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BRA 02

What We Need to Know

→ What You Do

→ Services/Benefits
→ Product Architecture

→ How You Do It

→ Key Messages
→ Elevator Pitch

→ Why You Do What You Do

→ Brand Positioning/Aphorism

→ Who You Are

→ Brand Personality
→ TOV Principles

Elevator Pitch

The internet is broken. The relationship between brands and consumers, a mess.
The reason?
Nobody had a business model for the internet. So while we weren't watching, advertising sort of stepped in. Which worked for a while; advertisers, publishers and users existed in some sort of harmony.
But since nobody was watching, nobody was holding anyone accountable. Middlemen stepped in. Complicated algorithms took over. 3rd party data tracking, complex cross-device user tracking, and other opaque practices have turned the world wide web into the wild wild west.
People don’t trust what they see brands don’t know who they’re talking to. Misinformation and malvatising rules. Communication stopped being peer-to-peer, or even brand-to-consumer. It's now happening bot-to-bot.
The net effect isn't just a lack of privacy. It's not just treating end-consumers as products. It also means expensive products and services as the cost of wasted ad spend trickles down to consumers.
It's a problem that's not going away easily. The internet will is only going to change if we all do something to change it.

→ What You Do

→ Services/Benefits

View of Key Messages
Product or Service (What)
Benefits (Why)
Plug + Play Digital Campaign builder
Get high ROI on your marketing spend
Do fast sampling/sales/giveaway offers
Instant compliance
Customer segmentation allows you to better understand who's engaging with your brand
Higher customer engagement
We're setting the Gold Standard for data value and best practice.
Quality Conversations = Better Conversions
When advertisers and consumers are better connected, everybody wins.
Own your data
Your data has value. You should be capitalising on it.
Choose what to watch
Control what ads you see, have a better internet.
Earn while you watch.
Get paid for something you're already doing. Money for nothing, clicks for free.
Be rewarded for your loyalty
Create longer-lasting relationships with brands you care about. Win/win.
Have a say/be part of the conversation
Change the way you internet, change the internet.
Control which brands see you
Don't get spied on by capitalist creepos.
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→ Product Architecture

→ How You Do It

→ Key Messages
→ Elevator Pitch

→ Why You Do What You Do

→ Brand Positioning/Aphorism

→ Who You Are

→ Brand Personality
→ TOV Principles

Elevator Pitch

Privacy and data are at the forefront of tech right now. Big data has made everyone's lives a lot easier (ish), but if knowledge is power, it's left all the power in the hands of a few. By making Users conscious of their data — what it's worth, who's tracking it, and what is done with it — NewCo believes it can co-create a product that can help change the way the internet works.
In essence, NewCo wants to develop a data market that sets the gold standard for the attention economy.
By bringing the learnings and tech from both Ivy and Peazie together, and bringing the User into the conversation, NewCo wants to take the 1:1 relationship that's worked so well for Peazie as a foundation for further growth.

Target Audience

Who do you think you're talking to?

While we understand that you want to work with a diverse audience of minorities, we're aware of a couple of things:
We're likely not launching in the US. And we don't have a huge Hispanic community in Aus.
While demographics are still relevant, they're ever-less so, especially with the Gen Z set. Gender's not even really a thing anymore. Age is a number. It's more about what you want, and what you're looking for, than the stats in your bio.
We want to be cautious of pandering our brand, messaging or TOV to any one culture or race. We don't wanna come off all...
We need to be looking past just the end consumer, especially as we consider Peazie in the mix. We need to bring brands into the conversation.
We think that our "Advocates" audience can incorporate the more legislative set too: people who aren't necessarily going to benefit directly, but are more interested in changing the way things are.
View of Audience
Gender (is a construct)
What are they looking for?
Metamodern Consumer
Lifestyle offset
To earn money where they can
To be responsible with their finances and decisions
To feel part of the conversation (and the way the world works)
Fairness/To not be taken advantage of
Personalisation and recognition of their own personal tastes or story
Brands + Businesses
Marketing/budget offset
Return on Marketing Spend
Warmer leads
Higher conversion metrics
Acquisition and retention of new customers
Change and disruption to the way the world works
To be seen as thought leaders/influential thinkers
To offset guilt or ennui
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Key Messages

What our our main talking points?

Peazie and Lettuce are essentially two sides of the same coin. We need to consider where there's crossover, and where we're talking to an entirely different audience.

Elevator pitch

By tracking User behaviour and assigning a value to User's attention, NewCo can help Users turn their data + digital activities into rewards and currency. By creating a platform for brands and consumers to interact (Peazie) a currency and payments system for users and brands to trade in (IvyKoin + Rewards), NewCo wants to be a model for a new internet economy, and a vision of a future where data is transacted, privacy is privileged, and brands and consumers can have open, honest, and human conversations.
It's about facilitating conscious consumption. Creating conversational capitalism. Changing the status quid pro quo.

Tweet the purpose

Get to the why in 144 characters or less.

"Change the way we internet to give consumers a voice in the attention economy. "

Next Steps:

We're going to re-write your Elevator Pitch and Purpose into something sexier and slicker.
We're going to turn your key messages into a super-clear What/Why/How matrix.
This will become soundbyte-size chunks to be used across all comms.
We'll assign messaging to each brand. If there's overlap of messaging across both, we'll show how we spin the message slightly differently for each.
We'll establish a clear messaging hierarchy so we know what the most important talking points are (what to lead with, what to follow up with).
We'll apply tone of voice.


How do you do (you)? What personality are we looking to give this message of ours?

We've cut this down based on which traits were most popular, and which traits we believe will give us the most cut-through while still staying authentic to who we really are.
Your Traits 2
The internet's a confusing place. Finance is complicated and opaque by design. So if we're going to include people in the conversation, we need to break things down and talk like humans. That doesn't mean that can't deal in complexity: we just need to make sure we're aware of time and place for both.
We imagine a world (and an internet) very different to the one we currently live in. We're always optimistic, always looking for how we can help small changes lead to massive change.
We're courageous. We are going where people don’t dare, so let’s go balls to the wall. We want to pave the way, and inspire our community to be brave too. Not in like, a Katy Perry way tho.
We are a modern bank (of sorts), so being authentic is super important. We're secure (as can be). Compliance is big to us, and a huge helping hand to our partners. We need to make sure this is never in question.
We are in finance and data but we aren’t curing cancer. We need to have personality: rather than wanting to "be" fun, we want to have fun.
We're super supportive. We give a shit about our community. This is about giving back, not just taking. Win/win/win.
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Next Steps:

We'll work these words and ideas into something a lot more succinct and personalised.
They'll probably rhyme or alliterate, because that's how you do #brandstrategy.

The courage to be disliked:

View of Your Archetype 2
Stability, closeness, reliability and honesty.
Innovation, difference, revolution and conviction.
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