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schedule 3rd dose of covid vaccine
take 4th dose of covid vaccine
make plan to lose weight
Track pee ()
before emigrating
register on carnet santé
Schedule dentist appointment (probably); notably because my teeth are darken
Consider replacing coffee with caffeine pills for the health of my teeth
Research brushing tongue
Consider wearing thing for teeth during night
dentist mentioned everyone should wear this
acid (lemon, savored water) not good for teeth
Check my diabetic level
Consider getting a continuous glucose monitor
one third of people don't know they have diabetic (type 2) (?)
Consider asking fam dr for sleep study (because of urination)
Carissa: actually, not urination that wakes you up, it’s waking up that makes you think you need to go pee
Mati: blatter, drinking; evidence urination: need pee when wake up; pee often during day
Carissa: diabetes insipidus; salt-water problem; Carissa has it
Carissa: hormone prevent filling bladder during night
produced when in a deep enough sleep
Google diabetes insipidus
things i could track: sound, light, temperature
i seem to sleep better at dad’s place — maybe because less noise?
Take appointment for breathing (i think am waiting for availability; they should email me; check when that is)
Document new family health (notably in SD doc)
Check to see dermatologist
Check for sleep study
DIY sleep study
track water intake and when i go to washroom (notably when i go during the night
track noise during night
track when i go to sleep and when i wake up
check health of flavored water; both carbohydrated and not
maybe i have Overactive bladder?
should i eat meat because of collagen? () (shared by AKC)
excessive caffeine “could cause excessive urine production”

maybe research whether i should do a study like:
detrusor; Urodynamic Studies (FUDS)

Check Carissa’s fbm about continuous blood glucose monitor
And yeah, if you're tired a lot, it might be worth doing one yourself. I would (and did) look up diagnostic criteria / signs & symptoms for obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea (and various other related things) before going to a doctor. I've gotten screwed over on several different occasions by not doing my research beforehand and therefore not knowing exactly the right things I need to mention to a doctor for them to take my problems seriously. I've started thinking of the medical system more like the judiciary system --- "I have nothing to worry about because I trust the system to recognize my innocence/diagnosis!" is a bad strategy to take.


check air purifier recommended by Oli
look into shingles vaccine
search krill oil

Plan to lose weight


reach 180-190 lbs (assuming same muscle composition) (then consider 170-180)
500g per week would be nice
each day consider only eating between 20:00 and 22:00
take a picture of all the food i eat
maybe alway have my daily max weight be 100g less than the day before (and ideally same for daily min weight)
to lose 1 pound per week, it seems like i need to eat 80% as much
to maintain 190 lbs, i would need to eat 90% as much
to maintain 180 lbs, 86% as much
to maintain 170 lbs, 81% as much
to maintain 160 lbs, 76% as much
6”2 180lbs

a common advice i hear is to not put too much in your plate, because you might have the reflex to finish it even if you’re not hungry anymore; better to just go serve yourself again
but i like doing the opposite — decide a max amount of food that seems reasonable to eat, and limiting myself to this so my brain doesn’t think it can always have “just a bit more”
it also allows to make sure you have the diversity you want
i’ve think i’ve been finding it easier to eat veggies; maybe because diversity, maybe because hummus, maybe because am picking them in advance, maybe because

motivational statement:

(plausible reason) we evolved to be slightly overweight because even if it increases aging, it decreases risk of early death by famine
taller people live much less long; might be because correlated with weight

The study, published in the Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, showed that life expectancy for obese men and women was 4.2 and 3.5 years shorter respectively than people in the entire healthy BMI weight range.

The Oxford University research found that moderate obesity, which is now common, reduces life expectancy by about 3 years, and that severe obesity, which is still uncommon, can shorten a person's life by 10 years. This 10 year loss is equal to the effects of lifelong smoking.

not sure if that's evidence in any direction, but seems relevant:
> taller people have been increasing their BMI during the past 40 y at a faster rate than shorter people.
> This study documents that the obesity epidemic has changed the height-BMI relation. The data cannot identify causal pathways, and there are numerous explanations. A plausible hypothesis is that changes in the food environment may have eliminated constraints on weight gain for taller people that existed in a more calorie-constrained environment.
For height, Visscher and colleagues estimate a heritability of 79%, and for BMI, 40%.
so for BMI, environment is important; something can be done about it!


intermittent fasting
reduce calories from drinks
maybe eat more slowly
maybe eat more vegetables
maybe eat less fruits
maybe buy less deserts
mayyybe less cereals? (because they all have sugar it seems?)
maybe more soups?

intermittent fasting

to keep in mind:
If this happens to you and you don’t replace the fluids and electrolytes you lost through urine, you could become dehydrated.
get all nutrients

Alternate day fasting was within reach for obese volunteers, too. All groups had difficulty with irritability and hunger pangs during the first few tries, but those feelings dissipated within 1.5 weeks, she said.
In fact, a 2014 review found that intermittent fasting could help people lose an impressive 3–8% of their body weight in 3–24 weeks (9Trusted Source).

