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Community Food Utility: Overview

A solution that has the power to transform health and hunger outcomes in this country: a public community food utility that pays for itself
Welcome to the NewImpact.share page for The Community Food Utility. These pages contain in-depth project details and shared findings from our Food Utility work in Denver.
Funded by the , and with assistance from Denver-based implementation partner , NewImpact developed a tri-sector solution with the power to transform health and hunger outcomes in this country: a public community food utility that pays for itself.
We invite you to explore these pages, and directly if your organization is interested in developing a similar pilot program within your community.

Creating a Tri-Sector Solution for Food Utility

The Denver County Community Food Utility (DCCFU) exemplifies tri-sector innovation, harnessing existing resources from all three sectors while simultaneously aligning their self-interests:
What’s Inside:
White Paper
and Prototype Demo (Below)
: Project details
: A deeper dive into project details, featuring a Spotlight Map and Impact Journey
: Comprehensive answers, assumptions and recommendations in support of this conceptual food utility and associated programs.

Resources Leveraged:
Private Sector: DCCFU-contracted retailers will use their supply chains to procure and stock food items.
Public Sector: Government entities will help establish and enforce quality and service standards and will facilitate funding.
Social Sector: Community organizations will leverage contacts and technical skills to provide outreach and offer “wrap-around” services to members, such as cooking and nutrition support, employment, healthcare, transportation.
Benefits Reaped:
Private Sector: DCCFU-contracted retailers will have increased foot traffic. Contracted and non-contracted retailers can reach new customers with coupons.
Public Sector: Healthier citizens results in reduction in healthcare costs.
Social Sector: Extends reach of resources and programs to their intended recipients.

The Community Food Utility White Paper

Our White Paper, below, introduces and details the transformative potential of Universal Basic Food (UBF) program, with the ability to ensure that healthy, high-quality food is available for all people. Some browsers may prevent previewing; if pdf doesn’t appear, please download.

Universal Basic Food: Prototype Phone App Demonstration

One primary goal of the Community Food Utility is the development of the Universal Basic Food (UBF) program, which will make a wide selection of high-quality, healthy foods available to all residents. The video below features an early stage walk-through of the Universal Basic Food prototype application as it pertains to the Denver County, showing the ease with which users can use and benefit from this program. You can also for yourself.
If you or your organization is interested in helping pilot one of our programs in your community, please .
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