Origin Brainstorms

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Direction Doc - MATT

What is Moti?


To create a standard of bridging a person’s real self with the digital world, by empowering the individual to explore, understand and express their own attributes, enabling new forms of interactions, and fostering fulfilment and personal enlightenment.


To provide users with the tools for self-discovery and expression, with the safety of self-sovereignty, through a platform of interactions, that enables a world of possibilities (from sufficing needs, to building esteem, to self-actualisation) for the digital self as one would have in the real world.


Holistic Integration: Your vision suggests a deep integration of the physical and digital realms, where digital identity isn't just a reflection of the real self, but an extension and enhancement of it. It implies a seamless, fluid movement between these two aspects of modern existence.
Empowerment and Agency: A key aspect is the empowerment of individuals, implying that the platform will provide tools and systems that enable users to take control of their digital interactions and representations actively.
Dynamic Interaction: You're envisioning a platform that not only allows for current forms of digital interaction but actively seeks to innovate and expand the possibilities of how we connect, share, and engage online.
Enhanced Fulfillment: The vision commits to fostering not just a more integrated digital experience but one that enriches the user's life, providing avenues for personal growth and enlightenment.
Self-Discovery and Expression: The mission emphasizes providing a platform that supports a journey of self-discovery. It is about enabling users to understand and articulate who they are in a digital context.
Self-Sovereignty: Central to your mission is the concept of self-sovereignty. This implies a user-centric approach where privacy, data ownership, and control are paramount. Users are not just participants but owners and governors of their digital selves.
Platform of Interactions: By mentioning a "platform of interactions," you are envisioning a dynamic, interactive space where users don't just passively receive content but actively engage, create, and influence.
Spectrum of Needs: Acknowledging a spectrum from basic needs to self-actualization indicates an understanding of the varied reasons individuals turn to digital spaces. Your platform aims to cater to this broad range of needs, mirroring the complexity and richness of the real world.

Koii x Moti


Koii provides an incentive for users, through providing computer power running as a node, earning Koii Coin
MOTI’s users from Koii is not just a “node”, but a “digital agent” that can run node jobs that require the social data gathered via the users’ socials
Koii forces users to sign up through MOTI (and thus tying their socials), as their DID SSO
MOTI is a specific manifestation of Koii, that requires users to tie their socials to “earn while they’re asleep”
MOTI, as a specific Koii use case, enables Koii to direct marketing efforts to gain users


MOTI (through Koii) develops an MVP that are:
a card based social profile UI (like linktree) - MOTI.bio
a social aggregator Dapp
a Dapp Platform to host Koii as the “launch” Dapp that enables MOTI users to “earn while they’re asleep”
the fundamental standards and systems that enables the above
Koii launches marketing campaign that:
specifically target prospective users to run the nodes as “digital agents”
provides unique airdrops from using MOTI to create and publish social profiles
New Koii users are automatically MOTI users
Old Koii users are “converted” also into MOTI users
MOTI user base
Aggregated self-sovereign data from users’ social aggregation actions

B2B Strategy


Develop with intent and focus, with partners that are the other face of the same coin, which MOTI and the partner are both each other’s use case. Eg.
Koii Tech - MOTI Use Case
Partner Content - MOTI User
The partners always add to the uniqueness of self-sovereign digital identity, instead of mere replication of existing solutions in a digital world


This enables MOTI to focus the developmental efforts with a single partner where the user - use case (value proposition) is clear and given.


Devise Proposition and Outcome

Next Steps

Challenge from David: Imagine the MOTI triangle of self actualisation. If this triangle was a trilemma (like the blockchain trilemma, what would each point of the triangle represent?

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