Hi - do you do work in [CITYNAME] ? I'd like to replace kitchen countertops, replace one bathtub, and convert two closets into a new bathroom and laundry room. Have availability to come by T/W/R?
This is a confirmation for your on-site at
3605 Menchaca Rd, Austin, TX 78704
My name is Christian Rodriguez. The customer has hired me to help them find and verify a reputable contractor, and answer questions they don’t feel comfortable asking you directly. I am not a GC and you will not be my subcontractor ー if the customer chooses you for the project you will be working with them directly.
The customer is
Mo Benkirane
and you can reach them at (432) 386-3988 when you arrive to the property.
I’ve put together a project overview for you to review in advance of your on-site visit. Following your on-site you’ll put together your estimate and send it to me. I’ll review it, ask questions if I have any, then deliver it to the customer for review.
It’s worth mentioning that the customer has hired me for their and your protection. Any vendor trying to go around me will be disqualified from this and all future trades.org projects. You should look at this as a free lead you get to bid on!
Please let me know if you need to change the appointment, are running late, or have any questions. Thanks!
Post-Meeting Bid Request
, thanks for checking out the project.
I've updated the overview document based on customer feedback. You can see that in the Updates section here:
We'd like to review estimates this Wednesday. Are you able to get me your estimate to me by end of day Tuesday? If not, please let me know so I can work with them accordingly.
And let me know if you have any outstanding questions you’d like to see answered.