MVP User Stories

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Curating an Exclusive Cascais Biking Community

Scenario: Creating a Selective Biking Network


The user, Alex, is a biking enthusiast aiming to form a niche community for Cascais bikers.
Alex is focused on quality engagement and wishes to limit the community to ten members initially.

User Story:

As Alex, the founder of the "Cascais Biker" card,

I want to connect with other bikers who share a deep passion for biking in Cascais,

So that I can establish an exclusive community that values high standards of commitment and skill.

Acceptance Criteria:

Card Creation: Alex designs the "Cascais Biker" card with detailed criteria for eligibility, encapsulating the essence of the Cascais biking culture.
Issuance Strategy: Alex decides to oversee the card issuance personally but is open to collaborating with trusted individuals within the Cascais biking scene.
Ensuring Exclusivity: A cap is placed on the number of initial community members to maintain exclusivity and quality of interaction.
Collaboration with a Trusted Issuer: Alex partners with Sam, a respected member of the biking community, to identify and vet potential card recipients.
Detailed Vetting Process: Sam proposes a vetting process, including a bike ride and an assessment to ensure the candidates’ fit with the community ethos.
Issuance Agreement: Alex agrees with Sam's proposed distribution method, emphasizing the need for high-quality candidates.
Community Activation: Qualified bikers receive the "Cascais Biker" card, signifying their inclusion in the community.
Adaptive Criteria: Alex retains the flexibility to adjust membership criteria and the distribution process as needed.
Community Dynamics: Alex envisions expanding the community or creating sub-groups based on cardholder profiles, enabling varied networking and event planning.


Alex successfully launches a community of "Cascais Biker" cardholders, adhering to the vision of an elite group.
The distribution process, managed by Alex and Sam, is transparent and documented for accountability.
The "Cascais Biker" card becomes a symbol of authenticity and belonging within the Cascais biking community.
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