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Human Relationship Management (HRM): track your relationships to build for the long term
Setup & Add-ons

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If you have an existing list of People in a spreadsheet or personal CRM, copy/paste them into the table, or start from scratch.
You can also add your .


All people are tracked in the table.
People have associated and
that you can add.
If you want to add a new person, go to to add them.
If you want to find someone by name, go to and search.
If you want to see a list of people with tag(s), go to .


From the doc, you can write follow-up emails and schedule drafts.
If you’d like to automatically create follow-ups via the Gmail Pack, enter your email:
See upcoming follow-up emails →
My 4 golden steps to mastering the art of follow-up
Immediately after you finish the interaction (call, email, etc.), head to and follow these 4 steps:
Decide if you need a follow-up email. If yes, continue to Step 2. If no, click Skip email.
Write a follow-up email within 15 mins after the interaction.
Choose a date in the future to send the email.
Click Create draft , or let the automation click it for you on your selected date. You can adjust the automation in ⚙️ Settings.
HRM follow up steps (1).png


You can add and birthday reminders if you want to keep track of those.
You can sync with and match People to your table and add new Google Contacts.
You can add by extending the table and tracking potential deals.

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