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Data Science Ebooks

We built these e-books to help Data Science aspirants and business leaders understand what successful Data Scientists really do and how to harness Data Science skills to bring value to the business.

Art of Solving Business Problems - The Data Science Way

Data Science for business decision making.

Chapter 0: Data Science: The basics
Chapter 1: Setting the stage for our business
Chapter 2: Narrowing down the problem statement
Chapter 3: Getting down to the brasstacks: Frame the business problem
Chapter 4: Walking the talk: Plan for decisions, not findings
Chapter 5: Fix the goalposts: Identify project milestones
Chapter 6: Design minimum viable products
Chapter 7: Identify target metrics
Chapter 8: Executing the Data Science project

Data Science Career Launch Guide

The ultimate guide to quickly launch your successful Data Science career.

Chapter 1: Things to know before you begin
Chapter 2: Relevant roles in the Data Science industry
Chapter 3: Who is hiring for Data Science roles?
Chapter 4: Day in the life of a Data Scientist
Chapter 5: How to build a portfolio project and blog about it
Chapter 6: Data Science must-have skills: what is the industry looking for

7 Tools in 2020 to make you a super aspirant

Dive deep here to discover 7 wonderful tools
Through Wide Lenses Photography Non-fiction EBook Cover.png

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