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Canvas Components

icon picker

Last edited 88 days ago by MyCondy
The component helps you to switch your content between tabs with icons

How to design it in Power Apps


Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 8.24.26.png
Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 8.35.23.png

What does it consist of?

1x Group
2x Button PCF
2x Image


Step 1 - create boolean variable on Screen
When you create a new screen(or use already created) you should create a variable on "OnVisible" property:
Step2- create HTML tab boxes
Add a new HTML TEXT object, call it "tab_box" with this "HTML text" property:
"<div style='margin:0px;width:"&Self.Width-5&"px;height:"&Self.Height-5&"px;background-color:#fff; border-radius:15px;'></div>"

Add a new HTML TEXT object, call it "tab_header" with this "HTML text" property:
"<div style='margin:0px;width:"&Self.Width-5&"px;height:"&Self.Height-5&"px;background-color:#fff; border-radius:30px 30px 10px 10px;'></div>"
and "X" property:
If(selTab = "P" || IsBlank(selTab),48,220)
Step 2 - add titles for tabs
Add a new TEXT PCF object, call it "profit_text" with this "text" property:
and "X" property:
If(selTab = "C",100, 119)

Add a new TEXT PCF object, call it "cost_text" with this "text" property:
and "X" property:
If(selTab = "P" || IsBlank(selTab),277,300)
Step 3 - add transparent buttons
Add a new Button PCF object, call it "profitbutton" with this "Appearance" property:
and "X" property:
If(selTab = "C",95, 108)

Add a new Button PCF object, call it "costbutton" with this "Appearance" property:
Step 4 - add icons for tabs
Add a new Image object, call it "profit_icon" with this "Image" property:
"data:image/svg+xml;utf8, "&EncodeUrl("<svg fill='#232323' width='800px' height='800px' viewBox='0 0 24 24' id='up-trend' data-name='Flat Line' xmlns='' class='icon flat-line'><polyline id='primary' points='21 6 14 13 11 10 3 18' style='fill: none; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); stroke-linecap: round; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-width: 2;'></polyline><polyline id='primary-2' data-name='primary' points='21 10 21 6 17 6' style='fill: none; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); stroke-linecap: round; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-width: 2;'></polyline></svg>")

Add a new Image object, call it "cost_icon" with this "Image" property:
"data:image/svg+xml;utf8, "&EncodeUrl("<svg fill='#232323' width='800px' height='800px' viewBox='0 0 24 24' id='down-trend-round' data-name='Flat Line' xmlns='' class='icon flat-line'><path id='primary' d='M3,7l5.79,5.79a1,1,0,0,0,1.42,0l2.58-2.58a1,1,0,0,1,1.42,0L21,17' style='fill: none; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); stroke-linecap: round; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-width: 2;'></path><polyline id='primary-2' data-name='primary' points='17 17 21 17 21 13' style='fill: none; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); stroke-linecap: round; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-width: 2;'></polyline></svg>")
Step 5 - group all objects
Now, we select all objects and group them via shortcut - COMMAND + G (MAC) , CONTROL + G (WIN).
This is an output:
Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 8.34.24.png

How to design it in Figma


Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 7.15.33.png

What does it consist of?

1x Group
2x Frame
2x Rectangle
2x Vector
2x Text


Step 1 - create a tab header with content box
Add a new Rectangle (R command) object, call it "html_content_box" with these properties:
Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 7.21.18.png
Add a new Rectangle (R command) object, call it "html_header_box" with these properties:
Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 7.21.59.png
Step 2 - create icons with texts
Import a new SVG file, call it "svg_up_icon" with this XML code:
<svg width="37" height="37" viewBox="0 0 37 37" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M4.53592 25.7036L13.6078 16.6318L19.6557 22.6797L31.7515 10.5839" stroke="#292929" stroke-width="3.77994" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<path d="M25.7036 10.5839H31.7515V16.6318" stroke="#292929" stroke-width="3.77994" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
Import a new SVG file, call it "svg_down_icon" with this XML code:
<svg width="37" height="37" viewBox="0 0 37 37" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M4.53593 10.5839L13.6078 19.6557L19.6557 13.6078L31.7515 25.7036" stroke="#292929" stroke-width="3.77994" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<path d="M25.7036 25.7036H31.7515V19.6557" stroke="#292929" stroke-width="3.77994" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
Add a new Text (T command), call it "lbl_profit_title" with these properties:
Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 7.25.20.png
Add a new Text (T command), call it "lbl_cost_title" with these properties:
Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 7.25.20.png
Step 3 - group all objects
Select all objects and press COMMAND + G (MAC) or CTRL + G (WIN) and call the group "gr_tabs_group".
This is an output:
Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 7.19.33.png

How to use it via DesignKit


the designed component according to the instructions from the previous section

Used Prefixes

gr_tabs_group = Group
svg_down_icon, svg_up_icon = Image
lbl_profit_title, lbl_cost_title = Label
html_header_box, html_content_box = HTML TEXT

YAML Output

Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 7.37.02.png

Used Colours

Tab box, Tab Header - #FFFFFF
Profit,Cost Text - #2D3854
Icons - #232323

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.