Business Works is used by 5 of our 943 clients. They bring in a USB drive for us to “restore backup” to prepare reports for the quarter. Sometimes they don’t have the current UI rate in their system and therefore it’s wrong on the USB. Sometimes they don’t make the back up to end on the quarter and there might be next quarter partial data on it.
At year end, on the Client Instructions, mention the need to verify their state income tax deposits were made as there’s no way to tell from Business Works and we don’t have access to their TAP account.
If they get a UI-5 form in the mail, the State considers them a paper filer. If they don’t get the form, the state considers us to be filing for them and therefore paper filing is not allowed.
They need to fill out a 3rd Party Authorization form. We upload it to UI. MT UI will attach the client to our account (call them if they don’t), and we file online.
The username is: Manager, for PW just leave blank and hit enter.
Restore from backup that was saved on the P Drive. Choose:
7948 Schutter Brothers =SBR_xxxxxxxx Change name to current quarter: SBR3Q2024
Make sure to change to the new company as the restore process doesn’t bring up the new company. You need to select it under the File tab.
Reports: Run Employee Reports: Earnings - by Name. Accept the defaults. This gives QTD & YTD.
Caution: Sometimes they don’t make the back up to end on the quarter and there might be next quarter partial data on it.
Reports: Run Employee History by Employee Name QTD and YTD. “Specific Dates” only. Don’t trust “Year-to-date” option.
Reports: Run the Payroll Register by Employee Name - Custom Dates: for the quarter and the year to date.
Reports: Run the Tax Deposits Register YTD. Include EFTs. Choose Specific Dates from 1/1 through Today’s date, to capture all payments made.
Fill in the Payroll Control Sheet from the QTD Payroll Register.
Open the Employee History YTD. Find the FICA people Subject to FICA and list on spreadsheet. Match YTD gross wages to 940. The 940 form is found under “Taxes: Print 940”.
If not 4th quarter: Check the Employee History YTD and calculate the FUTA tax due YTD to see if it exceeds $500. If so, they need to pay the FUTA tax accumulated for the year this quarter, otherwise they can wait until the next quarter to test again. All FUTA tax must be paid by year end and 940 Form is filed at year end.
If not 4th quarter: If the 940 shows more than $500 in tax liability, specify on the Client Instructions that the client needs to make an EFTPS payment for that amount. If the YTD tax liability is less than $500, specify on the Client Instructions that no payment is due at this time. We prefer to pay the FUTA tax no matter the amount each quarter, but the Business Works clients do not want to do that. Check the Tax Deposit Register to see if 940 payments have been made and if so, specify on the Client Instructions, “verify that $xx in 940 deposits have been made”.
If 4th Quarter: The 940 Form needs to be filled in manually from Payroll Register YTD and Employee History YTD. PDF the 940. All FUTA tax must be paid by year end and 940 Form is filed at year end.
If 4th quarter: If a payment needs to be made, show the balance due as zero on the 940 and specify on the Client Instructions that the client needs to make an EFTPS payment for that amount. Re-PDF the 940 form to show zero balance due. Check the Tax Deposit Register to see if 940 payments have been made and if so, specify on the Client Instructions, “verify that $xx in 940 deposits have been made”.
943: Paid quarterly but form filed annually. It’s under the “Taxes” button/Enhanced Tax Reporting and E-Filing.
Fill in from the Tax Deposit Register and compare to Payroll Register YTD total. Note: To clear red boxes near signature, add a space.
PDF the 943.
Verify client has the correct UI rate and limit in Taxes / Maintain Tax Tables / Allowances, Limits, and Rates. Correct rates and limits if needed.
Open & PDF the UI-5, found in “Taxes / Print State Tax Reports”.
Use the Employee History Report and the UI-5 from Business Works to file the UI-5 on the Amatics MT SUI site.
PDF the Filing Confirmation.
PDF the UI-5 online form.
PDF the UI-5 Payment Voucher for the client to mail with check.
Print W2 Forms: Review items. Select “other options”. Print W2s, Print Fed, Print State, PDF all forms and print hard copies later all at once.
If a payment for Montana State tax withholding needs to be made, print MW-1 voucher. Update Client Instructions.
If there are 10 or more W2s, select the Aatrix E-file service. The link will send you to:
Under the Companies tab are Schutter Seed Farms and Kamps Seed Farm. Select the appropriate one or add another client if they are over 10 W2s. When filing, you’ll need to pay with your own credit card. Print the receipt and submit to Paul for re-imbursement.
You can e-file both Federal and State W2s here. PDF the emailed confirmation.
Fill in and PDF the Payroll Control Sheet
Fill in and PDF the Client Instructions
Print for the client to pick up: Client Instructions, UI-5 Payment Voucher, UI-5 Online form (stamp COPY)
If 4th quarter, also print 943, 940, W3, W2-Copy-D, MW-3.
Email client to pick up packet.
Combine: Client Instructions, UI-5, and UI-5 payment voucher.
If 4th quarter, also combine 943, 940, W3, W2-Copy-D, MW-3.
Save on Caseware as: “202X-XX-XX QX Quarterly Reports - Deliverables”
Combine all files and save on Caseware as: “202X-XX-XX QX Quarterly Reports”
Delete all in 01 Current. Mark the project complete. Enter time on the Time Capture
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