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Link to new lifelogging guide

declaration registraire des entreprises; voir to do folder in pantask
Il y a des formulaires à compléter
Tu pourras les retrouver sur le site du Registraire des entreprises ou tu peux les appeler pour connaitre le fonctionnement
download MediaFire
Consider giving a talk on EA for university
Consider sharing investment mailing list to lesswrong (with a few examples of previous opportunities)
Consider sending fb friend request to people on my investment list
consider merging people tracking on same airtable
Ask Divia if ze wants to chat
John: maybe suggest to meet along with Frazer and Marlis
Maybe organize game, or circle with Rain
1 invoice
think about vision
consider only referring VAs now instead of keeping them as part of my team(?); less overhead, but also doesnt achieve goal of Pantask Instant; maybe better to just shut down company, yeah
Pantask / Ell — add 2022 invoices
send invoice to Elaboration
Social Media
Change address
ICE program
remove my pics from gmail address i created for papi
export (sept. 27, convo from before last 25 will be auto-archived)
check to buy battery pack
Quantified self
note 2 butterflies (from day in bus)
edit Just a Baby profile to say I'm looking for surrogates
Resume: keep track of how much grants i helped get (MATS, CCR, Stasis Foundation)
sue Jacob Jones
; maybe cancel Meetup
transfer bank account
Risks of licking someone's body
Effective altruism
sperm donation repertoire for ea community

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