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Esercitazione EN

Exercise Title: "Mastering Growth Hacking: From Conceptualization to Strategy Design"

To understand the basic principles of growth hacking, the use of digital marketing tools, and the creation of an effective marketing strategy in the context of lean startups. The exercise is designed to help students devise a hypothetical growth hacking strategy using digital marketing tools.
Duration: 2 hours
Materials Needed:
Whiteboards/flipcharts and markers
Sticky notes
Internet-connected devices (laptops, tablets)
Introduction (20 minutes)
Initiate a short presentation on the fundamentals of growth hacking, the importance and types of digital marketing tools, and key elements in creating an effective marketing strategy. Highlight real-world examples of successful marketing strategies.
Part 1: Brainstorming (30 minutes)
Divide the students into teams of 4-5 members. Each team must brainstorm and develop a unique product or service idea. The idea doesn't need to be fully feasible - the primary goal is to understand and apply the concepts of growth hacking and marketing strategy.
Part 2: Growth Hacking Strategy (30 minutes)
Each team should now brainstorm and devise a hypothetical growth hacking strategy for their product or service. This should include defining a target audience, creating a unique value proposition, and planning potential growth hacking techniques they could use.
Part 3: Selecting Digital Marketing Tools (30 minutes)
Teams should then research and select the digital marketing tools they believe would be most effective in implementing their growth hacking strategy. They should explain why they chose these tools and how they would use them.
Part 4: Presentation and Feedback (40 minutes)
Each team should present their product or service idea, growth hacking strategy, and chosen digital marketing tools to the class. Other teams and the instructor should provide feedback and ask questions for each presentation.
Students will understand the principles of growth hacking and how to create a marketing strategy.
Students will gain practical experience in selecting and implementing digital marketing tools.
Students will improve their presentation skills and learn how to provide and receive constructive feedback.
Students will understand how to design and adapt marketing strategies based on hypothetical situations and feedback.
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