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Monday - 10:30 CT - 11:30 CT

Meeting Date:

@Christa A. Stephens
@Trevor J. Glisch
@Daniel T. Anderson
@Michelle Helmholz
@Todd R. Chamberlain
Action Items 17
Due date
Created Date
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Announcements & Reminders
Profit Sharing Timing update - Friday after the 360 (instead of on the 360)
KnowBe4 Training due Aug 22nd
Priority Changes / Escalations
TechJays BR Contract - plan to retain or terminate developer resources?
Christa to schedule meeting with Arun to get his feedback this week
End contract — keep Suganya on the CCR Maint contract
Vee Technologies
BAM vs direct SnipeIT access
Charging them for access
Need to account for Delete assets from SnipeIT into BAM — Need to make sure it is prioritized (or de-prioritized appropriately
Discussion topics
TechJays CW Member IDs
Connectwise Member in 1Password under TechJays Vault
Cannot access Intranet/Tableau reports currently
Also will impact associating user to audit log activity in Admin tools
AI Usage update
Design hand-off process - especially if Developer is unknown
Temp solution, Trevor will assign someone to do the handoff
Record any handoff
Team Charters (share progress/discuss communication plan)
Christa to share Experience Team charter with the group
Objective Revisions (update system & update rest of the team on Aug 1st)
Capturing Enablement value in our FOC Contracts
Define what is what is in-scope & out-of-scope for our Portals/API/SNS
Decommission of Tableau
Tableau is commissioning our old model
Can we stop our maintenance renew and still function through the end of 2024
Vendor Service Purchase Orders with Bill Quality by Sept 29th
See all Vendor AGRs, SG&A Vendor AGRs, and Service picks on one page
Create Purchase Invoices form
Create + Manage Bill Qualities
Cutover to new CCR Team Member table EOY
Platform Strategy documentation EOY
Include Roadmap
Revise/update our Onboarding Video
3 months of New Dev/Maintenance Financials (Internal allocation)
Define data viz framework
Application Vision presentation at the Co-Creation Summit
2024 Objectives
Q1 - Implement Surveying strategy for End Users of our Internal Applications
Management Fee Update
Go over what has been communicated to BU Leaders
Impact to the team & discuss options for rollout plan
Figma Dev Mode
Veronica & Mike have already installed the the VS Code plug in
At what point do other developers need to install? How do we make it part of our onboarding?
Trevor will get this into the Standards meeting
1Password Updates
Project Executing Strategy
Project Owner
Status updates expectations
Dev Lead
Design Lead
Data Lead

Other Open Action Items List 15
Due date
ETS Bulk Added > Touchbase with Brandon on expected time frame
Front-end: Temp to perm(?)
Service Picks > Attach any Vendor after it has been submitted
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