icon picker

The system in question facilitates various HR-related requests for employees within an organization. Employees can request financial adjustments, lifecycle changes, work policy alterations, and more, while HR representatives are responsible for processing these requests. The system allows employees to request purchases, allowances, bonuses, and salary improvements, among others, and track the status of these requests. Additionally, employees can request changes to personal information, such as adding or removing family members, and have access to tools for submitting health reports and participating in surveys. HR managers can send company decisions to employees, who, in turn, can acknowledge receipt. The system also supports employee performance evaluations with quarterly assessments. For each process, the system provides user-friendly interfaces for submitting requests, notifications for updates, and options for HR to review and manage the requests efficiently. The system emphasizes ease of use, security, and scalability to meet business growth.
Classification and Requests Table
Financial Requests
Request Purchases
طلب المشتريات
Financial Requests
Request Allowances
طلب البدلات
Financial Requests
Request Bonuses
طلب المكافآت
Financial Requests
Request Payroll Deductions Cancels
طلب إلغاء الخصومات من الرواتب
Financial Requests
Request Commissions
طلب العمولات
Financial Requests
Request Advances
طلب السلف
Financial Requests
Request Settlements
طلب التسويات المالية
Employee Lifecycle
Request Retirement Age Extensions
طلب تمديد سن التقاعد
Employee Lifecycle
Request Resignations
طلب الاستقالات
Employee Lifecycle
Request Promotions
طلب الترقيات
Employee Lifecycle
Request Salary Improvements
طلب تحسين الرواتب
Work Policies and Procedures
Request Work Hours Changes
طلب تغيير ساعات العمل
Work Policies and Procedures
Request Permissions
طلب الأذونات
Work Policies and Procedures
Request Overtime
طلب العمل الإضافي
Personnel Requests
Request Vacation
طلب الإجازات
Personnel Requests
Request Transfers
طلب نقل
Personnel Requests
Request Sponsorship Transfers
طلب نقل الكفالة
Delegations Requests
Request External Delegations
طلب الانتدابات الخارجية
Delegations Requests
Request Internal Delegations
طلب الانتدابات الداخلية
Development Requests
Request Trainer Registrations
طلب تسجيل المدربين
Development Requests
Request Training Additions
طلب إضافة الدورات التدريبية
Development Requests
Request Training Bonuses
طلب مكافآت التدريب
There are no rows in this table
User Stories and Acceptance Criteria (Request)
User Story: Employee Goal:
As an employee, I want to be able to create new requests through the application to request actions within the system.
I want to be able to review and modify my requests before submitting them.
I want to be able to track the status of my requests and receive notifications of any changes.
Acceptance Criteria:
Create Request:
The employee should be able to enter all required information, including:
Employee name (view to HR)
Current salary (view to HR)
Request date (view to HR)
Employment period (view to HR)
Request title
Reason for request
Attachments (optional)
The employee should be able to save the request as a draft or submit it.
Manage Requests:
The employee should be able to review and modify their requests before submitting them.
The employee should be able to cancel their requests before submitting them.
Track Requests:
The employee should be able to view the status of all their requests.
The employee should receive notifications of any changes to the status of their request, such as:
The request has been submitted.
The request has been opened by HR.
The request status has been changed (approved, rejected, requested additional information).
User Story: HR Representative Goal:
As an HR representative, I want to be able to review and process employee requests efficiently and effectively.
I want to be able to communicate with employees about their requests if necessary.
I want to be able to view the history of an employee's requests.
Acceptance Criteria:
Review Requests:
The HR representative should be able to view a list of all pending requests.
The HR representative should be able to open each request and view all details.
The HR representative should be able to approve the request, reject it, or request additional information.
The HR representative should be able to update the status of the request.
View Request History:
The HR representative should be able to view the history of an employee's requests.
Additional Notes:
The system should be secure and protect employee data.
The system should be easy to use for both employees and HR representatives.
The system should be scalable to meet the growing needs of the business.
User Stories and Acceptance Criteria for Request History
User Story: HR Representative
As an HR representative, I want to be able to access a comprehensive history of all employee requests with the ability to filter requests based on various criteria.
Acceptance Criteria:
There should be a history of all employee requests accessible to the HR representative.
The HR representative should be able to filter requests by type, date, employee name, job title, department, or request status.
The history should be updated automatically when a new request is opened or the status of an existing request changes.
User Story: Employee
As an employee, I want to be able to access a comprehensive history of all my requests with the ability to filter requests based on various criteria.
Acceptance Criteria:
There should be a history of all employee requests accessible to the employee.
The employee should be able to filter requests by type, date, or request status.
The history should be updated automatically when a new request is submitted or the status of an existing request changes.
Submitting Leave Request
User Story: Employee - Submit Leave Request
As an employee, I want to submit a leave request by specifying the start and end dates, and the type of leave, so that I can formally notify my employer about my absence.
Acceptance Criteria:
Selecting Dates from Calendar:
The leave request form should display a calendar.
When the employee opens the date picker to select the start date, the calendar should only show dates starting from the next day onwards (excluding the current date).
When selecting the end date, it must be the same as or after the start date.
Selecting Leave Type:
A dropdown list of leave types should be available on the form.
This list should display all registered leave types retrieved from the HR dashboard.
Reason for Leave (Optional):
The employee should have the option to enter a reason for their leave in a dedicated field.
