MVP Specification

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Executive Summary

The Moti platform is envisioned as a comprehensive ecosystem for self-discovery and community building. This document outlines the strategic decision to decouple gaming and community interaction (The Garden) elements from the MVP to prioritize agility, partnership opportunities, and in-depth user understanding.

Purpose of Decoupling

Decoupling certain aspects of the platform in the MVP phase is a strategic choice aimed at ensuring a focused, agile, and user-centric development process. This approach allows for:
Rapid Experimentation: Testing different games and experiences without the overhead of building them into the system.
Flexibility: Adjusting quickly to user feedback and changing market conditions without being constrained by a rigid system architecture.
Resource Allocation: Directing resources towards core functionalities that establish the foundation of the Moti ecosystem.

Games and Experiences Curation

The decision to curate rather than create games internally offers several benefits:
Partnerships: Collaborating with existing content creators, game designers, psychologists, and educators to bring a diverse range of experiences to our users.
Cost-Effectiveness: Avoiding the initial expense of game development by leveraging existing games that align with our mission.
Variety and Choice: Providing users with a broader selection of games and activities.

Events and Workshops

Hosting events and workshops aligns with our commitment to community and user understanding:
Community Engagement: Building relationships with our target audience and fostering a sense of belonging.
Holistic Feedback: Gathering qualitative feedback through real-world interactions and transformative experiences.
Content Creation: Using insights from events to develop compelling pitches and PR campaigns that resonate with our audience’s journey.

Out of Scope for MVP, Yet Integral, Manual, Agile Operation

While these components are out of scope for the immediate MVP development, they are crucial to our long-term vision:
Manual Operations: Running the game and community aspects manually allows us to refine our understanding and approach before integrating them into the platform.
Strategic Partnerships: Collaborating with established players in the industry to enhance the Moti experience.
User-Centric Development: Ensuring that when games and The Garden are integrated, they are deeply aligned with user needs and feedback.


The phased approach to developing Moti’s MVP, with an initial focus on the digital wallet and identity management, sets the stage for a robust and scalable platform. By decoupling the gaming and community aspects, we retain the flexibility to iterate and innovate, ensuring that when these features are incorporated, they are done so in a way that truly enhances the user experience and aligns with our overarching mission.

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