
2022-06-30 A Healing Journey

I have been trying to deal with an infection in my feet for many years, but it has only gotten worse. I first met with Dr. Kieran on May 25. I met with Dr. Kieran on June 9 to review my bloodwork and his recommendations for setting a different course for the good of my nutrition and health. He recommended a paleo diet and some nutritional supplements.
I had called Biotics Research to place an order, but the phone went dead in the middle of the call and then I sat on hold for close to an hour without any answer. I received a message later to apologize that they had lost their network connection that day. I didn’t get around to trying again until yesterday.
That day, I was able to call to create an account with Biotics Research. I signed up with Sumas Letterlock to receive the package. I did not get back to Biotics Research before closing time at 5pm Eastern Time, so I determined to try again the next day to actually order product over the phone. They had suggested that would be best to confirm that my Canadian credit card would actually be accepted as a payment method.
In the meantime, I have been trying to figure out how to integrate a paleo diet. It’s a process.
Today, I finally ordered the product from Mother Earth Labs yesterday. I just finished ordering the products from Biotics Research now. They should arrive by the end of next week.

Climbing Up That Hill

I got an electric bicycle last year. Today, I felt like rewarding myself with a ride to the Fraser River. The river had flooded this park under the Abbotsford-Mission Bridge.
I rode up Sumas Mountain to go back home and decided to climb to the top of the mountain. I had never seen this view before. It was the perfect day to see the Fraser Valley from this perspective and meditate on meaning and purpose in the shade of the trees while witnessing Mother Earth from this height, wondering how different it might have looked 200 years ago.
The red circle indicates roughly where on the I was to be able to view the Fraser Valley from the peak of Sumas Mountain.
I had pushed myself physically to get to this point, even with an electric bike. I almost missed it, because I wasn’t sure the battery was going to last riding up this hill. I could feel my muscles starting to seize up. I got to the first look out, which was amazing. Then, I saw a trail going a little further. Considering the existence of a trail—the many feet that had followed this way before—I thought there is clearly something worth seeing at the end of this path. I was surprised by the view and an overwhelming sense of wonder. On the Google Map, you might notice a dotted green line that ends on the right after the service road ends. That’s where I took the photo. I thought back to that moment at the end of a new moon ritual over Zoom with Kath, Veronica, and Stefanie, where Veronica encouraged us to give ourselves a hug. So, I gave myself a hug while taking in this view. It was a feeling of being embraced by Mother Earth.

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