Landing Page Copy Generator (w/ Chat-GPT prompt)
3. Examples

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[Free-Track] Web Design Home Page Outline

1. Hero Section

A clear and compelling headline that communicates the main message or value proposition of the website in a concise and attention-grabbing way.
High-quality imagery or video that helps to visually convey the message or showcase the product or service being offered.
A clear call-to-action that encourages visitors to take the next step, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.


Get Accurate Time Tracking for Your Freelancing Business


Say goodbye to the hassle of manual time tracking and hello to streamlined billing with Free-Track.

CTA (Call-to-action)

Try Free-Track Today

2. About Section:

• Introduce the company and what they do
• Highlight the customer’s dream and how the company can help


About Free-Track


Free-Track is a SaaS product that helps freelancers streamline their time tracking process. Our software makes it easy for you to accurately track hours for billing clients, giving you more time to focus on what you do best – your work. With Free-Track, you can say goodbye to the hassle of manual time tracking and hello to streamlined billing.

3. Problem Section:

• Highlight the customer’s pain points and how the company’s solution can help


The Problem with Manual Time Tracking


As a freelancer, you know how time-consuming and frustrating it can be to manually track your hours. Whether you're using a spreadsheet or a notebook, it's easy to make mistakes and lose track of time. This can lead to inaccuracies in your billing, which can cause confusion and mistrust with your clients.

4. Solution Section:

• Present the company’s solution as the answer to the customer’s problem


The Free-Track Solution


Free-Track is the solution to your time tracking woes. Our software is designed specifically for freelancers, making it easy to accurately track your hours, no matter how many clients you have. With Free-Track, you'll never have to worry about inaccuracies in your billing again.

5. CTA Section:

• Encourage the customer to take action with a clear call to action


Take Control of Your Time Tracking


Don't let manual time tracking hold you back from growing your freelancing business. With Free-Track, you can streamline your time tracking process and focus on what you do best – your work.


Try Free-Track Today

6. Social Proof Section:

• Include customer testimonials and case studies to show the company’s credibility

7. Footer Section:

• Include contact information, links to social media, and additional resources
Contact Information: Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn Additional Resources: Blog, FAQ, Knowledge Base

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