Social media posts

Group convos

maybe include the image for each threads we have
say to Carissa: account of dead person :s
@Carissa and I have been working multiple threads on FBM to organize all our conversations, with the format: <emoji of the category> <Title of the group> (<name of the category>)
Our categories are:
- meta:
(gc: Time Sensitive, Communication, Meeting Agenda) - general:
(gc: Relationship, Under the Covers, The Loop, With Children, en français, Everything (Else)) -
(gc: Productivity, Finances, Food) - logistics:
(gc: Home, Georgia, Mexico, Quebec, The Great Unknowns, Bay Area, Puerto Rico) - family:
(gc: Prospects, Parenting, Thane, Pregnancy, Tribe) - project:
(gc: Social Media EMPIRE, Lifelogging & Lifestreaming & Quantified Selves, Atypical Family Podcast) - assistants:
(gc: Overseeing Assistants, All Assistants, Mariana, Rubí)
And our convos have beautiful images generated with Midjourney, either from a query made by Carissa or otherwise found by Carissa.
And that had been working great! The emoji makes it easy to find at a glance and the tag makes it easy to search in find the thread in FBM (and not forget about a thread we have).
We can make progress on several threads without getting loss in messages, and with making it easy to search for messages about a specific topic, all while using FBM.
However, we’ve also been finding it distracting at times, and what sometimes is meant as a short text conversation unintentionally turns out into a much longer discussion.
So we’re now experimenting with only using the time sensitive thread, and avoiding all other discussions unless we’re in a container explicitly for that. So far I’ve been liking it a lot — I don’t know if it’s just the pendulum swinging back too far in the other direction or if we’ll stabilize around this new system.

to write in sentences:
potential loss of value:
being observed by Alton
being observed by our future children
maybe can be replaced by shared notes we take during meetings? or sharing our meetings?
new system
how we came up with the idea
how to create solo threads
sorry @Amelie for all the gc 😅 (and fake account)
why create solo threads
use cases i have

posts Carissa made about this:

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