Additional Notes (Optional):
The employee can optionally provide additional notes in a designated field.
Submitting Leave Request:
When the employee clicks the submit button, the system should validate the form.
If all required fields are filled correctly (start date, end date, leave type), the system should send the leave request to HR for review.
Upon successful submission, the employee should receive a notification confirming their request.
User Story: HR Manager - Reviewing Leave Request
As an HR manager, I want to review leave requests submitted by employees, so that I can make informed decisions about approving, rejecting, or requesting additional information.
Acceptance Criteria:
Receiving Notification:
Upon an employee submitting a leave request, the HR manager should receive a notification for a new request.
Reviewing Request:
When the HR manager opens the request, the system should display all relevant details, including dates, leave type, and reason for leave (if provided).
Decision Making:
The HR manager can choose to approve, reject, or request additional information.
When the manager approves the request, the system should:
Record the leave in the employee's calendar.
Send a notification to the employee confirming approval.
When the manager rejects the request, the system should:
Prompt the employee to enter a reason upon reopening the request.
Send a notification to the employee informing them of the rejection.
Request More Information:
When the manager requests more information, the system should:
Send a notification to the employee requesting the additional information.
Allow the employee to re-submit the request after providing the information.
User Story: Direct Manager - Approving Leave Request
As a direct manager, I want to review and approve leave requests submitted by my team members, so that I can ensure smooth workflow continuity during their absence.
Acceptance Criteria:
Receiving Notification:
Upon an employee within the team submitting a leave request, the direct manager should receive a notification.
Reviewing Request:
When the direct manager opens the request, the system should display all relevant details, including dates, leave type, and reason for leave (if provided).
Decision Making:
The direct manager can choose to approve, reject, or request additional information.
When the manager approves the request, the system should:
Record the leave in the employee's calendar.
Send a notification to the employee confirming approval.
When the manager rejects the request, the system should send a notification to the employee explaining the reason for rejection.
Request More Information:
When the manager requests more information, the system should:
Send a notification to the employee requesting the additional information.
Allow the employee to re-submit the request after providing the information.
Submit Sponsorship Transfer Request
User Story: Employee
As an employee, I want to submit a sponsorship transfer request by selecting the new sponsor from the system and specifying the reason for the transfer, so that I can formally notify my employer about my request.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. Selecting New Sponsor:
- The sponsorship transfer request form should have a dropdown list for sponsors.
- This list should display all registered sponsors retrieved from the HR system.
2. Reason for Transfer:
- The form should include a dedicated field for the employee to enter the reason for the sponsorship transfer.
3. Submitting Transfer Request:
- When the employee clicks the submit button, the system should validate the form.
- If all required fields are correctly filled (new sponsor, reason for transfer), the system should send the transfer request to HR for review.
- Upon successful submission, the employee should receive a notification confirming their request.
User Story: HR Manager - Reviewing Sponsorship Transfer Request
As an HR manager, I want to review sponsorship transfer requests submitted by employees, so that I can make informed decisions about approving, rejecting, or requesting additional information.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. Receiving Notification:
- Upon an employee submitting a sponsorship transfer request, the HR manager should receive a notification for a new request.
2. Reviewing Request:
- When the HR manager opens the request, the system should display all relevant details, including the new sponsor and reason for transfer.
3. Decision Making:
- The HR manager can choose to approve, reject, or request additional information.
- Approve:
- When the manager approves the request, the system should:
- Update the employee's record with the new sponsor.
- Send a notification to the employee confirming the approval.
- Reject:
- When the manager rejects the request, the system should:
- Prompt the employee to enter a reason upon reopening the request.
- Send a notification to the employee informing them of the rejection.
- Request More Information:
- When the manager requests more information, the system should:
- Send a notification to the employee requesting the additional information.
- Allow the employee to resubmit the request after providing the information.
User Story: Direct Manager - Approving Sponsorship Transfer Request
As a direct manager, I want to review and approve sponsorship transfer requests submitted by my team members, so that I can ensure smooth workflow continuity during the transition.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. Receiving Notification:
- Upon an employee within the team submitting a sponsorship transfer request, the direct manager should receive a notification.
2. Reviewing Request:
- When the direct manager opens the request, the system should display all relevant details, including the new sponsor and reason for transfer.
3. Decision Making:
- The direct manager can choose to approve, reject, or request additional information.
- Approve:
- When the manager approves the request, the system should:
- Update the employee's record with the new sponsor.
- Send a notification to the employee confirming the approval.
- Reject:
- When the manager rejects the request, the system should send a notification to the employee explaining the reason for rejection.
- Request More Information:
- When the manager requests more information, the system should:
- Send a notification to the employee requesting the additional information.
- Allow the employee to resubmit the request after providing the information.