In the same study, participants lost 4–7% of their waist circumference, meaning that they lost a lot of harmful .
Intermittent fasting causes a much smaller reduction in muscle mass when compared to weight loss with conventional calorie restriction (
, 16Trusted Source).
There are a to try intermittent fasting. Some people follow the , which involves fasting for 2 days per week. Others practice or the 16/8 method.
concern of permanent hunger increase
Seventh-day Adventists seem able to maintain 2 meals/day all their life
Our results from both the systematic review and the meta-analysis suggest that ADF is an efficacious dietary method, and may be superior to VLCD for some patients because of ease of compliance, greater fat-mass loss and relative preservation of fat-free mass.

31 of the 40 publications involved 'intermittent fasting' of 1-7-day periods of severe energy restriction
so maybe mostly about 600 calories days in a week, not about smaller eating window in a given day
intermittent (INT) ER completed as 8 × 2-week blocks of ER alternating with 7 × 2-week blocks of energy balance (30 weeks total).

Another cross-over study compared the effect of consuming one afternoon meal per day for 8 weeks and reported 4.1% weight loss in comparison to an isocaloric diet consumed as three meals per day.

One meal per day was also associated with reductions in fasting glucose, and improvements in LDL- and HDL-cholesterol. While self-reported hunger was higher in the morning for those consuming 1 meal per day, this fasting regimen was considered acceptable because there were no mean changes in tension, depression, anger, vigor, fatigue, or confusion.

Based on only 3 studies, alternate day fasting appears to results in weight loss as well as reductions in glucose and insulin concentrations. However, this pattern may not be practical because of intense hunger on fasting days.
when to do eating window
Numerous observational studies have reported that nighttime eating is associated with reduced sleep duration and poor sleep quality,61,62 which can lead to insulin resistance and increased risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.63–68 Specifically, eating meals at abnormal circadian times (i.e., late at night) is hypothesized to lead to circadian desynchronization69 and subsequent disruption of normal sleep patterns. To our knowledge no studies have directly examined associations between intermittent fasting and sleep in free-living adults.
so maybe afternoon
fatigue: likely not effect, but maybe some negative (and mayybe some positive)
eating takes a lot of time, especially when doing multiple meals (more dishes; more overhead of starting a tv show / heating food / etc.)
mayyybe to get more nutrients; but if we have nutrient-rich food, then not necessary

food for fasting days
Soups are a great option on fast days. Studies have shown that they may make you feel more full than the same ingredients in original form, or foods with the same calorie content (18Trusted Source, 19Trusted Source).
relation with height
taller people seem more likely to be obese

Notes about growth hormones

Fasting can cause a rise in blood levels of , an important hormone for promoting fat loss (20Trusted Source, 21Trusted Source).
Some studies have shown that in men, levels of human growth hormone may increase by as much as fivefold while fasting (22Trusted Source, 23Trusted Source).
Increases in blood levels of human growth hormone not only promote fat burning, but they also preserve muscle mass and have other benefits (24Trusted Source).
However, women don’t always experience the same benefits from fasting as men do, and it’s not currently clear if women will see the same rise in human growth hormone.
(i think i remember a Rationalist saying the last point was false; unsure)
maybe human growth hormone is only produced when fat needs to be burn, and in the ancestral environment, you wouldnt want to burn fat

Notes on sleep

However, in humans there is a large and robust literature indicating that shift work disrupts circadian rhythms and is associated with increased risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer (particularly breast cancer).40–44
In addition, research in shift and night workers has demonstrated alterations in appetite-regulating hormones (leptin, ghrelin, xenin) that may lead to increases in total energy intake.58–60

Notes for children

should children’s muscle and fat composition be altered to influence height at adulthood?
What leads to obesity (less muscle, more fat) might be very difficult to reverse at adulthood, prevention at childhood is thus recommended.
Early recognition of the ailment (low muscle mass) is crucial. Based on studies demonstrating a 'rivalry' between muscle build-up and height growth at childhood, it is postulated that among the both taller and more obese children the percentage of children with lower muscle mass will be higher.
Being a short man or an overweight woman is associated with lower chances in life in areas such as education, occupation, and income, concludes a new study.
caused by genes and/or environment?
For height, Visscher and colleagues estimate a heritability of 79%, and for BMI, 40%.
Early of adult individuals have found a heritability of IQ between 57% and 73%,[6] with the some recent studies showing heritability for IQ as high as 80%.[7]

Notes on intelligence

One proposed explanation is that people with different genes tend to seek out different environments that reinforce the effects of those genes.

A 1994 article in Behavior Genetics based on a study of Swedish monozygotic and dizygotic twins found the heritability of the sample to be as high as 0.80 in general cognitive ability; however, it also varies by trait, with 0.60 for verbal tests, 0.50 for spatial and speed-of-processing tests, and 0.40 for memory tests. In contrast, studies of other populations estimate an average heritability of 0.50 for general cognitive ability.
research importance of womb environment

Notes on obesity

lithium miiigt be a contributing factor:
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