How to design it in Power Apps
What does it consist of?
Step 1 - create manual container
Add a new Container PCF object, call it "notification_frame".
Step 2 - create content for the container
Add a new HTML TEXT object, call it "notification_back" with this "HTML text" property:
"<div style='border-radius:10px;background:linear-gradient(#28d,#0be);width:100px;height:100px;'></div>"
Add a new Circle object, call it "notification_circle".
Add a new Label object, call it "notification_value" with Text property:
Replace value between "<>" by your real table name.
Step 3 - group label and circle objects
Now, we select Label and Circle objects and group them via shortcut - COMMAND + G (MAC) , CONTROL + G (WIN).
Step 4 - create icon image
Create an Image object, call it "notification" with Image property:
"data:image/svg+xml;utf8, " &EncodeUrl("<svg width='60' height='60' viewBox='0 0 60 60' fill='none' xmlns=''> <path d='M23.75 47.5C22.2389 47.5 17.5309 47.5 14.0429 47.5C12.1844 47.5 10.9779 45.5442 11.809 43.882L13.9443 39.6115C14.6386 38.223 15 36.6935 15 35.141C15 33.2168 15 30.3585 15 27.5C15 22.5 17.5 12.5 30 12.5C42.5 12.5 45 22.5 45 27.5C45 30.3585 45 33.2168 45 35.141C45 36.6935 45.3615 38.223 46.0558 39.6115L48.191 43.882C49.022 45.5442 47.8133 47.5 45.955 47.5H36.25M23.75 47.5C23.75 52.5 26.25 55 30 55C33.75 55 36.25 52.5 36.25 47.5M23.75 47.5C27.6553 47.5 36.25 47.5 36.25 47.5' stroke='white' stroke-width='2.5' stroke-linejoin='round'/> <path d='M30 12.5V7.5' stroke='white' stroke-width='2.5' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round'/> </svg>")
This is an output:
How to design it in Figma
What does it consist of?
Step 1 - create a gradient rectangle
Add a new Rectangle (R command) object, call it "html_notification_back" with these properties:
Step 2 - create a notification icon
Import a new SVG file, call it "svg_notification" with this XML code:
<svg width="60" height="60" viewBox="0 0 60 60" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M23.75 47.5C22.2389 47.5 17.5309 47.5 14.0428 47.5C12.1844 47.5 10.9779 45.5442 11.809 43.882L13.9443 39.6115C14.6385 38.223 15 36.6935 15 35.141C15 33.2168 15 30.3585 15 27.5C15 22.5 17.5 12.5 30 12.5C42.5 12.5 45 22.5 45 27.5C45 30.3585 45 33.2168 45 35.141C45 36.6935 45.3615 38.223 46.0557 39.6115L48.191 43.882C49.022 45.5442 47.8132 47.5 45.955 47.5H36.25M23.75 47.5C23.75 52.5 26.25 55 30 55C33.75 55 36.25 52.5 36.25 47.5M23.75 47.5C27.6552 47.5 36.25 47.5 36.25 47.5" stroke="white" stroke-width="2.5" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<path d="M30 12.5V7.5" stroke="white" stroke-width="2.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
Step 2 - create a notification group value
Add a new Text (T command), call it "lbl_notification_value" with these properties:
Add a new Oval (O command), call it "ci_notification_circle" with these properties:
Select Text and Oval objects and press COMMAND + G (MAC) or CTRL + G (WIN) and call the group "gr_notification_group".
Step 3 - create a parent frame for all objects
Select Group,SVG, and Rectangle objects and press OPTION + COMMAND + G (MAC) or ALT + CONTROL + G (WIN) and call the frame: "cont_notification_frame".
This is an output:
How to use it via DesignKit
the designed component according to the instructions from the previous section Used Prefixes
cont_notification_frame = Manual Container gr_notification_group = Group lbl_notification_value = Label ci_notification_circle = Circle html_notification_back = HTML Text YAML Output
Used Colours
Rectangle Background - Gradient(#2580E0,#00C1F1) Circle Background - #D65354