As an employee, I want to submit a loan request by specifying the loan amount, repayment period in months, and optionally the reason for the loan, so that I can formally request a loan from my employer.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. Specify Loan Amount:
- The loan request form should have a field for the employee to enter the loan amount.
2. Specify Repayment Period:
- The form should include a field for the employee to enter the number of months for repayment.
3. Reason for Loan (Optional):
- The form should include an optional field for the employee to enter the reason for the loan.
4. Submit Loan Request:
- When the employee clicks the submit button, the system should validate the form.
- If all required fields are correctly filled (loan amount, repayment period), the system should send the loan request to HR for review.
- Upon successful submission, the employee should receive a notification confirming their request.
As an employee, I want to submit an allowance request by specifying the type and amount of the allowance, and optionally the reason for the request, so that I can formally request allowances from my employer.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. Specify Bonus Amount:
- The bonus request form should have a field for the employee to enter the bonus amount.
2. Reason for Request (Optional):
- The form should include an optional field for the employee to enter the reason for the request.
3. Submit Bonus Request:
- When the employee clicks the submit button, the system should validate the form.
- If all required fields are correctly filled (bonus amount), the system should send the bonus
request to HR for review.
- Upon successful submission, the employee should receive a notification confirming their request.
User Story: HR Manager - Viewing Employee Salary Details
As an HR manager, I want to view the salary details of employees so that I can monitor their salaries individually or collectively, with the ability to print the data or export it as a PDF.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. Individual Details:
- The salary details page for each employee should include the following fields: basic salary, bonuses, commissions, allowances, loans.
- The loan amount should be deducted from the total.
- The net salary should be displayed, which equals basic salary + bonuses + commissions + allowances - monthly loan installment.
2. Collective Details:
- There should be a page displaying salary details for all employees.
3. Print or Save as PDF:
- The HR manager should have the option to print the page or save it as a PDF.
User Story: HR Manager - Manage Employee Salary Components
As an HR manager, I want to manage the salary components for employees so that I can add basic salary, bonuses, commissions, allowances, and loans.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. Add Basic Salary:
- The HR manager should be able to enter and update the basic salary for each employee through the system.
2. Manage Loans:
- The HR manager should be able to add loans or approve loan requests submitted by employees.
3. Manage Allowances:
- The HR manager should be able to add allowances or approve allowance requests submitted by employees.
4. Manage Bonuses:
- The HR manager should be able to add bonuses or approve bonus requests submitted by employees.
5. Update Salary Details:
- The net salary details should be automatically updated when any of the above components are added or modified.
User Story: Employee
As an employee, I want to submit a purchase request for specific products through the application.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. The employee should be able to fill out the request with the required information for each product, such as name, quantity, and reason.
2. The employee should be able to submit the request to HR.
3. The employee should receive a notification of any change in the request status, whether it's opened by HR or approved.
User Story: HR Representative
As an HR representative, I want to review and process purchase requests submitted by employees efficiently, including dealing with each product individually.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. The HR representative should be able to open the request and change its status to "Under Review" automatically.
2. The HR representative should be able to modify the quantities of the requested products.
3. The HR representative should be able to approve the entire request, reject some products and approve the rest.
4. The HR representative should be able to access the purchase requests history for all employees and filter requests by type, date, and status.
Field Name Mandatory Specifications:
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Field Name
Product Name
A text field displaying the name of the requested product.
A numeric field displaying the quantity of the product.
A text field allowing the employee to input the reason for the purchase.
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User Story: Employee - Request Allowance
As an employee, I want to submit a request for a specific allowance through the application.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. The employee should have access to the functionality to request an allowance.
2. When submitting the request, the employee should provide details such as the amount and reason.
3. The system should validate that all required fields are filled before allowing the employee to submit the request.
4. After submitting the request, the employee should receive a confirmation message.
User Story: HR Representative - Manage Allowance Requests
As an HR representative, I want to review and manage allowance requests submitted by employees efficiently.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. The HR representative should have access to a list of all allowance requests submitted by employees.
2. The HR representative should be able to view the details of each allowance request, including amount, reason, and status.
3. The HR representative should be able to approve or reject each allowance request.
4. The system should notify the HR representative of any new allowance requests submitted by employees.
5. The HR representative should be able to filter allowance requests by date and status.
Field Name Mandatory Specifications( Request Allowances ):
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Field Name
Allowance Type
This field will be filled in by HR based on the type of allowance requested.
A numeric field displaying the amount of the allowance requested.
A text field allowing the employee to input the reason for the allowance request.
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User Story: Employee - Viewing Salary Details

