If your profit values are in thousands, please use also "Height" property:
RoundUp(Value(ThisItem.totalProfit) / 1000,0)
This is an output:
How to design it in Figma
What does it consist of?
13x Frame
12x Text
Step 1 - create a bar
Add a new Frame (F command) with vertical auto layout (SHIFT + A command) object, call it "Bar" with these properties:
Add a new Text (T command) object under a "Bar" frame, call it "total_hours" with these properties:
Add a new Frame (F command) with vertical auto layout (SHIFT + A command) object, call it "Value" with these properties:
Add a new Text (T command) object under a "Bar" frame, call it "month_title" with these properties:
Step 2 - duplicate bars
Select the "Bar" frame and press 5x COMMAND + D (MAC) or CTRL + D (WIN)
Step 3 - cover it into horizontal frame
Select all created bars and press OPTION + COMMAND + G (MAC) or CTRL + ALT + G (WIN) to cover it in a frame. Then press SHIFT + A command to create an auto layout with these properties:
This is an output:
How to use it via DesignKit
the designed component according to the instructions from the previous section
Used Prefixes
barchart_twoquarters = Custom Component represents Horizontal Gallery in Power Apps