Koii node.
7. **High-level Vision for DApps**: The infrastructure will provide a vision for potential applications that can be built on top of it, emphasizing those that help users understand and express themselves better.
8. **Empowerment Through Self-Discovery**: By aggregating data and creating meaningful digital cards, users can gain insights into their personality, preferences, and accomplishments.
9. **Full Utilization of Digital Identity**: Users are not just passive recipients of services but active participants who can leverage their digital identity across various platforms for personal growth, community engagement, and potential earnings.
This detailed outline ensures that the Moti digital identity infrastructure is not only technically robust but also focused on enhancing the user experience and providing real value through self-discovery and personal empowerment. It paves the way for a more connected, secure, and user-driven digital world.
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