NPSP Settings

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Release Notes

Automatic Naming

Account Name Settings were set to: "{!{!FirstName}} {!LastName} Household"
FSHA opted to add first name(s) to the standardized household account naming convention. This helps users identify the correct account when with households that might share the same last name.

Opportunity Name Settings were set to: “{!Account.Name} {!Amount} {!RecordType.Name} {!CloseDate}”
This standardizes the naming convention and gives an at-a-glance overview of the opportunity.

Address Settings

Organizational Account Addresses enabled.
This adjustment allows FSHA to list multiple addresses for (non-household) organizations.

Relationship Settings

Four new Custom Relationships were created: Hearing Provider, Vision Provider, Hearing Patient, and Vision Patient.
Each patient-provider forms a reciprocal relationship used to track program delivery.
Automatic Affiliation Management enabled.
Salesforce creates or updates Affiliations for Contacts connected to Organization Accounts whenever the Contact’s Account field or Primary Affiliation field changes.
Automatic Relationships created for Hearing Provider-Hearing Patient and Vision Provider-Vision Patient.
When the Hearing Provider or Vision Provider field is filled out on a patient’s contact record, a reciprocal relationship will automatically be created on the corresponding provider’s record.

Customizable Rollups

Custom Fields:
Filter Groups Created:
Customizable Rollups:

Custom Field Mappings

Custom Fields Needed for Gift Entry:
Opportunity Fields
Contact Fields
Account Fields

Enhanced Recurring Donations

Enhanced Recurring Donations were enabled for the org. This update moves away from a more antiquated model. The upshot is focused on making field labels and scheduling more intuitive, ensuring predictable behaviors when updating records, and simplifying updates to donation amounts and schedules.

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