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Kickoff and Discovery

With us, this has already begun! Every project we do begins with a deep dive into the project scope to make sure we’re aligned on priorities and goals for each phase of the project.
For Westway, this will entail a kickoff and discovery workshop with you to better understand your core strategy, where you are now, and where you want to go next.
As some initial strategy for Westway has already been discussed, we will focus on homing in on those foundational elements, defining an original and ownable voice, as well as creating a look and feel, which will come into play as we draft your story and make a plan not just for social media but also for Westway as a whole.
Answers and insights gathered during this session will allow us to prioritise a set of shared goals, shaping how we at FLINCH approach the scope of work to follow.
And of course, we take your existing positioning and strategy work into consideration. Together, we'll create a strong foundation from which we design and build out the remaining elements of the Westway experience.
Based on initial discussions, the priority is to raise brand awareness, differentiate the brand and along the way, make Westway an ecosystem.

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