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DAY 12

Exercise Day 12 EN

Title: "Mastering the Art of the Pitch"

To understand the components of an effective pitch, including storytelling and persuasive arguments. Students will apply these principles by preparing and delivering their own pitch for a hypothetical product or service.
Duration: 3 hours
Materials Needed:
Whiteboards/flipcharts and markers
Projector for presentations (optional)
Introduction (30 minutes)
Start with a presentation discussing the importance of a compelling pitch, the elements of an effective presentation strategy, and the role of storytelling in persuasion. Share examples of successful pitches from entrepreneurs.
Part 1: Preparation (60 minutes)
Split the students into groups of 4-5 members. Each group should brainstorm and decide on a product or service they would like to pitch. The product/service could be related to their earlier brainstorming exercises from previous days or something entirely new.
Each group should then prepare a pitch for their product or service. The pitch should include a description of the product/service, the problem it solves, why it's unique, and how it would generate revenue. It should also incorporate storytelling elements and persuasive arguments.
Part 2: Presentation (60 minutes)
Each group will present their pitch. They should aim to make their presentation as engaging and persuasive as possible. The pitch should be no longer than 10 minutes, to mimic real-world pitching conditions.
Part 3: Feedback and Discussion (30 minutes)
After each group's presentation, allow time for feedback and questions from the other groups and the teacher. Discuss what worked well in the pitch and what could be improved.
Students will understand the key elements of an effective pitch.
Students will practice their presentation and persuasion skills.
Students will get experience in receiving and giving constructive feedback.
Students will learn how to craft a compelling story around a product or service.
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