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Product Requirements Document (PRD): Whiteboard Explainer Video Creation / Doodle Animation Maker

1. Introduction

The Whiteboard Explainer Video Creation / Doodle Animation Maker is a feature designed to enable users to create engaging videos with a hand-drawn, signature hand writing effect. This feature allows users to explain their services or concepts using a whiteboard canvas, adding images, text, and shapes to create unique videos. Users can enhance their videos by incorporating animation effects, such as entrance and exit animations, transitions, and sound effects.

2. Goals

The primary goals of the Whiteboard Explainer Video Creation / Doodle Animation Maker feature are as follows:
a. Provide users with the ability to create engaging videos with a hand-drawn, signature hand writing effect.
b. Offer a whiteboard canvas where users can add images, text, and shapes to create personalized videos.
c. Enable users to enhance their videos with animation effects, including entrance and exit animations, transitions, and sound effects.

3. Features

3.1 Handwriting Effect
The Handwriting Effect feature enables users to create videos with a hand-drawn style, mimicking childlike strokes. Users can choose from a variety of brush styles and thicknesses to achieve the desired effect. The system should provide a smooth and natural rendering of the handwriting animation.
3.2 Whiteboard Canvas
The Whiteboard Canvas serves as a blank canvas where users can add images, text, and shapes to create their video. Users can place and resize elements freely on the canvas to design their desired layout. The canvas should provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface for easy manipulation of elements.
3.3 Animation Effects
Users can enhance their videos by adding animation effects to objects and text. This feature allows users to apply entrance and exit animations to elements, creating dynamic and engaging visual effects. Additionally, users can incorporate transitions between scenes or elements to enhance the flow of the video. Sound effects can also be added to specific actions or transitions for audio enhancement.
3.4 Customization Options
To empower users with creative control, the Whiteboard Explainer Video Creation / Doodle Animation Maker feature offers a range of customization options. Users can choose from various color palettes, fonts, and styles for text elements. Additionally, users can modify the properties of shapes, such as color, size, and opacity, to suit their preferences. The customization options should be easily accessible and intuitive for users to apply changes seamlessly.

4. User Flow

4.1 Creating a Whiteboard Video
a. User selects the Whiteboard Explainer Video Creation / Doodle Animation Maker feature from the application's menu.
b. User is presented with a blank whiteboard canvas.
c. User adds images, text, and shapes to the canvas, positioning and resizing them as desired.
d. User applies the handwriting effect to the elements, achieving the signature hand-drawn style.
e. User customizes the animation effects, such as entrance and exit animations, transitions, and sound effects.
f. User previews the video to ensure the desired effects and transitions are in place.
g. User saves or exports the video in a preferred format.

5. Technical Requirements

To implement the Whiteboard Explainer Video Creation / Doodle Animation Maker feature, the following technical components are necessary:
a. Handwriting Animation Engine: An engine capable of generating smooth and natural-looking handwriting animations based on user input.
b. Whiteboard Canvas: A canvas interface where users can add and manipulate images, text, and shapes.
c. Animation Effects Engine: An engine that enables users to apply entrance and exit animations, transitions, and sound effects to elements within the video.
d. Customization Options: A user interface that provides various customization options for text styles, color palettes, and shape properties.

6. Conclusion

The Whiteboard Explainer Video Creation / Doodle Animation Maker feature empowers users to create engaging videos with a hand-drawn, signature hand writing effect. By offering a whiteboard canvas, animation effects, and customization options, users can express their ideas in a visually appealing and dynamic manner.
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