As an employee, I want to view my salary details so that I can understand my basic salary, bonuses, commissions, allowances, loans, and net salary.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. Display Details:
- The salary details page should include the following fields: basic salary, bonuses, commissions, allowances, loans.
- The loan amount should be deducted from the total.
- The net salary should be displayed, which equals basic salary + bonuses + commissions + allowances - monthly loan installment.
2. Print or Save as PDF:
- The employee should have the option to print the page or save it as a PDF.

User Story: Employee - Viewing Basic Salary Details

As an employee, I want to view my basic salary details so that I can know my initial salary, duration of employment, and any salary increments with their dates and details.
Acceptance Criteria:
Display Details:
The basic salary page should include the following fields: initial salary, duration of employment.
Any salary increments should be displayed with their dates and details.
Salary Increment Requests:
The employee should be able to submit a salary increment request through a form with the necessary fields.

User Story: Employee - Viewing Bonuses Details

As an employee, I want to view my bonuses details so that I can know the date, type, and amount of each bonus I have received.
Acceptance Criteria:
Display Details:
The bonuses page should include the following fields: date, type of bonus, amount.
Bonus Requests:
The employee should be able to submit a bonus request through a form with the necessary fields.

User Story: Employee - Viewing Commissions Details

As an employee, I want to view my commissions details so that I can know the date, type, and amount of each commission I have received.
Acceptance Criteria:
Display Details:
The commissions page should include the following fields: date, type of commission, amount.
Commission Requests:
The employee should be able to submit a commission request through a form with the necessary fields.

User Story: Employee - Viewing Allowances Details

As an employee, I want to view my allowances details so that I can know the date, type, and amount of each allowance I have received.
Acceptance Criteria:
Display Details:
The allowances page should include the following fields: date, type of allowance, amount.
Allowance Requests:
The employee should be able to submit an allowance request through a form with the necessary fields.

User Story: Employee - Viewing Loan Details

As an employee, I want to view my loan details so that I can know the initial loan amount, repayment period, months repaid, and the remaining amount.
Acceptance Criteria:
Display Details:
The loans page should include the following fields: initial loan amount, repayment period, months repaid, remaining amount.
Loan Requests:
The employee should be able to submit a loan request through a form with the necessary fields.

User Story: HR Manager - Managing Basic Salary Details

As an HR manager, I want to manage the basic salary details of employees so that I can add or update the basic salary and record any increments with their dates and details.
Acceptance Criteria:
Add and Update Basic Salary:
The HR manager should be able to add or update the basic salary for each employee.
Record Increments:
The HR manager should be able to record any salary increments with their dates and details.

User Story: HR Manager - Managing Bonuses Details

As an HR manager, I want to manage the bonuses details of employees so that I can add or update bonuses with their dates and details.
Acceptance Criteria:
Add and Update Bonuses:
The HR manager should be able to add or update bonuses for each employee.
View Requests:
The HR manager should be able to view and review bonus requests submitted by employees.

