Onboard checklist

Prepare an onboarding plan typically for 4-6 weeks
Plan for an onboarding kickoff call with all stakeholders from our end and their end
Make the kick off call mandatory for all users to attend
Contact details - preferably have one onboarding manager and one account manager post onboarding.
Connect with individual people on the call through LinkedIn (after the call)
Have a Slack community exclusively for Animaker Suite Enterprise and add all participants there. Intelligently create channels with relatable discussions. Do not keep it only about the product.
4-6 week onboarding should have weekly check in calls with the onboarding manager
Dedicate one person as escalation manager. Just in case they are not happy with the support.
Onboarding should not be just about training. Do not keep it one directional.
Between every check in call, there must be something that they should do and you will verify/ validate if that is done right. It could be custom character creation, or installing the Mac/ Windows application and all permissions given correctly etc. Initiate activation.
Build a checklist of items before the kick off calls that they should be doing during the onboarding process. This along with the timeline and schedule.
Create an email id per client - <client_name>@. The team assigned for that client should be able to access it all the time.
Explain how to contact the account manager (through which platform), how to escalate, how to use live support/ chat.
Review their contract and agreement once during the kick off call
Things to include in your kick off call -
a) Introducing everyone from our end and getting introduced to all from their end
b) Complete plan and timeline of the 4-6 week onboarding plan
c) Contact details
d) Resources and support links
e) Community details
f) Onboarding Timeline with dates and deliverables and owners
G) Goals - with break up and ownership
H) List of available check ins - weekly and objectives of each of these checkins

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