2023 - 11 - 17

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Card Driven Journey Specification

Conceptualization Stage

Card Creation: A user, inspired to acknowledge a particular trait or achievement, designs a digital card. This involves naming the card, describing its significance, and creating visual elements and metadata that define its identity and purpose.

Pre-Market Stage

Zero Circulation: Initially, no cards are in circulation until the creator initiates the distribution process.
Trust Agreement: The card creator selects a trusted issuer based on their confidence in the issuer's understanding and ability to distribute the cards according to the established criteria.

Distribution Agreement

Proposal and Acceptance: The card creator proposes a certain number of cards for the issuer to distribute, which implies trust in the issuer's discretion and process.
Transparency in Issuance: The creator has visibility into the number of cards issued, who they are issued to, and the manner of issuance.

Distribution Mechanics

Decoupled Game Mechanism: The actual process or game that qualifies individuals for the card is separate from the card system, allowing for flexibility in how the criteria are met.
Trust and Verification: The initial trust can be verified through the successful distribution of cards. If the issuer does not meet expectations, the creator may choose not to engage in future deals.

Post-Distribution Monitoring

Issuance Tracking: The creator monitors the distribution, ensuring that the issuer adheres to the agreed terms.
Feedback and Adjustment: Based on the issuer's performance, the creator decides whether to continue the relationship, adjust the terms, or discontinue the partnership.

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