Age group is college students, so typically 18 to 22 year olds.
I have asked for any style guide info but I suspect not other than the color of the lines probably need to stay around same schede as I believe the colors typically represent certain items.
Mainly they just want this to feel more modern and contemporary.
So it's mainly recreating these (see attached old one) in a new aesthetic, with some limited content changes. But they are still like 3:30 minutes long each.
Budget: Ok, I reckon for something like this probably a day to come up with a new style to apply throughout for this video.
Then, it's probably worth adding a day for me to set up and rig the graph which will save time in the long-run as the idea is that this can be reused by Chad to animate everything.
Chad = R8,500 per 3.5 min video = USD470.-
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