2023 - 11 - 17

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A Targeted Networking Platform

A Targeted Networking Platform

Vision Statement

Moti reimagines networking by integrating digital card creation into a user-driven ecosystem, where individuals design and utilize cards to connect with the exact person or group they are seeking.


To provide a platform that empowers users to clearly define and seek out connections based on specific criteria.
To facilitate a network of users that can distribute cards in a way that aligns with the core intent of the card creator.

Card Design and Distribution Strategy

User-Driven Card Creation

Users initiate the networking process by crafting digital cards that represent the type of connections they seek.
Each card is designed with unique visuals and metadata that encapsulate the desired attributes or interests.

Criteria Establishment

Users define precise criteria for card eligibility to ensure that recipients meet their specific networking requirements.
The criteria serve as a unifying standard that guides the distribution process across different issuers.

Asynchronous Distribution Network

Users engage with a decentralized network of card issuers who operate asynchronously to distribute cards.
Despite the varied distribution methods by different issuers, all adhere to the unified issuance criteria set by the card creator.


Networking Lifecycle

Identify Connection Needs: Users conceptualize the type of individuals they want to network with.
Card Creation: Users create a digital representation (card) of their networking intent.
Set Distribution Criteria: Users establish eligibility criteria for receiving the card.
Collaborate with Issuers: Users connect with a diverse network of issuers to disseminate the card.
Engage Targeted Connections: Recipients who meet the criteria and receive the card become part of the user’s network.


Precision in Networking: The card system ensures that networking efforts are targeted, reducing noise and increasing the quality of connections.
Flexibility and Scalability: The platform supports a scalable networking model that can adapt to changing user needs and market dynamics.
Community-Driven Growth: The networking model encourages community involvement and organic growth through user participation and issuer collaboration.


Moti's MVP positions itself as a unique and strategic networking tool that leverages the power of user-generated content (cards) to create purposeful and curated connections. By doing so, it addresses a fundamental need for specificity and relevance in professional and social networking.

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