User Story: HR Manager - Managing Commissions Details

As an HR manager, I want to manage the commissions details of employees so that I can add or update commissions with their dates and details.
Acceptance Criteria:
Add and Update Commissions:
The HR manager should be able to add or update commissions for each employee.
View Requests:
The HR manager should be able to view and review commission requests submitted by employees.

User Story: HR Manager - Managing Allowances Details

As an HR manager, I want to manage the allowances details of employees so that I can add or update allowances with their dates and details.
Acceptance Criteria:
Add and Update Allowances:
The HR manager should be able to add or update allowances for each employee.
View Requests:
The HR manager should be able to view and review allowance requests submitted by employees.

User Story: HR Manager - Managing Loan Details

As an HR manager, I want to manage the loan details of employees so that I can add or update loans, and track the amounts repaid and remaining for each loan.
Acceptance Criteria:
Add and Update Loans:
The HR manager should be able to add or update loans for each employee.
Track Repayments:
The HR manager should be able to track the amounts repaid and the remaining amounts for each loan.

The Deductions

For Employee:
User Story:
As an employee, I want to be able to view the deductions recorded for my salary by HR in the system.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. The employee should have an easy-to-use interface to display the deductions recorded on their salary.
2. Deductions should be clearly displayed, including the reason for each deduction, its amount if available, or the number of days if specified.
3. The display of deductions should be organized and understandable.
4. There should be an option for the employee to interact with the deductions, such as inquiring about them or requesting corrections if necessary.
For HR:
User Story:
As HR personnel, I want to record a deduction from an employee's salary in the system.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. The deduction should be recorded clearly, including the reason for the deduction and the amount if it's a monetary deduction, or the number of days if specified.
2. If the number of days for the deduction is specified, it should be calculated based on a 30-day month.
3. An notification should be sent to the employee regarding the recorded deduction from their salary.
4. HR should have an easy-to-use interface to record deductions and view previously recorded deductions.
Table of Required Fields and Mandatory Specifications:
Deduction Reason
HR must specify the reason for the deduction for the employee.
Deduction Amount
The amount of the deduction can be entered if it's a monetary deduction.
Deduction Days
The number of days to be deducted from the employee's salary can be specified.
Deduction Date
The date when the deduction is recorded must be specified.
Deduction Status
The status of the deduction, such as processed, pending, or rejected, must be specified.
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Request Payroll Deductions Cancels

For Employee:
User Story:
As an employee, I want to be able to select a deduction from my previous deductions that I wish to cancel.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. The employee should have access to a user interface allowing them to choose the deduction they want to cancel from their previous deductions.
2. The interface should display a list of previous deductions, enabling the employee to select the deduction they wish to cancel.
3. There should be a field for the employee to specify the reason for canceling the deduction.
4. After submitting the request, the system should update with the cancellation and send a notification to the employee confirming the cancellation request.
For HR:
User Story:
As an HR representative, I want to receive and process cancellation requests for payroll deductions submitted by employees.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. HR should receive notifications about cancellation requests submitted by employees for payroll deductions.
2. HR should have an interface to view and process received cancellation requests from employees.
3. Details of the cancellation request, including employee information, the deduction to be canceled, and the reason for cancellation, should be displayed.
4. HR should be able to approve or reject the cancellation request based on the provided information.
5. Upon approval or rejection of the cancellation request, the system should notify the employee of the outcome of their request.
Required Fields Table with Mandatory Specifications:
Table 18
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Field Name
Deduction Selection
Employee must be able to select the deduction to cancel.
Reason for Cancellation
Employee must provide a reason for canceling the deduction.
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Request Commissions

For the Employee:
User Story:
As an employee, I want to request a commission payout from the system and specify the desired payout method and amount.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. The employee should have access to a feature to request a commission payout.
2. The employee should be able to select their preferred payout method, either with the salary or via bank transfer.
3. The employee should be able to input the desired amount for the commission payout.
For the HR Employee:
User Story:
As an HR employee, I need to review and process commission payout requests submitted by employees.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. The HR employee should have access to view and process commission payout requests submitted by employees.
2. The HR employee should be able to approve or reject commission payout requests based on company policies.
3. The HR employee should be able to see the requested amount for the commission payout.
Mandatory Specifications Table:
Table 30
Field Name
Payout Method
The employee must specify the payout method, with options "With Salary" or "Bank Transfer".
The employee must specify the desired amount for the commission payout.
Request Date
The date when the request is submitted should be recorded.
Reason for Request
The employee may provide a reason for the commission payout request.
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Request Advances

