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Key Accounts Weekly Meeting

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Intro to the Weekly Meeting

Run your weekly team sync and update meetings more effectively
Hi! I’m an Enterprise AE at Coda! As you can imagine, Coda runs meetings efficiently and effectively. A process is followed for each meeting with key rituals that are engrained within the Coda culture.
My day in and day out consists of talking to a variety of clients in diverse roles across an organization. I’ve found a weekly team “update” or “status sync” meeting resonates with just about everyone. What we do in our Key Accounts meeting solves the following common challenges I hear in regards to these kind of meetings:
Automated reminder via Slack or Gmail to ensure everyone fills out their updates to ensure a productive discussion by all
Keep all weeks data in one spot but filter to only show one week at a time (”this week”) for a clean and easy-to-follow meeting
The ability to email out the weeks sentiment, challenges, wins, topics and discussion with the click of a button after the meeting either to leadership or to team members

For the Key Accounts Team here, we have a weekly check-in that Joe DiMento runs. He writes about this ritual (among some other golden Coda rituals) in the I wanted to share the specifics of his brainchild “Key Accounts Check-In” as it is simple yet oh so powerful. Take a look at the excerpt below and then go check it out and customize it to fit your weekly meeting!

What could be more universal in the knowledge worker world than a weekly team meeting? Outside of proverbial and literal water coolers and photo copiers, there’s nothing more banal, and for some, more boring. Here we go. Time to talk about work at work with coworkers.
But seriously, folks, we’re working hard every week, and it’s important that a team meeting solve a few things.
First off, to help unblock or load-balance the work. If one CSM is underwater because of a particularly demanding client, another CSM can offer to lead a training or help a maker with her doc.
Second, to raise up themes that we can collectively address by changing processes or procedures which impact all our clients. Recently a client requested a Slack channel for support, and after enabling this, saw much better adoption and appreciation for Coda; as a result, we’ve started offering Slack support more regularly for other enterprise clients.
Third, the team meeting just gets people together who work together to share stories and connect - after all, work is nothing if not the people you work with.

So in the key accounts weekly meeting, we try to keep it light, actionable, and interesting enough. It’s 45 minutes, so we can go deep enough on topics (>30 mins), but don’t sandwich into every other meeting time slot, or go overly long (as one-hour meetings tend to do).
This ritual is slightly more formal than doc office hours. An sends a message to our shared channel the night before the meeting, reminding people to check in beforehand, so we can all come prepared to digest other teammates’ feedback. The first few minutes of the meeting, everyone reads about others’ status, to know where people’s heads are at. If someone is having a “3 smiles” day (meaning their scale column is a 3/5), we’ll ask what we can do to help, if it’s a matter of sharing the load. We usually reserve at least one of our agenda topics for something that bubbles up during the check-in period - for example, discussing in depth how to handle a specific account issue.
The rest of the meeting we manage similarly to many meetings at Coda—with a
that rises topics to the top of the stack. We often have visitors from other functions. For example, a PM may walk through a new feature that we’ll be working on with our clients, or a marketer can talk about a recently launched campaign that will likely drive some leads.

Next, go check out the actual meeting structure

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