User Stories:
For the Employee:
User Story:
As an employee, I want to request a financial advance from the system, specify the number of monthly installments deducted from my salary, and choose the preferred disbursement method along with the desired disbursement date.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. The employee should have access to a feature to request a financial advance.
2. The employee should be able to specify the desired amount for the advance and the number of monthly installments.
3. The employee should select the preferred disbursement method, either with the salary or via bank transfer.
4. If choosing bank transfer, the employee must select the desired bank account for the transfer.
5. The employee must specify the desired disbursement date for the financial advance.
For the Human Resources (HR) Staff:
User Story:
As an HR staff member, I need to review and process requests for financial advances submitted by employees, including the number of monthly installments, disbursement method, and disbursement date.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. The HR staff member should have access to view and process requests for financial advances submitted by employees.
2. The HR staff member should be able to approve or reject financial advance requests based on company policies.
3. Upon approval, the financial advance should be processed and recorded according to the specified number of monthly installments, disbursement method, and disbursement date.
Mandatory Specifications Table:
Table 31
Field Name
The employee must specify the desired amount for the financial advance.
Monthly Installments
The employee must specify the number of monthly installments.
Advance Disbursement Method
The employee must select the preferred disbursement method, either with the salary or via bank transfer.
Bank Account (if bank transfer)
If choosing bank transfer, the employee must select the desired bank account for the transfer.
Disbursement Date
The employee must specify the desired disbursement date for the financial advance.
Reason (Optional)
The employee may provide a reason or explanation for the financial advance request.
The status of the request, such as: pending, approved, rejected.
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Request Retirement Age Extensions

For the Employee:
User Story:
As an employee, I want to request an extension of my service after reaching retirement age by submitting the required details and documents through the system.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. The employee should have access to a feature to request an extension of their service after retirement age.
2. The employee must be able to view the latest medical report automatically fetched from the system and have the option to add a new medical report.
3. The employee must specify the desired extension period with a "From" and "To" date.
4. The employee must provide a reason for requesting the extension.
5. The employee can optionally attach a PDF file as supporting documentation.
6. The employee must acknowledge and agree to the company's terms and conditions for the request to be submitted.
For the Human Resources (HR) Staff:
User Story:
As an HR staff member, I need to review and process requests for retirement age extensions submitted by employees, ensuring all required information and documents are provided.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. The HR staff member should have access to view and process requests for retirement age extensions submitted by employees.
2. The HR staff member must see the latest medical report or the newly added report by the employee.
3. The HR staff member should verify the specified extension period and ensure it is within allowable limits.
4. The HR staff member must review the reason provided for the extension request.
5. The HR staff member must review any attached PDF files.
6. The HR staff member should ensure the employee has acknowledged the company's terms and conditions before processing the request.
Mandatory Specifications Table:
Table 32
Field Name
Medical Report
The latest medical report fetched automatically from the system with an option to add a new report.
Extension Period
The period for the extension specified with "From" and "To" dates.
A text field for the employee to provide a reason for the extension.
An optional field for the employee to attach a supporting document in PDF format.
Terms and Conditions
Display all company terms and conditions for the approval of this request. The employee must acknowledge them.
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Request Resignations

The Employee:
User Story:
As an employee, I want to submit my resignation from the company through the system, providing the necessary details and attachments.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. The employee should have access to a feature for submitting resignation through the system.
2. The employee should be able to enter the reason for resignation in a text field.
3. The employee should have the option to attach supporting documents in PDF format (optional).
4. The employee should receive a confirmation upon successful submission of the resignation request.
5. The employee should see the date of submission and the expected date of effect for the resignation
For the HR Representative:
User Story:
As an HR representative, I want to review and process employee resignation requests efficiently.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. The HR representative should have access to view all submitted resignation requests.
2. The HR representative should be able to review the reason for resignation and any attached documents.
3. The HR representative should have the option to approve or reject the resignation request.
4. The HR representative should be able to set the official end date of employment based on the company’s policies.
5. The HR representative should ensure the employee is notified of the decision regarding their resignation request.
Field Name Specifications:
Table 33
Field Name
Reason for Resignation
Employee must provide the reason for resignation in text.
Supporting Documents
Option to attach documents in PDF format.
Submission Date
Automatically recorded upon submission.
Expected End Date
Date when the resignation is expected to take effect.
There are no rows in this table

Request Promotions

For the Employee:
User Story:
As an employee, I want to request a promotion through the system, providing necessary details and justifications for the promotion.